"Tong bang, you tell me, what is the blackout value of the male Lord now?" After all, she has experienced so many lives, and she is still a little aware of the blackness of the male Lord.

Who knows, the system actually says: "did not blacken."

Now, Tang Qing was shocked, "can we have this momentum without blackening? You lied to me! "

Although he checked his data several times in the beginning, it was true that there was no blackening. This was the way: "when he was in Xumishan, the male Lord almost fell into the devil's way. Finally, the Buddha came out. Now the ninth world has passed. Although there will be another life to become a Buddha, this life is also very important, let alone another devil

Tang Qing can't see anything clearly because his eyes are blocked, but because he can't see clearly, he is particularly sensitive to the feelings around him.

"So there are two sides to the male Lord. Under normal circumstances, he can barely be called compassionate. On the other side, he almost fell into the devil's way."

"That's right."

With the sound of the system, Tang Qing only felt that he suddenly rose from the air, then his body suddenly fell down, like jumping from a high place. At that time, she was so scared that she didn't lie in the system's many words, but tightly hugged the person on her body until her feet fell to the ground, covering her eyes all the time, and finally moved away.

Seeing the sky again makes her eyes suddenly open, but all around her, it makes her silly.

"What's the matter?"

"Mirror space, after all, it's so conspicuous to walk on the street with these things, so I have to split a space again." Zixu's smile is gentle, but his every move is very frightening.

The previously dense ghosts are now compressed into a group in the middle of his hand. If you look closely, you can see the frightened eyes of the ghosts.

There is only one explanation for this group of ghosts to show such a horrible and frightening look, that is, the person beside them is a person more frightening than them.

However, Zixu's smile is shallow, and his whole body is not a little chilly.

Tang Qing sighed in silence. However, since he didn't let himself see the scene before, she should not know. Anyway, she will see it sooner or later.

"Where shall we go now?"

"Follow the ghosts, they will take us past."

Ghost is very obedient, where to go, because it is in the mirror space, the huge street in addition to them no one else.

I don't know how long I've been walking. I only heard a broken sound like glass in my ear. Then it seems that the surrounding area is back to bustle. Of course, it's not bustling, just seeing other people.

Their sudden appearance obviously frightened the other party, but he soon recovered his composure.

"Master Zixu is indeed worthy of his reputation."

The other side is an old man about 70 years old. He is full of gorgeous hair, and his face is full of old wrinkles. But at this time, he looks at Zixu, but he is crazy and obsessed.

Zixu took a half step back in disgust, looked at the old man in front of him, frowned and said, "where's Moco?"

The old man gave a strange smile, "Jie Jie, the Lord of the demon is naturally in the demon family. If master Zixu wants to, the gate of our demon family will open to you forever."

"Well, I'm not interested in you demons." Zixu looks at him coldly. At least there are more than 100 people dead at the construction site. The demon family has kept a certain distance from the human world over the years. Suddenly, with such a big brush, I'm afraid there's some plot behind him.

When the old man heard this, he didn't take it seriously. "Master Zixu, oh no, it should be said that master peacock, our demon clan is much more interesting than the Buddha clan. The Buddha clan is boring and restricted everywhere. Where is it like our demon clan, free..."

The reason why the demons want to attract Zixu so much is his ancient ability. Peacock, the son of Phoenix, is fierce and cannibal, and can suck human flesh from forty or fifty miles away. If they can work for the demons, they need to live in the dark place every day!

The old man has been immersed in the illusion that the demon family has reached the top of the three realms, but Zixu is impatient to guess him at his feet.

"I don't have time to listen to you," he said, his face cold and his eyes cold

The old man fell to the ground, his mouth was bloodstained, but his mouth was smiling! Our Lord It's going to level the human world soon! "

"Old man, I'll give you another chance. Do you mean it or not?" Zixu frowned, impatient.

"Mr. peacock, it's so beautiful to see you. How can a boring place like Buddhism carry your beauty? You are like..."

Zixu is patient. Seeing this old guy, he still refuses to tell the truth. He squints slightly. "Don't tell me. In that case, go back to the devil kingdom."

The old guy didn't use his real body. Even if he wanted to kill, he could only kill the shadow and let him roll back to the devil kingdom. This method can only be used for a while now, because he has more important things to do.

"Cardamom, this room is weird. Stay behind me."

Tang Qing nodded obediently, even reached out his hands and pinched the corner of his clothes, which was just like a pet dog.

Zixu can't help but touch her head. It's a soft feeling between her hands. It's very comfortable.

"That's good."

Tang Qing wanted to Tucao, but now she can make complaints about it. She can only watch it for a while. She is still staring at the whole thing. Of course, she still does not forget to say to the system: "the time to test your time is coming!"

The system is a lazy face, "there is a man, what do you want me to do?"

Tang Qing is smoking her lips. What kind of evil did she do in her last life? She ran into such a hot chicken thing!

"How about your face when you are so blatant and lazy and mean?"

The system doesn't matter, "what do I have to do with a set of data?"

It's a poor saying, but Tang Qing has nothing to do with him, but he doesn't know that the other side of the system is not lazy, but is checking the data of male masters. He has a crazy idea, which has lasted from the last world to this world

Tang Qing is speechless. His system is unreliable. Fortunately, there are still male masters.

The old guy's house is very big, upstairs and downstairs. They just forgot the first floor. When they were going to walk on the second floor, Zixu suddenly stopped and even turned his head to the door.

"What's the matter?" Tang Qing asked.

"Go to the courtyard first."

With that, he took Tang Qing and immediately turned to the gate. At night, the courtyard was dark, but the night did not hinder the faint smell of blood in the air.

"Zixu, I smell blood." Tang Qing spoke in a low voice. Then he seemed to stumble on something and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, someone helped him.