Tang Qing did not want to leave, and those in the national security department did not want to. Their leader is still here. How can they leave without permission and do such cowardly things.

Seeing that he had to say something again, Zixu suddenly said, "let's go. We can't leave without the blood sacrifice today."

Wu Hu Wei Leng, but listen to him again: "once the blood sacrifice begins, this area can be completely destroyed, so I just blocked here."

Once blockaded, no one can go out, so even if they are defeated, the blood sacrifice can only be tossed in this courtyard.

As soon as this was said, no one on the scene blamed him. After all, these members of the secret state security department originally did this kind of work. There are only a lot of members who have been damaged in these years. Now it's their turn, how can they shrink back?

"It's a little bony." Zixu looked at them and smiled, "but don't worry, since I can lock this place, I'm sure to solve this blood sacrifice. So you don't have to wait for the death of your face."

The first sentence shocked the hearts of all people, but the second half of the sentence made everyone face black, and even some people began to doubt his identity, saying that good monks are compassionate? How can Buddha really blame such a vicious tongue?

However, Buddha really can't blame him. After all, he used to be much more ferocious than he is now.

For example, the rolling blood pool gradually stops, but this does not mean that the blood sacrifice is over, on the contrary, it means that the real blood sacrifice is now officially started.

"If you don't want to die, stay away, or I won't remind you later." It seems like a languid voice, but his eyes are extremely cautious.

Everyone stepped back, but Tang Qing was still standing beside him.

When she saw him looking sideways, she immediately said, "don't drive me away. You promised to protect me. How can you protect me if you stand far away?"

Smell speech, son empty hook lip a smile, "OK, how do you want to do."

Then, the dark blood in the swimming pool suddenly began to boil. Before long, even the heat came out.

It is winter in December, but the temperature in the courtyard is just like summer. The temperature is at least thirty-five degrees. Everyone takes off the heavy coat, but Zixu is still the same.

See people take off their coats are still sweating, can not help saying: "calm naturally cool ah."

It's a cold floating sentence. Everyone has ignored it. You can be cool at a high level. We don't want to live or die.

When Zixu finished speaking, he no longer spoke much, but focused on the boiling pool of blood.

The Buddha beads that never leave me are floating in the center of the blood pool. Then all the Buddha beads are scattered in a flash. When I look at them, all the Buddha beads are arranged orderly and surrounded by the blood pool.

At this time, the blood pool suddenly surged up like a fountain, rising to the height of the second floor.

Then, countless skeletons came out of the huge blood column, but they were blocked by the surrounding Buddha beads before they left the swimming pool.

The Buddha beads radiate a light golden light. When the skull meets the Buddha beads, it immediately turns into a black smoke and disappears in the endless night. However, there are too many skeletons. Half an hour later, there are only a lot more, and new skeletons are still emerging in the blood column. This kind of fighting method can't last long, because the light of the Buddha beads is beginning to weaken!

Seeing this, Zixu immediately sat cross legged and settled on the edge of the blood pool. With his mantra, the weakened Buddha light began to recover.

I don't know for a long time, the disappearance of the skeleton slowed down, but Zixu's forehead gradually increased a layer of thin sweat. Seeing this, Tang Qing immediately recalled all the arrays in his mind. Cardamom has no talent for cultivating, but it has the ability to remember. Her grandfather was also a famous figure in the world. In the books left, there are several very powerful ones The books are just the failure of the school. No one can learn them at all.

Cardamom has no cultivation talent, but Tang Qing, as for the array, is just at her fingertips. She quickly turned over several books in her mind, and then immediately took out the yellow paper from her bag.

General blood is a delicacy for the demons, but if it is the blood of the Buddha's bones, it is the heartbreaking poison.

Take the yellow paper and go to Zixu. It's no nonsense. She said straightly, "Zixu, I'll use your blood." Words fall, take out the Swiss knife, to his fingers is a knife.

The blood slowly went down his slender fingers. Tang Qing didn't want to waste the blood. He immediately took out his brush and completed a yellow talisman in one go.

Although there was only one yellow rune, she was not smart enough, and borrowed the blood of Buddha's bones. This stroke directly made her sweat. When the last stroke was finished, she was pale.

At such a crucial moment, Tang Qing did not dare to rest and directly pulled Wu lake. "You, stick it to the top of the blood column."

Wu Hu looked at the Yellow talisman and was shocked. After a while, he said to himself, "OK!"

When Wu Hu pastes the Yellow amulet, Tang Qing starts to set up a strong array without stopping. This array can't contain any mistakes. Otherwise, it will not only have no effect on blood sacrifice, but will backfire and devour the Buddha light.

All people hold their breath and dare not utter any words, for fear of a careless and wrong direction of the other side.

Tang Qing drags the exhausted body, the scene in front of her eyes has begun to appear illusion, she knows this is to the limit, but she can't fall! At least not now, clench your teeth and see the last step is about to be completed. Suddenly, there is thunder and lightning in the yard.

"Be careful!" Wu lake shouted, immediately blocked the sudden dark red thunder.

A muffled hum sounded from behind, but Tang Qing still did what she was doing and didn't even return her head. She knew that Wu Hu must have been hurt, and that thunder light could be seen with the naked eye, not to mention that she could smell it faintly It belongs to the smell of turtle meat.

Wu hubai can't be hurt, so she didn't even look at it.

With the appearance of thunder light, a dark red light like the color of blood pool suddenly appeared in the sky which had become dark and cloudy. Then a man came out of the light, his body was dark, but his face was with a gentle smile.

"Longque, you and I agreed to fall into the devil kingdom together in Xumi mountain. Now that I'm a devil, why are you still wandering in that damned Buddhism?" At the end of the day, his whole body suddenly became grim.

In Xumi mountain, peacock promised the Buddha to convert to Buddhism. In order to show his sincerity, he arched him out! If he hadn't left early, now the devil of the world would have been someone else! Where can I get him!

Zixu closed his eyes and ignored it all the time until Tang Qing finished the last step.