When it comes to Mu Qing, Mo Ting's face is even worse. He still lives in the world well. His daughter-in-law doesn't need other people to protect him, even if he is his brother.

But Tang Qing didn't think so. Even at the end of the day, he said, "I suddenly understand why you have been single for so long."

When morting smiled, he was single for so long because he couldn't see anyone at all, but she said so, and he was willing to follow her words and ask, "listen to me."

"You can put away your perverted occupation and be lustful. It will only scare people away." She said coolly, with no intention of finding any rhetoric words that could be slightly accepted.

When the mind was suddenly exposed on the spot, Mo Ting was calm. He knew that the little girl knew herself from the beginning, but he didn't expect that she knew her very well.

"And when are you going to run?" He hooked his lips and smiled. He couldn't hear any anger in his words, just like a normal chat.

"Me?" Tang Qing raised her eyebrows. "Do you want to let me?"

It's 80%. She can fart. Even if he says yes, she won't believe it.

However, when Mo Ting never intended to deceive her, so when she asked, he said directly, "No."

Tang Qing:

I knew that.

Naturally, the conversation couldn't go on. Fortunately, the guy finally agreed with her.

Tang Qing was still thinking about how to get close to the Jiaolong family. Unexpectedly, she didn't make a move, but the other party contacted her first.

This day, in a coffee shop, Kingston saw her coming as she had promised, and his blue eyes suddenly brightened. He didn't know why. After seeing her in the bar that day, the whole person's heart was gone. No matter what he did, she was the one in his mind. Even in order to see her again, he didn't hesitate to avoid the people and disobey the adult's words.

Of course, he didn't know. The reason why he did this was because Tang Qing had moved his hand and foot with a glass of wine on his head.

The gorgeous bone fascinates people's mind, and eating it is enough to make people crazy. The blood adjacent to the gorgeous bone, after a long time, naturally has some effects.

However, a drop is enough for the adult dragon to keep in mind and see its power.

"Miss night." When Kingston saw her coming, he immediately stood up. He suddenly regretted the excessive behavior he had done. She should be careful not to use that mean means.

Looking at his gallant appearance, Tang Qing knew that the blood played a role.

"Mr. Kingston is looking for me. Why?"

Seeing the person in his mind, Kingston stumbled for a moment, "that Miss ye, I apologize for what happened before. "

"Before, before?"

Looking at the way she didn't care, Kingston became more and more disgusted with herself. "It was in the bar before."

Tang Qing blinked his good-looking eyes and smiled lightly. "I've forgotten. Mr. Kingston doesn't have to worry about it."

"So..." Kingston was both happy and disappointed. The happy thing was that the other side didn't blame him for his rudeness, but it was because the other side didn't put him in the eye at all.

Tang Qing looked at the watch on his wrist. It was past twelve o'clock. He said, "is there anything else for Mr. Kingston? If it's OK, I'll go first. "

Though Kingston didn't give up, he didn't dare to stay, so he stood up and said, "well, do you need me to give you a ride?"

Tang Qing smiled and shook his head. "No, I'm very near here." She turned around and left the coffee shop, but after she turned around, the smile on her face was all gone, and there was a trace of imperceptible black ear line on her ear. She slightly opened her red lips and said in a low voice: "Dear apprentice, remember to keep up."


The gathering place of Jiaolong people is very hidden. In order to find their place, they made this decision. But they underestimated the vigilance of Jiaolong people. Just as she was about to leave the restaurant door, dozens of men in black appeared at the door.

The men in black blocked the door. Tang Qing couldn't get out. He had to step back to see what they wanted to do.

At this time, the man in black suddenly gave way to a path.

Tang Qing didn't think the path was for her, so he kept quiet until he saw a man in a black suit coming towards him from the crowd.

Different from Kingston, though he was also a good-looking man, his temperament was terrible, even for a moment he thought of shimoting.

He is not a normal person, but in order not to show half of his stage fright, Tang Qing looks at each other proudly.

People looked up and down the general, the man finally cold voice evaluation: "when Mo Ting's women, have some meaning."

The people around lowered their heads, even in Kingston. All the superfluous people in the huge coffee shop had been driven out. At this time, the situation was not good for Tang Qing, but she said quietly, "I don't know your name, sir?"

The man's lonely and cold eyes turned away from Kingston, and a cold wind swept over him. When he came back, Kingston fell to the ground directly..

Tang Qing is not sure whether he has breath or not, but he is not a good man who can be so cruel to his people.

"What does Miss yejiu want to do?" Ignoring his words directly, he stared at Tang Qing and said what he wanted to say in the future.

But Tang Qing smiled, "this gentleman is so interesting. I have confused your people with my mouth closed. How do you know that your eyes are confused with me?"

The man narrowed his dangerous eyes. A moment later, he suddenly showed a strange smile, "with a gorgeous bone, if Miss yejiu wants to confuse people, she doesn't need to take the initiative, hook her fingers or even blink an eye, someone will work for you continuously."

The secret that had been hidden for so long was suddenly told. Tang Qing said in her heart that it was not surprising that it was false, but that she would not lose the battle if she lost. She still looked at him calmly.

But she calmed down, but the system could not, "dance grass, big boss knows your secret, do you think he will take you back to the sauce brewing! What little black house play, human and animal... "

Tang Qing can't hear any more. She draws her lips slightly and interrupts with her forehead. "You can shut up. You think everyone likes women. Maybe he likes men."


After finishing the system, Tang Qing looked at him indifferently. "What does this gentleman want to do when he stops me?"

The man was speechless, but the action was really frightening. He took a step forward abruptly, and then he took a deep breath beside her. It was weird and weird.

"You..." Tang Qing's eyes widened, but he seemed to be interested in the other side.

"When morting actually changed you, I underestimated you." The man looked at her with interest and chuckled, "I didn't expect that the python of Xuantian could be planted on a woman's hand. It's really It's so interesting. "