Tang Qing still remembers that her task is to take good care of the male Lord and not let others hurt the female Lord without violating the human establishment. At present, the villains seem to be ready to act. How can she stand by? So, the next evening, she appeared in her high set tuxedo.

It's a great opportunity for some people to get close to each other. Those who receive invitations are not stupid enough to be absent. Even those who don't receive invitations are trying to get one. Unfortunately, Shijia doesn't plan to make a big deal of it. The invited people are only close relatives and friends. Of course, these people alone are also very considerable numbers 。

Tang Qing had never been to any dinner party. At first, he refused, and even discussed with Shi Mo to let her sneak in. Unfortunately, this idea was mercilessly broken.

How time Mo doesn't understand her mind? He just doesn't want to make a big noise. But he doesn't want to let everyone know that his little deskmate has long been reserved by him!

In the cool night, Tang Qing stepped on a small high heel, dressed in a starry dress, and slowly walked down from the warm car.

The surrounding light is a little dim, but it can't cover the moving little face of the little table, clear and bright eyes, willow eyebrows bent, long eyelashes trembling slightly in the breeze, white and flawless skin is a little pink, the small face is delicate and lovely, and then close look, the moist lip is more people hate a kiss.

And because of the movement of her getting off, the thin black ribbon slowly slipped down from the beautiful white shoulder, and in the light silver moonlight, the star gradual change dress flickered slightly, as if in the sea of stars, the beauty almost made all the words pale.

Her appearance was neither early nor late, but it was the most attractive scene.

Being watched by so many people for no reason, Tang Qing is like a frightened little white rabbit. It's harmless to make people want to tease her. Unfortunately, Shi Mo has come to her side before he waits for help.

"Let me sneak in, you see, so many people watching, I am so uncomfortable!"

Shi Mo's eyes were dim. In this moment, he really regretted that he let her appear in the crowd like this. She was so dazzling that she attracted everyone's eyes almost as soon as she appeared. She should be treasured. No one can appreciate her beauty except him.

This almost abnormal desire for control made him tremble. He was never such a person. Why did he meet her? Everything changed.

In my heart, I was still surprised by my own idea, but the system there reported a long lost task progress bar.

"Task completion index increased to 60%!" After reporting the system, I couldn't help but marvel at my own aesthetics. Look at the beauty of the original body he chose, it's almost the whole audience's attention.

When I finished the task, I was so counselled to see my host. I couldn't help saying, "I said Qing Qing, have some confidence!"! You should know that you are the most beautiful in the whole audience. Hold up your chest, raise your head, and be proud of all the scum

In this way, Tang qingpoof came out of the middle two's lines, "if you don't watch the middle two's TV series, you will be stupid to watch people! I'm not a savior, but there are many heroes here. "

However, the system said proudly: "although they are heroes, if you can save the man, you are the real Savior, and it is qualified to be proud of anyone."

Tang Qing quickly glanced at the guests around her eyes. Sure enough, she did not know any of them. "Don't be so arrogant when you talk. Know that modesty is the traditional virtue of my hometown." I don't know if it's the systematic words that play a role, but it's not as tense as before.

When Mo looked at her mood gradually stable, also immediately put away the heart that can almost match the dirty mind.

"Beautiful little deskmate, let's go." As he said this, he smiled and held out his hand. He bent slightly to reach out his hand, which was like the old aristocratic demeanor. There was no sense of offending, only elegance.

At that moment, he suddenly understood what he thought was silly. Now he thought it was so close to his heart.

"Ranran, do you know what I'm thinking now?"

Tang Qing tries to maintain a smile and wants to look like a lady. "What do you want?"

"I, in the moment of holding your hand, I feel like holding the world in my hand. I feel like I am the happiest person on the spot."

Tang Qing:

"Tong'er, I don't know why I feel like a good match with you."

When the system heard this, it didn 't work. The whole group of data exploded, "bah! I like the little sister with big chest and small waist. Who wants to find a man who is shriveled and doesn't have any idea! "

When Tang Qing heard this, he sneered, "young man, don't talk too much. I don't know if you really like it."

The whole data of the system is infuriated because of anger. "Bah, I don't like it if you like to go."

"Oh, why are you suddenly angry?" Tang Qing thought of a good way to relieve himself, that is, to continue to tease the system, "you need to know that there is no silver here, 300 Liang. Your sudden and excited denial will make me more suspicious."

How could the system think of the small simplicity that it looked at at at the beginning? Now step by step, it's going to be abdominal black, and suddenly it's heartache: "you have changed, you were not like this! You are no longer my little darling

"Chi, wake up, it's just your self righteous idea."

Being ridiculed so mercilessly by the host, the system thinks that he is the most pitiful system in the world. The hosts of other families are obsessed with the system and want to deduct benefits from him. As for his host, it is so different that he loves and hates.

With the rise of one person one system mutual connection, Shi Mo felt that his little deskmate was absent-minded and had to hold her hand for a few minutes.

"What are you thinking?"

Tang Qing, looking serious, said: "I wonder if you are possessed by any ghosts. I'm really shocked by such a middle-aged boy."

At the age of seventeen, he looked like an old God. He teased Shi Mo and said, "I think you are possessed by some ghosts. Why Let me be so fascinated, say, be fox spirit

Tang Qing:

Seeing that she was split by thunder, Shi Mo was interested. "Not a fox spirit? Is it rabbit spirit? "

Tang Qing watched him on his way to the middle school and never to return. He was very distressed and said: "young man, wake up, your human structure has collapsed and God can't see it anymore. Go back to your high cold school grass mode!"

"Well, you can change back in person." Finish saying, return very shameless will face intentionally to her in front.

Not to mention anything else, he had wanted to do it since she appeared.