"What is this?"

Zhao juexian said with a shudder.

He only felt that when the Xuanwu appeared, his body began to tremble from the depths of his soul, which was not only the fear of power, but also the awe of the superior. This awe does not come from the outside world, but is rooted in the deep blood. His blood of swallowing the sky Python seemed to be extremely awed. He crawled on the ground and made Zhao juexian have no idea of resisting.

"It's a disaster of immortals. To be exact, it's a disaster of immortals and golden elixirs."

Chen Fan raised his head with a dignified expression, but his face was full of unprecedented smile. That smile, is so gorgeous, so happy, so proud.

"The golden elixir?"

Zhao juexian's head is blurred.

As the leader of the northern cold region, he has heard of the existence of Shenpin Jindan at most. As for the divine goods, I have never heard of them. There has never been a golden elixir in the whole celestial realm since ancient times, not to mention the immortal elixir?

"The golden elixir is divided into nine grades. Above the nine products is the divine product. It's not the Tianzong religion. Only the supreme Holy Land in the depths of the universe and the peerless pride of the supreme immortal sect can be condensed. But above the holy goods, there are also immortal goods! "

Facing Xuanwu, a powerful beast, chen fan is not in a hurry and talks.

"There are not many elixirs who have tasted the golden elixir for thousands of years. Only the brightest and most glorious golden world can be born. The divine goods and the holy goods all need to cross nine thunder robberies, but the immortal goods only need one. "

Speaking of this, chen fan's eyes fell on the Xuanwu, which is hundreds of miles in size and controls xuanming:

"that's the real form of thunder robbery."

This beast is Xuanwu, and its power is terrible. It is no weaker than a Yuanying emperor. It is so real that it is not famous for thunder and lightning.

However, chen fan knows that this is not really Xuanwu, but a brand of the law of heaven and earth.

"It's said that the immortals taste the golden elixir to survive the robbery. The law of heaven and earth will transform the brand of the golden elixir. Only by defeating the brand can we promote the golden elixir. "

"But if we can leave our mark in the universe, it is the existence of the same generation. They may be gods and beasts, or gods, or even immortals. The formation of the brand is often related to the practice of the robbers. But unexpectedly, what I met was the legendary Xuanwu. "

Chen Fan showed a bitter smile after all.

The general Jindan level god beast cub, although the strength is strong, also compares with the ancient devil Saint son.

However, Xuanwu is the most powerful beast, the God of the north. Even if it is only in the early stage of the golden elixir, its powerful mana can also shake the earth and shake the sky, and can rival Yuanying Tianjun. At this time, chen fan was fighting with a yuan baby.


Before Zhao juexian could react, Xuanwu moved.

It raised its huge foot, ten kilometers in size, and hit it with one claw.

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth are torn apart, the space is broken, and the chaotic storm surges wildly. Before the Giant Claw arrived, the whole area was reduced by tens of feet, and countless holy mountains collapsed in an instant. Zhao juexian was lying on the ground, unable to move even a little finger, intuiting that the end of the world was coming.


Chen Fan rises from the sky with a bright light wheel behind him, turning into a golden rainbow running through the sky and the earth.

In the face of real thunder, there is no retreat. Unless chen fan gives up the golden elixir. Otherwise, this Xuanwu will never disappear, and any deception can't be concealed.


A crash.

Chen fan was directly photographed by Xuanwu flying in the air. Sheng Sheng smashed into the ground and penetrated thousands of feet below. He almost broke through the two boundary peaks.

The power of Xuanwu is beyond Chen Fan's imagination. Although this is just a piece of Xuanwu in the early stage of the golden elixir, its physical strength is no weaker than that of Yuanying.

Although Chen fan has been through 27 thunderous robberies in succession, his mana is like a mountain and a sea, and his physical body is closer to the perfection of the divine body, he still can't withstand the Xuanwu strike.

"Come again."

Chen fan, who has been defeated and fought many times, is not afraid of the thrust.

He was full of brilliant light. Behind chen fan, the shining wheel turned into a huge wheel to block out the sky and the sun, rolling like the sky and rolling towards Xuanwu.

"Bang bang."

The world shaking war broke out.

Chen fan is in an unprecedented struggle.

Xuanwu, even in the heaven and the world, can be regarded as the most powerful existence, and it can surpass the true immortal. Although this is only a young Xuanwu, and his cultivation is limited in the early stage of Jindan, it also gives chen fan a headache.

Xuanwu's theory of magic power can rival Yuanying's heavenly king. The physical body is also extremely strong, stronger than the eternal body of the Qing emperor. One body divine channel skill belongs to the level of immortal Dharma. From any angle, it is weaker than chen fan, but better.


Once again, chen fan was smashed from heaven and earth, breaking a sacred mountain with a height of 100000 Zhang. On the body of emperor Qingdi, they were all torn and almost split.

"Damn it, if I can cultivate the five elements holy body or Zhenwu holy body, I will not be afraid of it."Chen fan was annoyed.

Although emperor Qingdi's body is strong, it is one level lower than that of Xuanwu. Chen Fan's mastery of all kinds of heavenly arts is even more crushed by Xuanwu's supernatural powers. That is to say, this Xuanwu belongs to the brand after all. It has no mind. Otherwise, it would have slapped chen fan to death as soon as possible.

