Tang Qing is not interested in the dispute outside. At present, she only cares about one thing, that is, the injury of Shen Mo Li and when to recover.

The blood of the human race and the wizard race awakened at the same time, which led to the instability of Shen Mo from the spirit. In addition, the fierce battle that night, on the surface, Shen Mo from the peace, but she is very clear that he is not suitable for a long journey at all.

"In a hurry." Tang Qing said lightly, then ordered, "come here, take off your clothes and lie down."

As soon as the voice came out, there was no previous indifference between Shen Mo and him. The whole man said: "yes!"

Tang Qing looked at the naked man in front of him. His face turned black. The whole man said angrily, "I just want you to take off your coat! What are you doing with my pants off! "

Shen Mo blinked innocently, but he could still hear his faint sense of loss in his voice. "Ah, I didn't need to take off my pants."

Tang Qing has repeatedly warned himself not to be angry. This guy is very dangerous at present! So she took a deep breath and tried to make her voice as peaceful as possible: "yes, put your pants on for me."

Shen Moli didn't make any moths this time. He put on his clothes. Then his purple eyes were full of grievances and said, "Beibei, I'm afraid of pain. You can remember to lighten up later."

Tang Qing laughs and says that if you don't say it's OK, she will love you.

Shen Moli was bruised and looked a little bit horrified. However, these injuries were actually frightening. In fact, they were not as bad as the internal injuries in his body.

Tang Qing applied the pounded herbal medicine to the upper part, which was a random touch, without any tenderness.

"North north, you're a heavy hand." Obviously it should be a complaint, but he continued, but he let Tang Qingqi's seven tips smoke, "but I like it."

What else could she say when she heard that! I only hate that I started too lightly!

They lived in this city for several months, and they didn't leave until someone came to find mu Beizun.

A few months later, the city, which used to be full of flowers, is now desolate. The long street is surrounded by charred and disordered houses. If you go outside, you can even see the dark blood of the big beach. It's not like the human city, but like the demon city.

In the demon clan, the time of several months is just playing fingers. After all, their life span is calculated by 100 or 1000. Therefore, the months when mubeizun left are not a big deal for them. There is no storm in the demon clan at all.

There was peace in the demon family, and everything in the North Palace was as old as before. However, Tang Qing knew that the water seemed calm, but the waves were rough underneath.

Mu Beizun took the dwarf's male pet to go out. Everyone knew that, but now he brought back a human race, which made everyone stupid.

It's only a few months, isn't it? I thought that mu Beizun was laughing for Bo Meiren. Even the backyard was disbanded. I thought that he would like it for a few years. As a result, it's only a few months. I have changed one!

There are always many topics about the strong, and Mubei is no exception. This time, some people even bet on how long the renzu youth can get her favor.

At the beginning of the bet, many people immediately began to bet. Even Tang Qing knew it and played with it.

Shen Mo knew this from nature, and knew that his family would bet with him. So he asked, "Beibei, how many years have you bet?"

There are four options, the first is within ten days, the second is within one month, the third is one year, and the last is ten years. Although ten years is not a big deal for the people of the demons, it's almost impossible to see it from the point of view that mu Beizun is fond of the new and loathes the old.

"I'll bet on whichever makes more money." Although Tang Qing is not short of money, it doesn't prevent her from playing with her.

Shen Mo, hearing the words, could not help but hook his lips and smile, "since that is the case, I have to cooperate well with Beibei, but I can't let Beibei lose."

Tang Qing gave him a look, and always thought that he said it was strange. But at present, there is nothing important in the demon family, and she didn't pay attention to it. Until the next day, she heard the report from the next person that the dwarf male pet had come back before, and asked her to let him in.

As soon as this words came out, she was dumbfounded. From the beginning, she didn't explain the misunderstanding, so the whole demon family thought that she had changed into a male pet. However, her heart was very clear. No new love or old love was just a person.

Though it was not clear how it was, she said, "bring him in."

The servant soon brought in the dwarf boy. Looking at the boy kneeling under the ground, Tang Qing drew a corner of his mouth. "Go down first." This was said to the servant, but the young man pleaded with him.

"My Lord, don't abandon me. I won't go."

Tang Qing:

Big brother, are you addicted to role playing?

Although there are tens of thousands in her heart, she still cooperates and says, "I didn't let you go."

As soon as the words came out, the young man gave a breath.

Although the servants wanted to stay for gossip, the venerable glanced at them and they left here obediently. After all, gossip is more important than life.

When all the redundant people left, Tang Qing said coldly, "enough fun?"

Shen Moli didn't know when to restore the dwarves' appearance. He smiled with childish face and was innocent. "If I said no, would adults be angry?"

Tang Qing is not angry, but tired! But looking at the other side's soft and cute face, she still reluctantly said: "say, what do you want to do."

"Beibei should know that Chu stab once said there were other spies in Beigong."

"So you want to find them for me?"

"Yes." Shen Moli said, "they are afraid of the strong and will not show their feet in front of you. They can only act as a person who has been abandoned by you." When it comes to this, it's clear that there are terrible murders on the innocent handsome face, "no one can hurt you!"

In the face of Shen Mo's strange possessiveness, she has calmed down and asked, "how can I cooperate with you?"

"Beibei doesn't need to do anything, just throw me out of here, and I'll take care of the rest." Shen Mo said as he walked slowly to her side. When he was about to walk to her side, he suddenly acted recklessly to untie his clothes one by one

Tang Qing was stunned at the sight. Although she had been with the dwarves for quite a while, and even ate and slept with them, she was still Shameful hard!

"Beibei, do I look good?"