Everyone retreated far away, but Xie Zhe, who could not dodge, could only watch countless skeletons coming towards him. The ghostly fire was burning in the eyes of empty skeletons, getting closer and closer

The timid people in the team have stared at each other in horror, "well, will something happen to Xieyuan?"

Two dogs son sneer, don't care about a way: "afraid of what, something has nothing to do with you."

He saw that Xie Yan had been upset for a long time. This time, he made it clear that he wanted to design them, and he could not live by doing his own evil deeds. This time, he should teach him a lesson.

Skeleton village seems dangerous, but because it's a trial, er Gouzi thinks that even if it's dangerous, it can't hurt his life. At most, it means breaking his arms and legs. However, he didn't expect that Xie Yan didn't light the rescue signal stick. At last, he stood up straight from the ground. Although he was dressed in flesh and skin, his eyes were empty, and his face was pale to death.

Things seem to be more than expected, He Yi slightly frowns, pulls the two dogs to his side, then looks toward Mo Qing, "Mo God."

He just called Mo Qing. Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning was obvious.

Of course, saving is to save. Skeletons have come to life. If they want to leave, they can only fight hard with them. But how to save is another matter.

"You stay here first." The ink is clear and light. When I left, I did not forget to draw an array symbol.

Although this array is protective on the surface, it is also sleepy in fact. Therefore, the ultimate goal of his array painting is not to protect them, but to save them to make trouble for themselves.

But the rest of the team didn't know it. They only felt that God cared for them so much, which was a gratitude in their heart.

Xie Yan and the skeleton stand together, although the breath is close to the same, but the appearance is very abrupt, so it is very easy to identify his position.

Mo Qing stood on tiptoe. In a moment, people appeared on the skeleton. He blocked his breath. The skeletons didn't find anyone on their head.

Thanks for this trouble, it's not impossible to save. But if this kind of person saves the next time, it's uncertain what kind of moth he will make. Mo Qing is not a patient person. Another time, he will not kick people into skeletons. That's to kill people!

In order to prevent him from causing trouble to Shifu under impulse, he took out a blank check and pasted it directly on Xieyuan.

One token for one thing, a small area, his hands will be more than a storage ring.

In the end, it's the young master of the three families. The storage ring in his hand is extremely luxurious. The sapphire inlaid on the light is also invaluable. To open it, you can only destroy it. Mo Qing's eyes don't blink, and he pinches the sapphire.

Sapphire is under pressure. Just listen to the click and break it into powder.

Everyone in the array looks at the big God crushing the storage ring with his bare hands, and there is a twinge of heartache in his eyes, but it's more shocked. The storage ring is also divided into 369 grades. This is the best one Xie Yan wears. This storage ring is very strong and can be opened by unusual people, but the big God is effortless, crushing it with his bare hands!

Two dogs gently poked He Yi with their elbows and said in a low voice, "I said that Mo Dashen is afraid to fight with Xiejia this time. After that, shall we help him?"

If they help, they represent the two families of Lu He. In Shangjing, although they can't compare with the Xie family, they dare not touch the Xie family if they really tear their faces.

He Yi smiled and said nothing. After a while, he saw that Er Gouzi was impatient. Then he said, "I thought it was already like this."

Looking at the skull village, Xie Ye's storage ring has a huge capacity. As soon as Mo Qing is crushed, all the things in it will be smashed down. This smash will bury most of the skull village.

The skeletons were suddenly buried. They thought they were attacked and were angry at once. Although they are skeletons now, they don't have any magic tools in their hands. However, they haven't been weathered for thousands of years. The accumulated resentment has long turned their skeletons into the most solid weapons.

Skeletons fight luxury goods, and all the people look stupid.

Er Gouzi even looked and laughed, "this Xie Yan is really interesting. How can I carry all my belongings when I come out for trial?"

Two dogs still laugh, the other two people in the team can't laugh, even if it's not their thing, but so many babies, so destroyed, they will also be distressed!

Mo Qing finds the help signal stick from a pile of debris and lights it for him. Thinking that Tang Qing was the teacher who came to rescue before, he clears a place for his master to settle down.

Sure enough, a small teleport array reappears in midair.

Looking at the transmission array, Mo Qing suddenly squints his eyes. In the next moment, he sees Tang Qing appear, and his lips move to the bottom of the transmission array.

Tang Qing originally wanted to appear handsome, but who could have thought that there seemed to be something wrong with the transmission array. He had just transmitted her, but he just threw her out.

All this came too soon. When she came back, people were already in Mo Qing's arms.

"Master, why are you so careless?"

If you can hold master as you wish, you will still hold the full princess. It's hard to find a light tone in Mo Qing's voice.

Tang Qing:

Don't think she doesn't know. If there's something wrong with this array, it's his hands and feet!

The sudden scene once again made everyone stupid, but no one wanted to tilt, but it was because of seeing the teacher, especially excited.

"Teacher ye, here!"

Two dogs son warm call, Tang Qing came down from Mo Qing's arms, stroked the slightly wrinkled clothes, smiled and looked, "it's Lu xiaoclassmate, I remember you."

As soon as he heard that the master remembered himself, er Gouzi called him happy. But unexpectedly, the God who had always been cold suddenly said, "master, his name is er Gouzi."

I don't know why, er Gouzi always thought the cold voice was terrible. He was shaken when he heard it. He forgot what the other party called him. Only then did he respond to it. Then he asked Qu Baba, "God, you have changed. You used to be, you are not like this."

At least not two dogs.

Mo Qing snorted, "you don't know me."

Tang Qing laughed at his jealous arrogance, but he still knew his task.

"All right, stand aside. I'm going to save people."

As before, Tang Qing was about to take action, but Mo Qing took a step faster than her. He took people out of the skeleton group, drew a transmission array and threw them in.


God, what are you doing! Don't tell them you call the teacher, just because you miss your master!

Mo Qing really wants Tang Qing. From the beginning to the end, his eyes never leave Tang Qing.

The vision was a little hot, but Tang Qing didn't realize it until he heard the system say, "task completion index rose to 35%."