Tang Qing's words made Zhang Dao suddenly raise his head. He looked at her as if he couldn't believe it.

"I don't know what to call this lady. Are you sure you want to invest in our production team?"

"I'm sure." "I think we should find a place to talk about the contract."

Eight million yuan is nothing in the film and television circle, but it can solve the urgent need of the drama group. After seeing this check, director Zhang was very happy. He immediately grabbed an assistant, ordered her to print out the contract immediately, and then warmly received Tang Qing.

"Zhang Dao doesn't have to be so polite. I want to make two requests when I invest in this play. I don't know if Zhang Dao can agree." After that, he saw that Zhang Dao's face was dim.

Zhang Dao is a new director, but he has his own principles. Previously, investors wanted to plug in a person, but he was rejected by him. In a rage, he withdrew his investment. Although it would be difficult for him to continue to withdraw his investment, he would not give up his own principles.

Tang Qing naturally understood his conduct at the systematic prompt, so he added: "Zhang Dao, you can rest assured that I just recommend two people. If you don't agree, it doesn't matter. The investment is still the same."

This time, it's just that Zhang's eyes have some luster, "this is OK, I don't know which two."

Seeing his promise, Tang Qing calls Gu Yimo to come over. She is very relieved about Gu Yimo's acting. After all, she is the future movie queen.

"Director Zhang, when the audition comes, I don't want to disclose my identity as an investor."

Director Zhang is in a very corner. Because of the withdrawal of the production group, the staff in the production group are very lazy, and they are too lazy to pay much attention to the director. Therefore, the deputy director and the director assistant know that someone is coming to invest, so it is not difficult for Tang Qing, as an investor, to keep his identity secret.

Zhang Dao has no opinion on the confidential investor, but when he only saw Gu Yimo coming, he was puzzled and said, "Miss Gu, don't you mean two people? Why did one come? "

Tang Qing smiled and said innocently to Zhang Dao, "Zhang Dao, am I not a human being?"

Smell speech, Zhang Daowei Leng for a moment, but quickly responded, "you also audition?"

"No?" Tang Qing asked.

"Naturally, it's OK. I just don't know which role you're trying to play?"

In the face of Zhang's doubts, Tang Qing did not immediately open his mouth, but said with a shred of cunning: "after the audition, you don't know who I tried? Of course, if you can't guess who I'm auditioning for, it's that I'm not good at acting. You don't have to say the rest, I'll quit and become an investor quietly. "

Zhang Dao has a good feeling for such a self-conscious investor, "OK, that's it."

Gu Yimo came quickly. At first, she thought Tang Qing was teasing her. But when she came to the cast, she really believed that she had found an audition for herself, and she was still the hostess!

The heroine of "the devil cult leader is very down in the city" is similar to Gu Yimo in temperament, and has some virgin heart, so Gu Yimo can play it well.

Zhang also thought about how to say no if he failed the audition, but he was conquered by Gu Yimo's acting skills.

It's so much better than the previous female artists!

So, on the spot, he made Gu Yimo the hostess. Later, he looked at Tang Qing, "Miss Gu, it's your turn."


The leader of the demon cult dressed as a man and a woman. This should have been a male role. But who is Tang Qing? In his last life, even Lord Taifu could cheat him. Now he can't play this role?

Tang Qing is very beautiful, which is similar to the devil sect leader. After all, the leader is also a pretty pretty girl.

"I am willing to lose this game. Just Qi Yan, I curse you... " Tang Qing's face was expressionless and her voice was like ice dregs. However, when the last sentence came out, her eyes suddenly changed, with a trace of regret, love and infinite reluctance. "Curse you for sitting in the world and enjoying boundless happiness." The last sentence is very light. I can hardly hear it, but Zhang Dao understands it from her mouth.

The leader of demon cult loves Qi Yan, that is, the crown princess. The final death is because of the Bureau set by the crown princess. He knows this, but he is willing to die because he wants her to be happy. The only condition for her to be happy is to die and let the crown prince ascend the throne.

He completed her, because he knew Qi Yan's heart was soft, so he didn't even say his voice in the last sentence.

So Qi Yan didn't know how much he loved him until he died, let alone how many things he did for himself and how many troubles he solved.

This scene performed by Tang Qing is the scene of the death of the cult leader, which tests his acting skills.

Director Zhang stared at the moment, as if he saw the moment when the religious leader died. He was in the situation until Tang Qing spoke again, and he didn't react.

"Director Zhang, I have finished my performance. I don't know Is that ok? "

Zhang Dao's eyes were slightly dazed. After she opened her mouth, she was immediately excited and delighted, "OK, OK, OK! A blessing in disguise! What a blessing in disguise! "

He was not very satisfied with the original No. 2 actor, but he had been looking for a No. 2 actor for nearly a year, and finally just reluctantly accepted the current No. 2 actor. Who knows, when the investor withdrew his capital, he thought that the crew would not last, but God gave him a surprise and brought the Godhead he wanted!

Satisfied with the role, with the funds, director Zhang was full of energy.

Lu Ze has always been concerned about Tang Qing's every move. After learning that she won the lottery, he couldn't say anything for a while, and his face was more indescribable. However, he soon raised his mouth and smiled. She really surprised him.

Assistant Lin looks at the boss. Miss Gu's every move has been reported, but he is also very good at this meeting I don't know how to describe it. I can only say that Miss Gu is really a strange person.

"You go out first." Lu Ze said, suddenly stood up, even the papers on the table are lazy to clean up, said directly: "overtime cancellation, the meeting will be canceled." Somehow, he wants to see her now.

Assistant Lin looked at the disappearing boss, and then looked at his watch that didn't point to five o'clock on his wrist. The corners of his mouth twitched a little. At present, even the boss can't escape the beauty.

When Lu Ze came to the crew, he saw Tang Qing in a red costume. Somehow, he had never seen her look like she was wearing an ancient costume, but somehow he felt familiar. Even his heart, which had always been calm, sprang up at random somehow. Then, an unspeakable pain suddenly swept his whole body, and he almost stopped breathing.