With Cain in, how can he tolerate his daughter-in-law's body to be a sick body? So he began to recuperate her not long after he just took her back. Now it has been almost repaired. Otherwise, how can he promise to let her practice martial arts? After all, it's dangerous to practice martial arts. It's very likely that one carelessness will make another difference.

At first, he didn't want to talk about it. After all, it's not a big deal. But now, looking at her, she seems to be very dissatisfied with the body, which opens the mouth.

Tang Qing is naturally moved not to do not want, and whether there will be outsiders in this, rushed to his arms and sent him a ace.

"It's very kind of you, brother Cain!"

Cain replied with a smile. "What else?"

"Brother Cain, I......"

The system didn't wait for her to finish, but directly raised the loudest and loudest alarm. There was no other reason, because he had a premonition that his host would definitely say those three words.

Fortunately, when the alarm was in time, Tang Qing braked in time, but the sequel was a sharp pain in his head.

Cain saw that she hung her head and covered her head with one hand, and did not ask much, but sighed helplessly, "silently, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Though she said that, her expression was no longer joyful.

Ian didn't find this small detail, because he was full of thinking about how to untie his seal. If he didn't understand the seal, he would never be able to protect the people he wanted to protect.

"Prince, do you know the direction of falling angel?"

Cain gave him a cold look and said casually, "there are many fallen angels. You have to rely on yourself to find them."

"By me?" Ian is a bit decadent. Although he is strong among human beings, he also knows that half of the credit for the reputation of vampire hunters over the years is Tina's. Now it's impossible for him to find an angel alone.

Seeing this, Cain didn't embarrass him. He helped others to the end. He simply said, "follow me."

It's also a Shizu level vampire. There are many things hidden in the huge castle, such as the transmission array in the basement.

"Drop your blood."

The rune Ian on the transmission array couldn't understand it, but he walked to the center and cut his finger. Tang Qing, who was interested in studying it, looked down.

Transmission array is not a very difficult array, but the array in front of us is not like ordinary transmission array, or in other words, it should be a array that can find people through blood, which is difficult.

With the rise of Tang Qing's study, Ian's blood over there has dripped.

At the moment of blood dripping, the transmission array suddenly glowed, and Cain did not know what spell he had read, but Ian, who was supposed to be in the center of the array eye, disappeared.

Everything came so fast that Tina, without any omen at all, sat in the same spot, and then she said with half a sound, "is there any danger, my lord Cain?"

Cain said, "if the fallen angel is willing to unseal him, there is no danger."

He didn't finish, but everyone understood the second half of his sentence. If he didn't help, it would be a big trouble.

Tina bit her lips secretly. Fortunately, she was calm. After all, she knew that even if she could not help her in the past, what she could do now was to wait for him to come back.

I thought it would be quick to untie the seal, but I didn't expect that we had to wait for ten years.

Ten years passed quickly, especially for the vampire, a species with almost no concept of time. Tang Qing thought that she would grow old again, but she didn't expect her face to be fixed since she was 20 years old.

This day, just like before, Tang Qing and Tina are strolling in this busy street, even if they are vampires, but they all love beauty. In recent years, they have become friends. From shopping together to watching movies, sometimes even Cain would like to throw Tina out.

Now, however, there are several unexpected guests in front of them.

To say that these unexpected guests, Tang Qing still knows each other. After all, not long after she came to the world, they sent out enough malice.

Yes, these are the Presbyterian vampires.

Tina quietly guarded Tang Qing behind her, then looked at these men with alert eyes. "What's the matter with these adults?"

The Presbyterian Church has long been dissatisfied with Cain. However, his strength is extraordinary, which has been tolerated. But Tina is different. She joined hands with human beings to kill vampires several years ago, and has long been the most wanted opponent. They have been trying to catch her for more than ten years. However, she is very cunning. After the human beings disappear, she hid under Cain's wings, which makes them want to kill vampires The arrests were slow again and again.

Fortunately, their waiting is still valuable. Look, it's not alone now.

"Tina, you know what you've done. Now you'd better go with us or we'll take you away. Choose one."

Tina is not smiling, but she is a little nervous. Her strength is not their opponents.

"If I choose none of them?"

Several Presbyterian vampires, their faces clouded, said in a cold voice, "this can't help you."

As soon as the voice fell, the vampire subordinates who were behind them rushed up and a fierce battle started.

At present, their goal is only Tina, but the Presbyterian vampires look at Tang Qing, who is standing by. They have a plan in mind.

Cain has hindered many things of them over the years, but now he can't kill him. If the man who protects him on the top of his heart kills him, it's wonderful to rub his energy.

As a result, several vampires got to know each other and soon achieved this goal.

Tang Qing looks at their ugly smile, hooks his lips and smiles. If he wants to kill her, it's up to them? I can't help it!

These vampires also watched her grow up. To be honest, at first they thought Cain was just playing, but over the years, even playing has become more sincere. Besides, the girl's appearance is really gorgeous.

"Little girl, don't blame us, blame Cain. But for him, we have no interest in you."

"How can I blame you for what some grandpa said, after all..." In the middle of the conversation, looking at the handsome man coming from the flustered crowd, she raised her lips and showed a very beautiful smile, "you are the one who died."

"I don't know the height of the earth!"

Looking at these angry vampires, Tang Qing said innocently, "I don't know if it's you."

It's such a bright trap. It's really true. Cain has protected her for more than ten years. How could Cain suddenly show such a big flaw? Sure enough, these people are still uneasy.