"Is this man really Dan Shi? He's here to make trouble Cheng Dabiao vomited blood in his heart.

At this time, the man injected his internal power into the Danlu. Cheng Dabiao knew that it was not the time to watch the play, but he was still looking forward to the scene of the fire rising and blowing up.

Seven or eight kinds of medicinal materials with different pharmacology and even mutual restriction are mixed together. It's strange not to fry them! Cheng Dabiao is even ready to cover his ears.

At the examination table, Chen and Zhang were both frowning and angry.

Su ran sneered: "I thought it was some kind of expert. I've been pretending for a long time!"

Master Zhang shook his head. "It's going to blow up a cauldron of Dan furnace again. Lao Chen, you have to embarrass this boy."

"Hum, what I despise most in my life is this kind of person with pig nose and scallion, pretending to be an elephant!" Master Chen slapped the back of the chair, "I don't think he should do it, just roll out!"

Just as several people are very angry, Su ran makes a sound.

Master Zhang also found something wrong, a little surprised, said: "one heart two use, control two groups of flames at the same time?"

The blast furnace that people imagined didn't happen, but the young man with black hair leisurely held two groups of fire and reluctantly separated the materials,

"hum, so what, Qingshen Er Mu pill can't be refined by two fires." Master Chen said angrily.

But as soon as his voice fell, the fire in the Dan furnace, one minute two, two minutes four, turned into four fire!

The three men looked at each other, and they all swallowed their saliva, and Su Ran's eyes were a little more serious.

at the same time, the medicinal materials floating in that man's Dan stove were also divided into four parts, wrapped by several clusters of flames of different sizes.

The division of labor was clear and orderly, and the alchemist's face was calm, as if he had expected this scene.

Master Chen's heart thumped. Isn't that boy pretending to be a fool? Is that how he usually works? The three people in the examination seat were a little upset.

One heart four uses, naturally is not a problem to Lin Nan.

If you use this method to refine the third or fourth grade pills, it will be a little difficult, but the second grade Qingshen Ermu pills can be refined with eyes closed and feet closed. At this time, Lin Nan is still open, which has already given the examiner face.

Four groups of flames beat up and down. Lin Nan's fingers danced like a butterfly on the tip of a knife. The speed was dazzling, like a magic trick.

Just a few minutes later, with Lin Nan's right hand up, a pale blue pill flew out of the cauldron's mouth and landed on the tray steadily.

Lin Nan stood up and stretched, carrying a tray to Chen and Zhang, "please check."

Chen and Zhang face like water, this boy is the last to start alchemy, but Lin Nan wears the badge on his chest. There is a small tree carved on the badge, but there are only two bare trunks. On the contrary, Chen and Zhang have three.

When master Chen awarded Lin Nan the badge, his expression was very complicated.

Lin Nan said with a smile, "master Chen, can you start the third grade examination immediately?"

Chen some indecisive, then master Zhang came up in his ear whispered a few words: "simply put water, let this boy also take a third grade, so as to block his mouth."

Master Chen's face changed slightly. "The third grade examination is not a joke. A Miss Su is our limit. If the number of people who pass the examination is more, the Danshi Association will definitely review it. If they fail, our reputation will be..."

Master Zhang snorted coldly, "with Miss Su's talent, she must have the strength of the official sanpindan master when reexamining. Don't worry. As for this boy, he's in the dog's luck

Master Chen thought again and again, gritted his teeth and nodded, "OK, that's it."

The examination site for master sanpindan is in an airtight stone house upstairs.

The quality of the Dan stove here is quite different from that below. It is almost the same as the Ding black stove in Lin Nan's hands.

After entering the stone house, master Chen coughed. He took out a crystal which was recorded by the Danshi Association and smashed it with a crack.

A ray of light shone on master Chen. Master Chen said solemnly, "Chen Jiaoxiao, the branch of Danshi Association in Chen County, recorded here at noon. In ten minutes, there will be an examination of Sanpin Danshi."

"The examiners are Lin Nan, the master of erpindan, and Su ran, the master of erpindan

Master Zhang took a wooden box and gave Chen a wink. Master Chen immediately put his hand into the wooden box and took out a note. Then he said in a loud voice: "the theme is three kinds of elixir, rejuvenation elixir!"

"The spring elixir?"

Lin Nan and Su ran said in unison, with some surprise on their faces.

Then they look at each other, Lin Nan smiles, and Su ran looks cold, snorts and turns away.

Just because they are in doubt, this luck is also too good!

There are several hundred kinds of Sanpin pills, but the most easily refined one is Huichun pill!

Although this kind of pill is a third grade pill, its market price is almost the same as that of many second grade pills. It belongs to the kind of pill that you meet in the examination and you have to burn high incense.Master Chen said solemnly: "waiter, prepare four copies of herbs. They must be submitted in five minutes!"

The waiter answered and immediately turned to the warehouse to prepare.

Master Zhang also said: "this assessment is the third grade assessment, with the theme of Huichundan. There are three conditions to pass it!"

"First, it is necessary to refine the rejuvenation pill in wujixiang, with at least one pattern."

"Second, if the four medicinal materials are not refined successfully, it will be regarded as a failure!"

"Third, during the assessment period, you should not take any pills to increase or enhance the internal Qi. Once found, you should rush out of the examination room immediately. You should not participate in any assessment of the Danshi association all your life!"

Master Zhang solemnly asked, "do you understand?"

Lin Nan nodded, "I know."

Su ran also said, "I understand."

A moment later, two waiters entered the stone house. Each of them was carrying a portion of medicinal materials covered with black silk cloth.

Neither Lin Nan nor Su ran moved.

The first step of alchemy is to check the quality and integrity of herbs!

According to the quality of the medicinal materials, there are many changes in refining methods, such as the fire is too big or too weak, and the amount of internal gas injected.

Lin Nan took a look at the silk cloth. Most of them were satisfied. They were above average.

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