After Bai Ze's cruel foot, he suddenly changed from a powerful big guy to a pitiful soft and cute little group.

After absorbing the sound, he took a sniff and said, "master, you are really cruel."

Even if it's God, it's a bad foot.

To this, Tang Qing one face indifference, "still jilt rascal?"

After that, xiaobaize's action was a bit awkward, but even so, he jumped into his own Zhizhi's arms, and then he said pitifully, "but Shifu is all my people, why can't he leave the hooligans?"

Tang Qing can't say anything directly because of his speech. At last, he can only ravage a small group in his arms until his hair is completely disordered.

"Master, let's go to the front yard."

Suddenly, she asked her to raise her eyebrows slightly. She didn't believe that Bai Ze would not run away from Mu's house. But since he didn't say it, she also had the right to play. This would open up. I'm afraid there is something that interests him there.

During this period of time, Tang Qing went wherever he wanted to, even though he was very kind to his evil doer. So he came to the front yard one by one.

The Mu family has the title of a miracle doctor, and this front courtyard is for those distinguished guests to see doctors. Generally, no one is allowed to enter the front courtyard. Fortunately, she is now under the name of saving the benefactor, which is no one to stop.

Since it is a place for distinguished guests to see a doctor, the front yard is elegant and quiet. Along the way, even the servants are light handed, and no one dares to make a noise.

Xiaobaize suddenly jumped out of her arms. Before she could get back to her mind, she saw him walking all the way to a person who seemed to be a distinguished guest. Then she stepped on each other's feet directly and left indifferently under each other's frightening touch.

That seemingly ordinary foot, directly stepped on the noble guest's face pale, sweating, and even looked at it carefully, the shape of the foot was a little shriveled down in varying degrees.

What is Zhen Yijiao's crumpling? Tang Qing saw it today. Even if she didn't step on her foot, she felt a lot of pain. There must be a reason why her evil doer would not trample on people for no reason. She could not help but look at that person more.

At this point, he immediately panicked the man who had been guilty of his own heart. For a long time, he was able to say: "here What a lovely puppy he is. " After speaking, he waved to her and said, "I don't hurt."

The words fell. A fierce wind swept over. The honored guest didn't even have the ability to resist, so he was blown to the ground and spit blood.

For a moment, Tang Qing was still lamenting how blind his eyes were when he dared to describe the ancient beast as a dog. As a result, the next moment saw him lying on the ground bleeding, not from the corners of his mouth.

The man was obviously angry after being fooled, but what was more noticeable was the fear in his eyes.

At first, she didn't take it seriously. After all, when Bai Ze took such a smoke, everyone would be afraid. However, when the wood family leader heard the noise outside, she smelt a trace of wrong energy.

There's a dark smell on the wood family leader. It's like the evil power of an evil god. She's experienced it, so it's impossible to feel wrong.

In a moment, she understood why Bai Ze was coming.

When Bai Ze went out that day, she thought she could hear the news of the death of the evil god. As a result, people came back from the left and right, but still didn't hear the systematic prompt. Now it seems that she was escaped by the evil god that day, but the other party may have suffered a little injury in the process of escape, otherwise she won't be allowed to come to the wooden house.

Compared with xiaobaize's leisurely and calm feeling, the evil spirit disguised as a noble guest is full of tension.

Tang Qing wants to understand the background and then wants to stand by and watch the play. But she sees Baize's face full of malice. She looks at the mischievous eyes. She holds her forehead silently and looks at her little villain's eyes. At the beginning, he let the evil spirit go on purpose. After all, Baize can kill all the world in a second if he wants to.

After Xiaobai Ze finished, she saw her own Zhi Zhi show that miserable expression, and guessed that she must understand that although his Zhi Zhi was dull enough to be able in some aspects, other places were very witty.

As for the present account, he is not in a hurry.

After seeing that his patient was smoked, the smile on his face could not be maintained. However, when he thought that his daughter was the one who saved his life, he could only drive others politely, "white city Lord, this is my Mu family's medical treatment place. Please leave for a while."

Xiaobaize returns to Tangqing after he has smoked the evil spirit. He is not angry with the wood family leader, but follows Tangqing all the way out of the front yard.

One man and one beast left, and the evil spirit was relieved. Although he kept his breath, Baize was not so easy to deal with. Just now, he thought he was out of the picture. Fortunately, since Baize could leave, he should not have found him.

After being seriously injured by Bai ze that day, the evil god changed his face all the way to Lingcheng. The wood family can cure the God. However, although he is a God, he is a God that everyone despises. So he can only control the wood family leader carefully. However, he dare not use too many evil forces. First, if he uses too much, the wood family leader can become a puppet. The puppet has no intelligence. In that situation, the wood family leader can become a puppet In addition, he can't heal his wounds at all. Secondly, once he releases too much, it may cause others' doubts. So this little trick of him can just deceive the other side to heal his wounds.

The head of the wood family didn't know that he was under the control of others. Instead, he went forward to help people into the house, and then carried out a tedious inspection. To be honest, the evil god had almost nursed them. However, I'm afraid that he would have to lie down for several days after such a smoke today.

"How did you provoke that?" The wood family leader doesn't have a good impression on the only apprentice of wushuangcheng. After all, the butcher is the one who kills the city. What his doctor hates most is the one who has a strong sense of killing.

The evil god shook his head to show that he did not know.

"Well, when you see him in the future, don't provoke him, or I won't be able to protect you." After that, he ordered some recuperation about his illness and wrote several prescriptions.

It has to be said that the world of miraculous doctors can be cured by even ghosts and gods. When the evil gods first came, they were reluctant to stand. This was only a month when they had recovered half of them.

After getting the prescription, the evil god just left the wooden house, but he just left the front yard, only to see a white regiment descending from the sky. The Little Regiment happened to step on his head.

Baituanzi seems soft and cute, but this foot goes on, but spits blood from the mouth of the evil god who kicked it again. Then, the evil God hears the most terrible words in his life.

"How about the feeling of giving hope and breaking all hope?"

The evil god was shocked, but then he soon understood that the other side didn't break him down, just wanted to play with him! Just as the evil cat teases the little mouse, it's not that it can't catch it, but that it teases you!