Mo Qingchen's smile is sincere, as if he is such a high-ranking person who will need her help one day. However, with the help of the person who leans clouds, he will think that he is just comforting himself, so that she doesn't have to be too concerned.

Tang Qing made a moving look, and his eyes were full of adoration. "If one day the pure world really needs me, as long as I have, I will give you my life. Just... " She paused, grinning brightly, "I hope there will never be such a day, because the dust will be fine."

Mo Qingchen's smile deepened under his eyes. He could see that the silly girl was sincere to himself, but he didn't know whether she could be so calm if he wanted her life one day.

"Silly girl, what do I want your life to do? To live is more useful than to die."

Tang Qing, with a small face, seemed to be thinking about what he said. Shao Qing nodded and said, "well, if you die, you'll have nothing. You can continue to help Qingchen if you live."

Mo Qingchen is in a good mood. After taking her back to the main hall, she almost teaches her medical books by hand.

Tang Qing listened carefully, but in his heart he couldn't help his stomach Fei. He was a little proficient in medicine. So he explained and experimented with rabbits. He was proficient at all! He can't believe that, even if it's Qingyun!

Time passed quickly, and the sky turned dark. Tang Qing moved his stiff neck, but his eyes were bright, but in the brightness, he was speechless.

Mo Qingchen understood and asked, "what's the matter?"

Tang Qing hesitated for a moment. Then she looked at him as if she had plucked up courage. "Qingchen, your medical skill..."

"What happened to my skill?" Mo Qingchen asked with a smile, but his eyes were sly.

Silly girl saw it. In this way, it's not too silly.

"It's clear that your medical skills are excellent." Tang Qingdun said, "why do you lie to me?"

In front of her eyes, the girl so clearly broke through his lies. However, her eyes were too natural to blame anyone else. Mo Qingchen would not blame him. He just said: "there are people outside. Although Qian Yun thinks my medical skills are very good, I think there are still high people in the world."

His voice was gentle, but Tang Qing turned a white eye in silence. He was arrogant. Who was arrogance? How could he allow others to be more powerful than him.

Though despised in her heart, she was full of reverence on her face. "Why should Qingchen be so humble? You are the immortal of Qingyun. Who can be more powerful than you?" At the end of the speech, she raised her head proudly, with a proud look.

Mo Qingchen laughs. She is not tired to get along with this silly girl at all. No matter she is happy or unhappy, she puts it on her face to her heart's content. She doesn't knead or pretend. It's obviously different from the people he knows.

"Well, it's late. Go back to bed, and get up early tomorrow."

Tang Qing nodded heavily. She did not feel tired at all, but yearned for it.

"Then I'll go. Good night, Qingchen."

"Good night."


the next day, Tang Qing got up early from the bed. On the first day of practice, she had to be positive. She thought she got up early enough, but she didn't know when there was another person in the courtyard.

With his back to her, the man was simple and comfortable in a short black suit. He was as tall and upright as black and green silk, as tall and upright as green bamboo. He also held a sharp long sword in his hand. Although it was only a simple back, he could not be ignored.

Tang Qing's eyes flashed with surprise, then he smiled.

"Smash it, I feel the fish are about to get hooked."

When the system listens to it, it suddenly comes to light in the eyes of people not far away.

Mo Qingchen said at the beginning, but he asked other people to teach her. Now he comes here in person and still wears this kind of clothes. Isn't he ready to give his own advice? You need to know that with his medical skills, you can cure people by yourself before, but he still found someone else, but he didn't pay attention to it, but now he comes in person.

Although the progress bar of the taskbar is not moving, he can be sure that it will be sooner or later.

"Come on, Qing Qing, turn over his hypocritical face!"

Arrogance is indeed hypocritical. He treats everyone with hypocrisy. No one can enter his heart. Tang Qing is really looking forward to abusing him.

Mo Qingchen didn't know that he had been calculated. When he heard the footsteps behind him, he turned back slowly. But the next moment, he frowned.

"You're going to wear that?"

Tang Qing is slightly embarrassed. She hangs her head, pulls the Ru skirt on her body, and whispers: "but I There's no more clothes. "

Mo Qingchen was shocked, but he forgot this time. Yesterday, he decided to let her practice. There was no other person around and no one to do something about it. However, he never paid attention to such trifles, but he was negligent.

"I was negligent." He apologized.

Tang Qing was flattered, like a frightened rabbit. "No, it doesn't matter. It's enough trouble. It's not a big deal."

It's not easy for Ru skirt to let go. Fortunately, it's not difficult to find a maid of the same size in such a large Qingyun palace. All the maids who can enter the Qingyun hall are not idle. It's not difficult to find a set of short combat.

It's just that Mo Qingchen looks at the white short fight on her body. It's not that it doesn't fit her well. Even the clothes on the silly girl accidentally bring a little heroic spirit that has never been seen before, but he always feels how it doesn't look right.

"This dress..."

Before he finished, Tang Qing immediately said, "this dress is very good. Thank you for the maid sister."

The maid waved her hand and joked. This is the immortal guest in her family. It's her honor to wear her clothes. How can I bear her thanks.

Mo Qingchen looks at the blinding maid, says nothing but waves her hand to leave. "Tomorrow, no, tonight, I'll send you new clothes."

Tang Qing wanted to say that he didn't have to worry about it, but looking at his eyes, he swallowed it.

"Thank you, Qingchen."

After the matter of clothes has been solved, the next step is to officially start cultivation, and Tang Qing, at last, hears what she wanted to ask before.

"Qingchen, why did you come here in person? Didn't you say you'd find someone to teach me? "

Mo Qingchen frowned. "When did I say to look for anyone?"

Smell speech, Tang Qing spits out tongue mischievously, smirk to make amends: "the mistake of mouth, pure dust is not strange."

The little girl has been a little cautious in front of her. Now she looks at a different scene, but unexpectedly cute.

"I think it's not appropriate to send anyone. I'm free these days anyway." He smiled at her and said, "just watch if you are lazy."