When Xia Ruchu woke up, a strange smell came into his nose.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a dilapidated house. It was very wet and dark. There was no kerosene lamp, let alone an electric lamp.

The house is made of soil. She was thrown on her side on the ground with her hands and legs tied. After seeing the environment in the house, she almost bit her tongue.

Shit! There was a coffin in front of her. It was covered with a large piece of white tape. If she hadn't looked inside with her power, she wouldn't have found it!

After all, it's still self inflicted.

The inside of the coffin is empty, but the coffin seems old and looks a little old.

Except for this coffin, there are almost no furnishings in this room. They are all small objects. It seems that this room should be dedicated to this coffin?

She searched in her mind for a long time and didn't know who would bind her. It's reasonable that she, a kind-hearted little girl on weekdays, wouldn't cause such trouble. Moreover, her family is poor, and there won't be such a thing to seek life for money?

Xia Ruchu wanted to ask someone when they came. As a result, she waited until midnight and no one came.

Now, Rao Shi felt a little flustered no matter how calm she was.

There is a forest outside the house. Although there are no small graves like those seen last time, there is no family nearby. In addition, there is a coffin in front of her. It is dark all around in the middle of the night, but her eyesight is so good

"There is no Amitabha Buddha in the south, and there is no Amitabha Buddha in the South..."

She closed her eyes and kept talking.

Not afraid of heaven and earth, but afraid of this nothingness.

If this goes out, everyone who knows her will have to laugh.

Who makes her always look calm and indifferent?

Well, now it's called daily failure and the earth should not.

Xia Ruchu felt her hand shaking in her school uniform pocket, but she had no choice but to let her mobile phone shake there.

"Hum ~ hum ~ hum ~"

In fact, she felt that the sound of vibration was even more strange in the silent night.

Chen Fang was worried and angry at home. In the afternoon, she received a phone call from the girl saying that she had gathered with her classmates and would not work in the store. However, unexpectedly, after she closed the door at 11:30 and returned home, she found that she had not come back!

I called for a whole hour, and there was no answer on the other end of the phone.

At first she thought it was the girl who was still playing outside, but then she found something wrong.

What is her daughter like? She knows best when she is a mother. This situation has never happened before. Therefore, she was anxious and reported to the police.

But that's good. The police said they couldn't file a case in less than 24 hours!

Chen Fang hurried around at home, holding her mobile phone and walking back and forth in the living room. Grandma also looked worried, but they had never encountered such a situation and could do nothing but worry.

"Don't you have the phone number of their head teacher? Call the head teacher and ask. "

"Oh, yes, yes."

Grandma's words were like being impressed. Chen Fang took out her mobile phone in a panic and called Xu Quan.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, it's really disturbing to call you so late. Well, I'm Xia Ruchu's mother. Ruchu told me in the afternoon that she would go to dinner with her classmates and come back later, but she hasn't come back yet. No one answered my call..."

Xu Quan had been quarreled so late and had some complaints in his heart, but when he heard that Xia Ruchu was missing, his whole head suddenly woke up.

"Don't worry. I'll call the students and let you know as soon as I have news."

Chen Fang held the phone in both hands, but she didn't relax at all.

Xu Quan on the other side hung up Chen Fang's phone and called Wenlin's father

About ten minutes later, Chen Fang's cell phone rang. It only rang once, and she hurriedly pressed the answer button.

"Miss Xu..."

"Don't worry, listen to me. Xia Ruchu had dinner with his classmates after school in the afternoon, but on the way, Xia Ruchu said he went to the bathroom and never came back... Let's call the police now."

"I called the police, but the police said they couldn't file a case within 24 hours."

Chen Fang was so anxious that she almost cried. She felt that the sky was about to collapse.

Xu Quan's heart sank. After comforting her for two words, he said he was going to the police station to have a look.

The night passed.

The sky was white with fish bellies.

Xia Ruchu opened her eyes vaguely. Her limbs were numb. She had been lying on her side since she was tied. Although she was afraid last night, she closed her eyes to hypnotize herself and soon fell asleep.

What puzzled her was that she had not seen her kidnapper since yesterday.

Normally, the kidnapper should appear soon and make his request as much as possible, but what's the situation now?

The surrounding area is deserted and full of mountains and forests and weeds. Those people don't want to tie her up and starve her to death, do they?

It is estimated that there are no people in this world who are too busy to feel pain, right?

Just as she looked at the beam silently, someone spoke outside the house.

"Young master, according to the news from my ears and eyes, the young lady was tied here."

Hearing this sound, Xia Ruchu turned his head and looked over.

When she saw the figure, many thoughts floated in her mind.

The visitor's face was deep, his eyebrows were twisted into a ball, and there was a low air pressure around him. Behind him were five men in black.

Arden stood at the door, and the previous guide politely pushed open the broken wooden door.

Arden hurried in and was obviously relieved when he saw Xia Ruchu lying on the ground.

Then he rushed forward, squatted down and untied the rope for her.

"I'm really sorry I didn't explain the situation to you last time I came."

Looking at the red marks on her wrists and ankles, as well as the purple legs and arms, I was full of apology.

"Can you rub my hands and feet? It's too numb to move. "

When Xia Ruchu was picked up by him, he couldn't stand. It seemed that his hands and feet were not his own.

Arden winked at the person on the side. The previous leader quickly wiped the bamboo stool on the side with his sleeves.

After she sat on it, Arden squatted down and gently rubbed her hands and feet.

The five men who followed him went to the door to guard. As for the guide, after seeing the scene, he quietly withdrew.

"Don't you ask me what's going on?"

Arden asked, looking up at her as he rubbed her feet.