When Mo several invisible wrinkled frown, this words in the thorn, anyone can hear out, then see that Zhou Tong, is shivering, poor extremely.

People are born to sympathize with the weak and small things, and Shi Mo is no exception. Only when he sympathizes again, his face is still expressionless.

His indifference made the girls around him a little more brave. Seeing Zhou Tong still standing, they almost wanted to satirize her. But seeing the God of man again, they were more or less restrained and turned to the evil voice: "what are you doing here! Otherwise, how could Ranran fall down the mountain and hit a stone! "

Their rich lady didn't see such scenes. She cried and shook her head immediately. "I, I didn't mean to, I......"

Those girls sneered and snorted, "you didn't mean to do it. If you did, you could still do it?"

"That is, who knows if you mean it!"

Zhou Tong clenched her teeth, and her timid eyes were filled with tears. Her family was poor, and she hesitated to come to Shengze at that time. But the scholarship was really attractive. She thought that as long as she kept a low profile, she would survive these three years. But she didn't expect that, no matter how low-key she was, she would always be looked down upon by others. She used to play small games, but this time If they accuse her of deliberately hurting others, it's not possible that she will be expelled from school, or even worse

She did not dare to imagine that she could only look at Shi Mo as if for help.

"Long time, believe me, I didn't mean to, I I, we just had a fight, and I didn't expect her to fall. "

Although the back mountain of the school is called the mountain, it's just a small hillside. Even if it falls down at this height, it won't fall like this. But Ran Ran Ran Ran was unlucky and ran into a stone, which caused so much blood to flow.

Zhou Tong is very low-key when she comes to the school. Shi Mo knows that although it is her opinion at present, he is seventeen years old. He has his own judgment. He can't help it until he understands that she is afraid of being pushed to the limit.

"It's OK. You don't have to be nervous. Go back and tell the teacher the whole process. The teacher knows how to deal with it."

His voice was cold. At first glance, he had no feelings. Unexpectedly, he calmed Zhou Tong down. Yes, it happened, and he was not afraid of it.

"Thank you, sir. I know how to do it." Speaking of this, she made a deep bow and left without waiting for the others.

As soon as she left, several other girls were stupid. They were always people with their heads down. How could they be brave?

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, I was proud of myself. When I saw people who were always looked down upon by them, I dare to ignore them now. That's a kind of anger in my heart. I immediately blamed all this on her climbing up to the senior. Don't think they can't understand it. Although the senior looked indifferent, it comforted her!

After biting, she gave her a fierce stare, which was a farewell to Shi mo.

"Long hours, let's go."

When Mo nods, well, no more words.

The arrival of the ambulance attracted the attention of the school, because in the back mountain, the driver of the ambulance was not familiar with it. He simply pulled on a school teacher to lead the way. Unfortunately, the teacher was the principal of Shengze school.

It's too serious to call an ambulance. Where can the headmaster refuse, he immediately points the way. When he comes here, he sees a naked student standing by, and his feet are full of bright red blood.

At the sight of the blood volume, the headmaster's eyes were dark. He just wanted to get angry. Seeing that the man was Shi Mo, he swallowed it forcefully.

"Shi Mo, say, what's the matter?"

When Mo then light description light write: "a few girls make trouble, this one bad luck roll down the back mountain, I happen to meet, come to help."

The headmaster's angry beard moved. "How about the remaining girls? What about people?

"It's no great use staying here," said Shi. "I asked them to go back to the teacher and write a review."

There's nothing wrong with this practice, but the principal is angry. If he didn't admit his mistake, it's the youngest daughter of Ran's family who fell on the ground. She was brought up by Ran's baby. Now she's injured in school. Her grandfather can't tell how to scold people when she meets him.

The headmaster is angry and angry. What kind of back hill is this? It's still fighting. It means campus violence!

"OK, you go back first. I'll watch here."

During the conversation, several nurses put Tang Qing on a life-saving stand. Shi Mo wanted to leave, but he just turned around and was caught by someone. The hand was very tight. It was like a drowning man trying to find a life-saving straw, but he would not let go.

Eyebrow slightly a frown, have this strength way, it seems that people are awake, do not know when to wake up.

He stared at the hand he held tightly, his face expressionless, and then pulled it off one by one, "OK, you can go."


This boy is very aggressive.

The headmaster also frowned, but he could not say anything.

But Tang Qing, who was lying on the rescue shelf, was not happy.

"System, he took my hand!"

Tang Qing is very angry. She was entangled by a snake spirit disease and was hit by a car. She bound some broken systems to do the task without any reason. She wanted to do the task. Anyway, she could go home. But she underestimated the task! Although it's a task, it's also a real world. There's no simplicity in intention at all!

system choked for a moment, very much like Tucao, she did so obvious, how can this unconscious person make complaints about holding hands? It's too fake! Now that she has come to life, it means there is no danger. The man and she are not even one-sided. How could they let her hold them!

Take a deep breath. It's the first world in the world. He can't stand acting skills.

"It's OK. When you come out of the hospital, he will give you a chance to repay your kindness even if you save your benefactor."

As soon as Tang Qing heard this, he thought it was reasonable. The grace of saving lives should be rewarded by gushing spring. At that time, she would follow him well, strive to win his trust, become a younger brother beside him, and then rescue when the mistress is in danger

Thinking of this, she suddenly stopped. She didn't come to ask for trouble from the hostess, but learned that the hostess was going to be asked for trouble and wanted to solve it. The former world line hostess was expelled from school because of this. Although she was in self-defense, she was too defensive. Even if it wasn't intentional, it really pushed people down the mountain.

Those girls at Shengze school didn't like her. How could they miss this opportunity? A group of people asked their parents to put pressure on the school. In the end, the school couldn't help but dismiss her.

Tang Qing did not expect that although the hostess was saved, she was so miserable that she rolled down the back mountain.