Bai Ze is exquisite in touch, elegant in manner, and Tang Qing is always nice to him. All kinds of beautiful clothes are piled on him. He looks like an elegant and noble young man. No one in the servants can look down on him. When they see him, they are all called little young men.

But in the daytime, he is still the elegant and noble son praised by everyone. At night, he gets angry with Tang Qing because he refuses to live in the room that has been prepared for him.

Although Tang Qing doted on him, he also knew that the issue of principle could not be conceded. Previously, it was because of his soft heart that the scene of this morning came into being.

"Bai Jiu, you should grow up."

Where is Baize willing to listen? Since he was captured by human beings, she is the only one in his world, but now she will abandon herself.

It's Bai Ze who has become a human figure several times. He is still familiar with the cute selling skill. He looks helpless and pitiful. He can't bear it. Seeing that she is about to surrender, he hears that the system suddenly opens up.

"Qing Qing, think about how he will treat you in the cave, lock the heart array, never recover, even the soul can not be redeemed, do you still indulge?"

This basin of cold water poured down, Tang Qing instantly woke up.

Baizeke, the beast of God, has never been a weak man. Even now, under the seemingly weak touch, there are endless powers. But she, no matter now or later, can't follow him forever. Thinking of this, her heart suddenly became fierce.

In the cold winter and the heavy snow, it was the day when the people who knew were shivering, so Bai Ze was locked outside the door for a whole night.

At the beginning, he still whispered to let the other side open, but as time went by, the door never opened for him. Gradually, he also died, but clearly his heart was dead, but he still stayed outside, how could he not go to the room that had been prepared for him.

This night, although Tang Qing didn't open the door all the time, he couldn't sleep at all. To know who can be merciless, she was in favor of him for several months. She was really afraid of freezing him.

Ben didn't sleep all night, so the next morning, just after dawn, she opened the door and saw the white water that had frozen all over her body.

Bai Ze's eyes are closed tightly, and her soft white hair is now frosted with dew.

Tang Qing saw this scene, heartache is there, but more is angry, clearly has prepared comfortable room for him, but still so stubborn! Does he calculate accurate oneself can be distressed? Will not give up? To practice yourself like this?

"Come on."

"My Lord."

The servant knelt respectfully in front of him. Tang Qing looked at Bai Ze and said coldly, "take him down to find a doctor."

"Yes, my Lord."

The servant walked up at once, only when she was about to touch Bai Ze, he suddenly opened his eyes. The servant knew that he was deeply loved by the city Lord. When he refused to help him, he could only ask the city Lord for help.

Tang Qing looked at the stubborn feeling on his forehead, but said to the servant, "let him go. He loves himself, and let him go."

When the city Lord's adults had said this, the servant retreated to one side and watched Xiaobai Ze stand up from the ground.

Bai Ze didn't say much when he stood up. He just looked at her for a few seconds and then turned away.

I don't know if it's my own illusion. Yesterday, I only played cute and tricky people. Today, I seem to grow up overnight. The previous look is not what a child should have. To this, she can only look worried and system way: "the first time raise a child, do you say will be I raise waste ah?"

The system hesitated for a moment, and he didn't have the experience of raising children, but he was also a god beast, so it shouldn't be so easy to be abandoned.

"It should not be."

Tang Qing raised her eyes and looked at the gray and snowy sky. She sighed softly. Although she seemed indifferent before, she still thought about each other in her heart, so she called another servant, "I'll ask the doctor to come to me later."

At present, only the willful young master asked for the doctor in the government. The servant was clear in his mind, so he respectfully went forward. "Yes, Lord city leader."

In the end, even after freezing for a night, there was no loss. At the end of the day, the doctor didn't even prescribe the medicine. He just ordered to drink more hot water and have a rest.

Hearing the news, Tang Qing couldn't help sighing that it was the man in the end.

Six years passed quickly, and Tang Qing hardly changed, but Bai Ze grew from a young child to a more delicate one.

The 16-year-old is in full bloom, coupled with his rebellious beauty, which attracts the love of all the people in matchless city. After all, as long as he doesn't do anything injurious, who will hate such a handsome young man?

In the past six years, all of Tang qingchong's people can see that even though she doesn't appear, the people below are not vegetarian. They can let the city Lord accept the disciples himself and guide him personally. He is the only one in the two cities.

Therefore, under the flattery of the people below, the young people who are originally exquisite and beautiful are like the relegated immortals who fall into the world under the accumulation of numerous beautiful and precious things.

The number of times to please is more and more. Gradually, some people start to think. Although the 16-year-old is still a little immature, some things can be enlightened. So this day, I don't know who took the lead to come up with a bad idea and sent some beautiful girls in.

The girl is graceful and charming, but Bai Ze has not only no joy, but also a gloomy face.

The servant had never seen the young childe show such a face. He fell to his knees one after another, and even the timid one ran to find the city Lord.

But now Tang Qing is too busy to pay attention to such trifles. He sends people away directly. Then he says to the servant: "in the future, such trifles don't need to be discussed with me."

She has no double City Lord. She has a lot of things to deal with every day. This kind of sending a woman makes her apprentice angry and wants to come to her. Isn't it really teasing her?

"The Lord is very considerate of your apprentice."

A very soft voice rang out, which made Tang Qing frown, especially when the other side said he was an evil god.

"You say you are the God of evil. What's the evidence?"

In front of him, the man was dressed in black from head to foot, even his face was hidden under the black cloak. Anyone who saw such a man would be alert.

Of course, Tang Qing knows that he is an evil god, but Angelica dahurica doesn't know. Besides, no one will immediately believe him if he changes his current pattern.

The evil god was still standing in the shadow. When he heard this, he just sneered, "are you sure you want to know?"

Tang qingben's frown is a little deeper. At least there are no two cities here. Standing in her territory, he dare to be so arrogant. He doesn't put her in his eyes.