The people around began to tease and asked the man how many aristocratic ladies he had met, and the man seemed to be fighting for a red face, saying that no one at the auction had seen several aristocratic ladies.

When he said this, he made everyone laugh.

Tang Qing frowned and then opened her eyes. She found that her home was locked in a huge iron cage, covered with black cloth, which made it difficult for her to see the scene outside the cage. Fortunately, she had a system.

However, the little spicy chicken gloated at the critical moment. "Oh, my Qing Qing, you're finally locked up in a black house."

Tang Qing:

"Mother Tong, you will lose your lovely daughter like this."

My system has no daughter like you! How can you be so disheartened and sell yourself! "

Tang Qing still had a good grasp of the key words. She added other people's conversations that she had heard before. She asked, "what do you mean now is that someone wants to sell me?"

"Mmhmm." System: "my dear daughter, if you wait for death like this, there will be a bad old man to buy you back. Then we can come back to the world without waiting for the outbreak of greedy little mermaid."

Tang Qing, "it's very sentimental."

So many worlds, she finally tried to be sold.


He may have a stupid girl who shakes the nature of M!

No matter whether Tang Qing wants to or not, she can only accept being auctioned. There is no other reason. Although someone injected her with the medicine, the quantity of the medicine just barely let her survive. No matter how much, such as using magic, it is very difficult.

Now she looks like the goods are left behind, and in front of her, there are all kinds of cheers, as if something has been concluded.

But it's nothing to do with her. She sits quietly in the cage. It's very quiet. This is not the worst situation. At least she's still useful in other people's eyes now, isn't it?

"Today's ultimate auction! It's a person! "

Before the host excitedly said, Tang Qing was pushed out, this time she heard very clearly.

The host was very excited and worked hard to make a speech: "this is not the first time for us to auction human beings at night auction, but this human being is different from before. You must have heard about the thief who stirred the emperor to the ground some time ago."

The people around sent out a series of exclamations, just like the aristocrats. If it was only the thief, it would not attract their attention. However, the thief even alerted the young emperor, and even sent many people to encircle and suppress. Unfortunately, the encirclement and suppression failed, which was said to have been lost at sea.

It shows what it means to be able to lose in the sea. It shows that the thief is hot and capable.

Of course, there is another way of saying that the emperor ordered that no harm should be done to her from the beginning to the end, which led to the loss of those people at sea.

Someone can't wait to yell, "don't sell, auction it."

"That is, let's see what the woman who seduced the nobles looks like!"

The host and the atmosphere are almost the same. It's likely to backfire if the nonsense goes on. No one who can sit here can offend him. So he laughs and asks the beautiful maidservant to lift the black cloth.

He was used to the dark environment. At first sight, such a bright light made Tang Qing squint slightly.

She did not sit awkwardly in the cage, but stood proudly. Even though she was pale, she was still elegant and decent like a noble lady. Her previous dress has gone. Now she is wearing a black dress. This black dress is not the traditional black dress. It shines faintly under the light. This light is very clever. It does not take away her own beauty, but makes her more beautiful. She did not wear shoes at her feet. She stepped on the same black brocade cloth. Her feet were as small as fat. Her long black dress showed a little thin ankle when she fell in love. Her face was pale, but her lips were very mixed. The most attractive thing was her eyes, such as the stars and the moon, which made people fascinated and crazy.

The people around are crazy. Although there are bad nobles among them, most of them are underground nobles. Although they enjoy the so-called noble name, they are not real nobles after all. This woman who can make so many noble crazy can become them now. I want to It's just a sense.

Yes, in their eyes, no matter how beautiful the woman is, she is only a measurable commodity. As for the future, once she loses these lights, she is nothing.

The ending is very miserable, but how could Tang Qing allow her to fall into such a situation?

Say it's an auction, so many people, she still has a chance to choose. For example, the one in front of her, young, handsome and superior in temperament, such a person will certainly not be an ordinary person.

She smiled at him, as if everything around her was dim, and everyone only noticed her smile.

It's too beautiful to describe.

And her prey, like other people in the eyes, also showed a stunning scene. Although he was the first person to react on the scene, how about that? He was still attracted by her.

"It's a wonderful world to see faces." Tang Qing could not help feeling.


That's why she bullied his shameless data?

The host saw that the effect was better than expected, and immediately took the opportunity to speak loudly: "now auction, starting 1000 gold coins!"

A thousand, or gold coins, is the threshold of the little nobles. Many of the little nobles' family assets add up to no more than a thousand gold coins. At present, the value of the thief is higher than them, which is ironic. However, no one thinks that the price is wrong, and even starts to bid up the price increase.

"Two thousand gold coins!"

"Three thousand! I'll pay three thousand yuan, but I'm not allowed to rob you! "

"Well, don't play if you can't afford it, old man. You think it's Yuefeng tower girl. I'll give you five thousand!"

Yuefeng tower is a famous place of wind and moon in elier city. Actually, there is one girl worth 3000. It's the lady who escaped from the young emperor after a big aristocrat had the misfortune to offend him. That lady is even more worthy of the aristocratic lady.

However, the reality is so cruel. For them, they not only value her previous identity, but also the value after getting it.

This one is enough to negotiate with the young and horrible emperor.

"One hundred thousand Liang."

Just at the time of all the people's quarrels, a voice with a low volume, but especially a sound inside succeeded in stopping all the people.

Everyone looks at her like a ghost. No matter how high it is, it's not worth 100000 Liang. It's a gold coin! It's not sand!