Zheng Lei looked at his son, who used to be proud of himself, and finally made a heavy decision, "master, I'll choose the second one." He spoke slowly, with infinite sadness in his voice, "I would rather have a normal son than a monster for the rest of his life."

This is the last honor that a father gives his son, but the son does not appreciate it. "You can't escape any of them! Ah Yu, my ah Yu, you all have to bury her! "

As soon as the voice came down, I only heard a click. All the lights in the shopping mall went out. All of a sudden, it was dark all around. Then there was a sound of the rope breaking in my ear.

There is no other rope around except Zheng Ze.

I don't know if it was because of his son's attack. Zheng Lei's performance was quite flat, and he didn't see any more of the previous exclamations. Instead, he was Zixu. At the moment when the rope broke, he immediately dragged Tang Qing into his hands.

"Ha ha..."

That strange voice seems to be in the ear, and it seems to be far away from them. One voice, the smile is particularly creepy.

All people are alert after hearing this voice, only Zheng Ze, full of obsession, "ah Yu, is that you, ah Yu?"

The empty voice lingered in the shopping mall, which was particularly empty, and there was no reply. Zheng Ze continued to cry for help. There was a big posture that if you didn't respond to me, you would shout your response.

I don't know for a long time, Zheng Ze's shout finally has a response.

"Ah Ze..."

Obviously it's a very penetrating voice, but Zheng is ecstatic, "ah Yu, I know you won't want me."

"Ah Ze, come here Come here... "

When Zheng heard the call, he immediately opened his legs. At this time, a talisman came down from the sky, completely stopped him, and then a dazzling light came out of Zixu's hands.

See Zheng then unconsciously already walked to the corridor edge, even the body all lean on the edge glass to bend down slightly.

Zheng Lei is scared. His son can fall down as long as he stands on tiptoe! You know this is the eighth floor. If you fall from the eighth floor, you will surely die!

"You fox! I killed you. Why do you want to kill Xiaoze? You have a way to kill me! Come and kill me! "

Zheng Lei's roar rang throughout the mall, but this time no one responded.

Zixu quickly glanced around his eyes. He was just about to release Tang Qing's hand to solve the problem, but he was shocked to feel something wrong in his hand.

He immediately shook off each other's hands, stepped back, but saw each other smiling at him, "Zixu, what's the matter?"

"Cardamom!" As like as two peas, he looked at him coldly and looked at the girl who was exactly the same as a girl.

But the man smiled, "Zixu, what else do you say? I am cardamom. Don't you know me?"

Zixu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his young girl was still clearly divided. Even though he had the same appearance, he was not her at all!

"I'll say it again, cardamom!"

"Zixu, what's the matter with you?"

The man raised his legs slightly and was about to walk to him, but he waved his hand and beat his face away. Then he bent his knees and kicked his belly again. That strength means that ordinary people may be able to squirt all their viscera out of their mouths, but the man just stepped back a few steps.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but the man seemed to pick up his hand and wipe it at will.

"I can be so cruel to this face, but I look down on you."

When the familiar voice sounded, Zixu immediately turned cold. "Moco!"

Mo Ke seems to have changed his face and become used to it. When he was torn down, he didn't show his real face. Instead, he took Tang Qing's face and said with a smile: "I used to call someone cardamom, but now he shows his fierce face. I wish I had been killed. Man ~ "

that face is touched with emotion, and Zixu is eager to burst his face!

Zixu didn't just think about it, but he really hit him in the face, but the other side was still smiling with a brilliant face, "how? I'm getting angry with you. "

Mo Ke talks a lot. Compared with him, Zixu doesn't speak a word, but his move is deadly.

After counting, Mo Ke's face is no longer masochistic, but serious.

However, after a few days' absence, his accomplishments have soared! If it is really the one who is favored by heaven, Mingming is just like him in his heart, but is respected by all people!

What a pain!

On the other hand, Tang Qing wakes up after a short period of unconsciousness, only to find that she can't move, not only can't move, but also the surrounding air is gradually thin. Seeing that she will suffocate and die, she immediately returns to her own space.

Lying on the ground, she gulped in the fresh air. When she recovered, she said, "what's the matter with his mother?"

The system said, "here comes Marko."

"What? When did he come? "

The system was too lazy to explain. She simply showed her the previous scene. Half a sound, she said quietly, "you say that Mo Ke, does he like Zixu?"

This word suddenly surprised the whole system is not good, he opened his mouth, subconsciously said: "but Mo Ke is also a man."

Smell speech, Tang Qing hook lip a smile, "Tong Er, you this is discrimination male, who says male male can't love."

"But But... " For the first time, the system felt that its data was too messy. After a while, it finally found out how to describe it. "But Zixu won't take a fancy to him."

"Yes." Tang Qing nodded seriously, and said, "no wonder he wanted to kill me, but he didn't want to take off his disguise. He used to take me as his rival."

The system has been stunned by the hosts of many plays. I've seen the shameless hosts. Like this, it's the first time for him to see them.

"You Brain holes are OK. "

"Don't say that." Tang Qing said, and then asked, "by the way, where was that I was just now?"

"In the wall." After that, for fear that she could not understand, she explained, "it's just like those corpses that have been embedded in the wall."

Tang Qing's face was shocked. "Mom, it's crazy!"

The system took a quiet look at her and decided not to speak, because he sometimes wanted to put her in a sack and then have a fight.

Of course, this kind of thought can only be thought about in the heart, otherwise, it can't be pointed out how the guy tossed him.

After scolding, Tang Qing felt his chin and decided to retaliate. "Can I break through that wall?"

The system said, "it's hard to break through your current accomplishments after being cut off."

Hearing this, Tang Qing said bitterly, "it's just like eating shit. It's useless."


"It's a little different. For example, shit has a taste."

Tang Qing chuckled, "you know the taste of shit from a set of data. Have you eaten it?"

The system can't help but ask, "have you eaten?"

Tang Qing: