11 Super Friends

Upon blinking inside an empty bathroom stall within the NY Public Library, I made my way out to the entrance to wait for the gang to arrive. Since I don't wanna tell that what I was really up to in a public area where you don't know who might be listening in on the conversation.

As I reach the entrance, it was just on time where once Jean saw me, she straight up tackled me with a sprint as I received her in my embrace kissing her lips. We both would have gone down the ground had I not trained my body and reaching a height of 6ft with muscles purely consisting of pink muscles (except of course the important part like organs and brains, though my dick is also pure pink muscle.)

The girl I knew who was so fragile back then is now a woman with a height of 5'7ft and hour-glass body huge bust and booty. With her hitting puberty real hard Ned and Peter felt really awkward being around her without me in the group, though the good thing they got a new member whom I previously mentioned.

Gwendolyn Stacy blushing as she witnessed me and Jean kissing, looking like Caroline Zalog [A/N: another Instagram model look her up] with a height of 5'3ft appropriately slim body with more emphasis on the booty (though that will change soon enough).

Another geek in the group a brilliant geneticist who is already working as an intern in OSCORP where she toured Peter's group during the incident. My plan hiring her into Wayne Ent. might be sped up as Harry Osborn is bugging her in her workplace

"Sup girl? Missed me that much?" 『John』 as I pulled my head away from hers stopping our french kiss abruptly.

Inhaling"Hmph, without you in class it just becomes stale to even attend it. (Maybe I should just skip grades too like you so we can together more often? What do you think?)" 『Jean』 gasped a little for a reply after breaking away from the kiss then barraging me telepathically with questions while clinging to my arm.

"(Hmm… Of course why not, if you can do it then do it.) Aww… I missed you too!" 『John』 I replied while giving a light kiss on her forehead.

"Wuts up guys? Everything going great in school?" 『John』as I asked everyone in the gang showing them I didn't just forget about them from the kiss momentarily…

"Yeah, yeah.. though just like Jean said it already became boring without you in it and your constant pranking of bullies like flash." 『Ned』 replied sourly while slightly trying to guilt-trip me.

"Well, it's fine, though Flash doesn't bother us that much anymore even with you gone." 『Peter』 replied with his chin up with a slight smirk.

"Well yeah, cause you suddenly got courage out of nowhere. Did you just also hit puberty, Pete?" 『Gwen』 as she countered.

"Haha, that's not working anymore on me Ned. You're a big guy now PUN intended, as you don't look so cute like back then." 『John』I retorted lightly punching his shoulder. Where he dramatically jumps back as someone pushed him while waving his hands in the air.

"Ughhh, am not! I feel offended. And why did you punch me so hard?" 『Ned』 as he rubs his shoulder that I tapped lightly earlier looking at me teary-eyed. That made everyone laugh at his sorry figure instead of pitying him.

"Alright, stop acting like a bitch Ned. I'm bout to tell you guys something important today, let's go somewhere else to speak privately." 『John』as I waved my arm around hinting Ned to stop fooling around and putting my serious face on.

"Tsk, no fun. Since when did you become a killjoy…" 『Ned』 wanting to get the last word in.

"Ohh, you'll be begging for me later for fun. Alright everyone, follow me." 『John』as I smiled wickedly to Ned. Where he got a chill from the look I gave.

Everyone followed me in a dark alley at the side of the library and when everyone is within the shade of the building I surrounded them with my [Shadow Force] to connect them to me instead of holding hands quickly and blinking everyone else towards the Batcave.


They all gasps and tried to cover their eyes at the sudden change of lighting from sudden darkness to the brightness of the Batcave, I waited for a few minutes to let their eyes adjust a little more before explaining. But before I even voiced out I got interrupted by Ned again when he noticed the bat suits of Nightwing and Red hood on display.

"YOOOOO! Are you like for real?! Are those Nightwing and Red Hood suits?! Are we like in a secret base? Am I dreaming? Can someone pinch me to check if I'm really dreaming?" 『Ned』 he yelled as soon as his eyes adjusted rushing to the display cases of the suits. Breaking everyone else out of their stupor.

Slap"OWWW! What the hell was that for?!" 『Ned』 complained while holding his left cheek.

"There, you still felt like dreaming?" 『John』 as I lightly blow the hand that slapped him.

"I asked for a pinch, not a slap!" 『Ned』

Knuckle cracking sounds"Oh want to turn the other cheek to even up your face? You do know I got a 'slight' case of OCD" 『John』 as I eyed his other cheek while stretching my left arm with obvious cracking sounds. Getting a laugh out of everyone after our skit calming them down.

"No, no… I was just kidding thanks for the slap. I'm awake, by the way where the heck are we?" 『Ned』 hiding behind Jean for defense. Everyone else eyed me for an explanation after his remark.

Cough Cough"Soo… this is the important thing I wanted to talk about everyone. TADA!" 『John』 as I spread my arm around presenting the whole Batcave like the Greatest Showman.

Cricket Noise Howling of the wind within the cave

"So that's it? You're saying your both Nightwing and Red Hood?" 『Pete』he asked disappointedly

"I thought there will be something more dramatic?" 『Ned』

"Yeah, though it is surprising to find out you have a secret identity I felt that there is something more," 『Gwen』 replied with a tilted head while thinking hard about something. While Jean is just quiet, expecting more. Awww she knows me so well.

""Yeah? Like what more?"" 『Clones』 appearing behind the three through the shadow tapping their shoulders and asking at the same time.

Making Peter jump up to the ceiling and sticking to it looking at my clone warily while Gwen after being startled ran towards me and I received her in my embrace unexpectedly. Lastly, Ned just plainly passes out after looking back and forth a few times towards me and at the faced that tapped him in the shoulder.

We waited for a few minutes for Ned to wake up as I had to calm down Gwen through telepathically suggestion, and Jean assured Peter that everything is alright. Only then did we get to start the explanation part.

"So what did you guys think?" 『John』I asked looking at them a little worried that I might have scared them off.

"First of all, what you pulled off earlier wasn't even funny even as you play it out as a prank! Second of all you almost killed NED! Third, so PETER has powers too? And lastly was JEAN on it?!" 『Gwen』yelled Gwen as she berated my actions of showing off my powers while blushing at the end remember how she reacted badly at the prank by jumping into my arms

"To be clear, no I wasn't in on it.. though I knew he had powers what he showed was different from what I know of." 『Jean』 smirking playfully at Gwen not knowing what is going through her mind, while glaring at me after knowing I kept something from her.

"Wha-WHAT? Peter has POWERS? Do you also have another kind of POWER? And why you gotta go trying to kill me off Gwen…"『Ned』 he yelled hysterically while holding his head getting more confused about the situation.

"Um-itssss… Ughhh… Th-this ha-happened.. and-" 『Peter』 stuttering trying to explain his situation as I cut him off.

"Well… First of all, though you'd believe me if I show it you guys instead of just telling. (Second of all this is the power that Jean knows off.) Third well Peter got his because he got bit by a radioactive spider back at when he had that tour in OSCORP, I was already eyeing that stuff but one slipped past the net, and before I knew it Peter got bit." 『John』I answered Gwen's questions with the second part telepathically through everyone to state my point.

"Wait w-what?! You knew?!"『Peter』shocked at the revelation

"Yeah, for a while. By the way, your suit sucks man. Are you going around Queens with that stuff on you? I feel embarrassed as your senpai."『John』while doing a facepalm.

"We-well, I'm not a rich kid like you so I make do with what I have on hand."『Peter』replied dejectedly.

"Worry not, I just got the thing for you. Why else did you think I brought you guys here."『John』as I hooked my arm around him to his shoulder.

"So that's how you manage to play vigilante while having an alibi as M. John Wayne. You have your clones running around in suits while you show yourself in public places."『Gwen』 as an imaginary light bulb glows above her head.

"Quick thinking Gwen as always." 『John』 winking at her and receiving back a blush that stuns me and Jean smirking at the side watching everything.

"What makes you think I won't tell on you to my dad?! Hmm?" 『Gwen』 she retorted and blackmails me trying to get back on what happened earlier.

"Well, let's just say that there is an open spot for a geneticist in Wayne Ent. Medical Department with good pay, benefits, and salary no strings attached…" 『John』 I replied played with words slowly looking at her in the eye. As her eye go big like an anime character at my offer.

"Hmm? Who's gonna tell on who? I'll keep this shit to the grave. Say… can I apply even though I'm still studying? If not I can skip grades like Jean if you don't accept students just keep the spot open as soon as I graduate. Please, please, please, pretty please."『Gwen』 quickly changing her tone, then begging me with her puppy eyes that pulled a string in my heart again before Ned broke the flow again.

"Wait, so if Peter got his powers from a radioactive spider that bit him. And knowing that, you collected more of it… Does that mean I can also have powers if I get bit by one too?!" 『Ned』 yelled again at the sudden enlightenment, then start begging me too, to get him bit by another radioactive spider while hugging my leg.

"(ENOUGH!) Why don't you really explain why we are here babe?" 『Jean』 yelled inside everyone's head stopping Ned and Gwen from bugging me and calming down Peter at the same time. Though Ned is shocked again at another revelation that another one of his friends has powers.

Cough Cough

"Will you stop coughing to prepare already. Are you sick? Do you have some virus of some sort?" 『Jean』teasing me and getting everyone in a proper mindset again. Can't let go of this girl that knows me so well as I give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Alright, that's enough gags for the day. Gwen no need to beg as I got a spot for everyone here in the company whenever you want to get a job as soon as you finish your studies. Ned though you are correct that I got more spiders that give powers, it's not that I can't give you one it is just that you need to have a compatible DNA sequence with the spider to receive a power boost like Peter. He was just lucky he was compatible with the one that bit him if not he could've died of radiation."『John』 I explained, with Peter shivering at the thought of what if it went wrong (well nothing will go wrong you have plot armor my dude.) and Ned getting disappointed with what I had said.

"Though don't worry as I got scientists working on perfecting a serum to give power boost for everyone here and if Gwen comes and works at the company it might just progress faster." 『John』removing the dark clouds covering his face and putting a smile on Gwen's too at the same time making her shiver from excitement.

Ahh dammit, now it looks like everyone wants to skip grades now and graduate early. Well whatevs, might as well stop the creation of villain Vulture in the Spider-man: Homecoming. Though they might miss out on hanging out with Michell "MJ" Jones, I digress.

"Well, those are just the surface of the important thing I wanted to talk about everyone. What I really want to do here is finish the magical oath I promised to you guys way back when we were still in school together, though I manage to skim around it by telling you I was really busy with corporate stuff even if it wasn't a lie I still hid some truths. I was really busy with this Super-Powered stuffs.

And before you say anything about the Magic Oath, I do not consider this as a joke. As you can see for yourself there are some powers you can't explain yet with science so don't rule out that possibility that Magic exists too. My current plans as of now are to help out Peter with his powers as he doesn't have the training of how to even protect himself properly so before you go saving everybody in Queens and be a vigilante learn how to protect yourself and those around you first."『John』with a gaping O mouth response from Peter as he piece two and two together that I was the one that saved Uncle Ben that night with my black colored based suits.

"Daaaaammn, so that's why you rarely do oaths back then. We should really avoid making those Magical Oaths more often, and can't believe it was really Peter was Spider-ling, Spider-boy? What do you call yourself Peter?"『Ned』gaining another enlightenment while low key dissing Peter at the same time unknowingly.

"It's SPIDER-MAN! MAN! Okay?!" 『Peter』 snap backed with a vein-popping at his forehead.

"So when do I start, Mr. Wayne, Sir?" 『Gwen』asked chummily knowing she got a job ready for her at my company.

"Hmm… is cloning, teleporting, and telepathy your only powers?"『Jean』 she asked getting us on topic again. Perceptive as always, maybe its because the seal on her powers are slowly loosening gotta go and make her start training in mind arts soon.

"Ahh, it's kinda hard to explain?" 『John』 I replied while making two clones with a Rasengan of light and dark ball while levitating slowly off the ground.After showboating again for the last time land on the ground and dispelling the clones, they broke out in cheers again.

"That is AWESOME!!"『Ned and Peter』

"Cool…"『Gwen』 eyes glowing thinking she can have powers like mine once she works on that serum soon.

"Heh, should be powerful enough like that to be my boyfriend!"『Jean』stating it in a 'as a matter of fact' tone like it's the most obvious thing in the world, going in for another french kiss as I stopped the show.

Gasps"Well, that's just a few of what I have in my arsenal as my basic power is to copy other people's power and make it my own. So I'm not sure regarding its limit, I guess I have just scratched the surface in the recent years of experimentation and training."『John』I stated embarrassingly after taking another deep breath from the kiss. Ugh, can't seem to hold it together for another year, just one more year before I pop the forbidden CHERRY!.

"That's just scratching the surface?! You fucking HYPOCRITE! Why are you looking embarrassed at your powers? Wanna trade places and let me be the rich powerful kid and you be the fatass prick?" 『Ned』 complains at my statement.

"Oh so you know you're a fatass yourself? Hahaha, no thanks."『John』

"Yeah, cause I'm no hypocrite."『Ned』

"If you don't stop that shit, I'll just wipe your memory and get you back on your normal life. Hmm?"『John』 glaring at him wickedly.

"Alright, fine. I'm sorry."『Ned』apologized while grumbling under his breath 'sore loser'.Flick "OWW! What the fuck was that?!" 『Ned』while holding his forehead that has a slight bump now.

"Hahahahaha" 『Everyone』

"Forgot about [Telekinesis] and [Super Hearing]"『John』 I replied smugly.

"That's cheating!"『Ned』

"Babe what about a tour of the place?" 『Jean』having enough fun, she took notice of the unique charm of the Batcave and wanted to explore the area.

"Aight, fall in line everyone. Anyone who speaks out of turn of wanders off goes back to normal life… Understood?" 『John』while glaring jokingly at Ned and him shivering not knowing if I was kidding or not.

As I toured them around the area showcasing Phoenix and Spider-man suits much to their shock and joy Jean's and Peter's reaction whereas I expect that they wanted to try it on the spot. I stopped them as I will only give it to them once they finish the training program I have in mind for them. Again repeating a calming mantra inside my head due to Jean's seducing moves to get what she wants.

After touring around the Batcave we head up to the Mansion above to eat, with Sebas prepared a timely with dinner thanks to Augur predicting such situation as he knows my body status. Before I sending everyone home I gave everyone a prototype Transer with limited functions.

Looking like a plain accessory in disguise, static force field to avoid leaving hair fall all around New York, having an all-time tracker and emergency button, limited holo functions similar to; smartphone, pc, and smartwatch. Though they can only use it privately as they might get unnecessary attention from powerful people so they still have to bring their

I'm also having slight expectations on what kind of powers Ned and Gwen will receive once they get the META formula treatment. Now I should also start making code names for them and the team too.