The dangerous information diffuses and drives, as the old driver's Tang Qing can not understand?

She would like to persuade the other side to calm down, but it is impossible for the other side to listen to herself even press her all the way until she is forced into a corner.

"What is cardamom hiding from? Isn't it not afraid? "

Tang Qing:

If we regret, will we be killed?

With this idea, but see each other bad smile, "cardamom, I forgot to tell you one thing."

There was a sense of foreboding in her heart, and she said slightly, "what What? "

Zixu didn't answer directly, but suddenly stooped to her ear and whispered, "you will not be killed even if you regret it." At the end of the speech, seeing each other's frightened eyes, the smile on the corner of the mouth suddenly magnified a few points, "I, I will only kill you."

Tang Qing surprised her pupils to enlarge again. She opened her mouth, though she wanted to make complaints about it. But he had a warning from her. She never even thought about it. The whole person stayed foolish and could not say a word at all.

Zixu said the things she didn't dare to think about, "are you curious why I know what you think?"

"I don't really want to know..." Tang Qingsheng has no love to open her mouth, because the system has told her that he is also the son of Phoenix, a fierce beast in ancient times. Facing an ordinary human, if you want to know the other's thoughts, mind reading is just a plug-in! But she has no strength to resist his eyes now, so what she thinks in her heart can't be concealed from each other at all!

In this situation of no privacy, she suddenly became in a bad mood. With the courage of his words, she suddenly said, "can you let me go?"

Zixu seemed to be surprised that she could say such a thing. After a moment's hesitation, he suddenly laughed, "since I brought you home, how can I let you go?"

Words fall, he suddenly bent down, and then involuntarily all the way to kiss.

However, kissing seems to be unable to express such crazy emotions. Gradually, his actions begin to be rude, and a feeling that has never been felt flows out of his four limbs. This feeling burns his reason and finally erupts completely

At the moment of entering, Tang Qing only felt a dazzle break in his mind. He thought that there would be no further action in the world. After all, to become a Buddha, he had to abandon everything. What was the result?

Good monk Leng is breaking the ring. Can this damn task continue?

There was a mess in her head. She endured the storm without any resistance, like a boat on the sea, sinking and floating, making her drunk and dying

Mingming is a monk. Mingming's action is rude, but Leng is to ignite all her impulses.

"Cardamom is a surprise." Under the husky and sexy voice, Tang Qing clenched his teeth and didn't let himself make a sound. This guy didn't know where to take the wrong medicine. At first, she was a little gentle, but once she made a sound, even if it was just a tiny breath that could hardly be heard, it immediately became extremely rough! She is a mortal, how to bear it! Several times down, she has been angry!

"To do Hurry up, mother in law Can you do it or not! " She spoke off and on, but if she listened carefully, she could hear that she had abandoned herself.

"I can't help it. Isn't cardamom the clearest man?" He opened his mouth like a smile, looking at the lovely beauty under him lost his soul, fell for him, this beautiful scenery, it is tragic!

So how could he stop so soon?

Just, in the end just a strong breath, to now has reached the limit, with some unwilling, he used the last bit of strength, completely occupied her!

Tang Qing lost her mind for a long time, even her eyes couldn't gather. After a long time, she raised a little strength, which made her slightly regain her mind. But this time, she suddenly found that something was wrong with some guy in her body?


Listening to her weak voice, the other party was stunned for a long time before he spoke again, "it's OK, you're tired, go to sleep." Although the voice is still gentle, but the eyes become a little scary, but Tang Qing is so tired that he can't even lift his hands, and doesn't notice the change at all.

Zixu directly took her to the bathroom and cleaned her carefully. After all, Zixu took her back to the bedroom.

He did not move to look at her, the red spots, the white skin is more attractive, but someone is not happy, but cold voice.

"Zero, what's the matter?"

Having known the host for such a long time, zero is still sensitive. He whispered and found a slightly acceptable answer, "although you occupy the body of Zixu, the ancient fierce animal peacock still has a trace of residual blood in this body. This trace of residual blood will not change anyone. On the contrary, it will stimulate some of your demons. You also know your demons and make you become..." Zero thought for a while, finally said: "become a little crazy."

Listen to zero garrulous said so much, but Zixu is wringing his brow, the whole breath is still very terrible.

"So you mean this kind of thing will happen again next time?"

Zero way: "the present cultivation of Zixu is not worth the original self. If you want to suppress this evil nature, the cultivation must be at least equal to the peacock, so that his blood will not affect his mind."

Hearing this, the terrible breath became more and more intense. In fact, he didn't feel nothing, even knew what happened, but he couldn't control his body.

It was a terrible feeling. For the first time, he wanted to kill himself.

"In fact, don't be angry. No matter you who just inspired the devil or you today, you are yourself, your candy, or yours." It's hard to organize so many words. As a set of data, it can't keep pace with human thinking.

Zixu did not answer, but looked at someone who was sleeping in bed.

The girl seemed to be very tired. She would have slept unconscious, but when he was near, she still rubbed against him.

This kind of unconscious action made his gloomy mood a little better. He held out his hand slightly, with endless gentleness, and finally left a shallow kiss on her forehead.

Tang Qing didn't know how long she slept. When she finally came back, she heard the cool voice in her mind.

"Oh, wake up, how are you doing?"

Tang Qing:

The system saw that she was speechless and said: "eh, speechless, can I really say that I can't do it?"

Tang Qing can't stand it. If he doesn't open his mouth, the spicy chicken will make more progress!