"Thunder prison sword!"

Chen Fan changes his body and turns into Lei Ze of the dragon head.

The bright light wheel, in Chen Fan's body, is like an eternal God stove, which constantly provides energy for Chen Fan yuan. At this time, chen fan felt that he was extremely powerful and could defeat the emperor. He separated the nether world with a knife and cut through the chaos. The black blade was earth shaking!

But Xuanwu is just a light claw.

"Bang Dang."

Its black scaly claws, like Mount Tai's, easily smashed the light of Lei Yu's sword and cracked Chen Fan's body.


Chen Fan's formula of condensing is to condense the spirit.

He is close to the golden elixir at this time. As long as the light wheel is not broken and the spirit is not dead, he will never die. Even if the body is destroyed, it can be refined again with the power of reincarnation. But this magic power needs to consume a lot of essence, and Chen fan can't use it several times.

"Go on."

Chen fanzhan's blood is boiling and his blood is climbing.

All kinds of supernatural powers and Taoist Arts are displayed from Chen Fan's hands. Chen fan has never fought so hard as today. It even reminds him of the time when he fought with Tianjiao.

"The great five elements will destroy the thunder."

Chen Fan raised five thunder seals and summoned a chaotic thunder pillar that looked like black and white.

Xuanwu opens his mouth directly and spits out a mysterious thunder.

The power of xuanming God thunder, which was put out by Xuanwu himself, was extremely terrible. It was condensed by hundreds of millions of xuanming forces and turned into a black thunder pillar. It not only easily defeated the chaotic thunder pillar, but also bombed the five thunder seals in the air.

Chen Fangen didn't love the five thunder seals, so he sacrificed another Lingbao and rushed up again.

"Bang bang."

In front of Xuanwu, the original golden elixir can be cut. The incomparably strong Lingbao is as fragile as a piece of paper, which can be easily broken. It was not until Chen Fan finally pulled up the heaven chopping magic sword and shook Xuanwu with his peerless swordsmanship that he managed to hold it.


When Chen Fan was killed by Xuanwu for the eighth time, he used the magic power of reincarnation and recovered hard. He knew that he couldn't go on like this any more.

"Xuanwu is too strong. It's the most powerful beast. Even if we gather together the elixir, we may not be able to defeat it in the same realm. "

Chen Fan frowned.

Chen fan is at a disadvantage in all aspects.

"The third style of thunder prison sword."

"Years of great powers?"

"The same incarnation of Xuanwu, hard to fight with it?"

Thoughts flashed through Chen Fan's mind.

Up to now, chen fan has used the techniques of pressing the bottom of the box, such as the twelve day skill, the longevity of the Qing emperor, the magic power of time, and the thunder prison sword.

But these moves were used by Chen Fan one after another. At most, they were even with Xuanwu. It's too difficult to kill Xuanwu.


The ninth time, chen fan's body was blown up.

But a huge knife mark also appeared on Xuanwu, which was more than ten kilometers long. That's the third move of the thunder prison Sabre made by Chen Fan with the sky chopping magic sword:

"open chaos!"

Thunder prison Sabre is the immortal Sabre skill of the ancient god king. It can kill the true immortal of he Dao. It's better than Zhenwu, and it may not be able to bear it.

"Come again!"

Chen Fan gathered his body again and rushed up with the sword. When the golden halo becomes a success, his magic power is endless. There are some taboo and secret skills that Chen Fan didn't intend to use, but at this time, he has to take them out in the face of Xuanwu.

But this time, to Chen Fan's surprise, Xuanwu was beaten back by him.

"Strange, how did Xuanwu become weak?"

Chen Fan doubts.

Next, Xuanwu became weaker and weaker, and the huge body with a hundred Li radius was also shrinking. The strength gradually dropped from the emperor level to the final level, even to the level of the ancient devil Saint son.

At this time, chen fan finally responded:

"I'll go. It turns out that this is a real thunder robbery. It's not about killing Xuanwu at all. It's just going to last for a while."

Thinking of this, Chen FA had a bitter smile. It's also true that when he was reincarnated, it was so hard for him to fight that he almost forced out taboo means. How can those normal practitioners defeat Xuanwu?

In the end.

Chen Fan cut off Xuanwu's head with one sword.

The Xuanwu, tens of thousands of feet in size, turned into electric light and instantly poured into the light wheel. The light wheel is like a long whale drinking water, swallowing countless thunder seas, and finally turning into a whole body gold thoroughfare without any impurities, just like the bright gold wheel made by immortal god gold.

Immortality, immortality, eternity!

Indestructible and indestructible is the golden elixir!At the moment when the golden elixir became a success, chen fan's breath soared and ascended, rapidly surpassing Zhao juexian, Shenxi and the ancient devil, reaching a level that everyone could not imagine. As vast as the sky, as high as the sun and the moon, as immortal as the universe.

"Reincarnation, ten years of painstaking cultivation, today eventually become a golden elixir."

Chen Fan sighed, his eyes were like the eternal blue sky, as if there was something hanging high.

He stood there, shining with golden light, just like the center of the whole world, with the whole two peaks at his feet. Chaos whistling, broken space, thunder whistling, but can not hurt him. Chen fan is like an immortal God King, so invincible, so powerful.

Zhao juexian looked up and felt that he was looking at a heavenly king!

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