The next morning.

The sun in Chongqing is as hot as ever. It should have been a very ordinary day, but it is of great significance to the martial arts circle and many officials and rich people.

In an extended black Rolls Royce, there is a big brother with a bald head and sunglasses in the back seat.

The younger brother next to him worried and said: "boss, the Qing family is well prepared this time. We have managed to seize 70% of the market in Chongqing, but we can't lose it any more."

His nickname is Liu guangtou. He is a black-and-white man, backed by a martial arts sect no less than qiyinmen.

Liu guangtou, like Qingjia, is engaged in the pharmaceutical industry. Both sides have been enemies for decades.

The younger brother picked up a newspaper and said angrily, "is qingbingnian really crazy? Early this morning, Chongqing news channel, Asahi morning post, Dazhong trading network, and even his grandmother's RT Mart LED screen are also broadcasting advertisements of Qingjia."

"How much money has been thrown into it?"

Liu guangtou snorted coldly, "what's the name of Qingjia's product?"

Looking at the newspaper, my younger brother read: "shocked, epoch-making product, 10 years of new health care drugs, second grade baowudan is now here."

"There is also a reporter's interview on it, saying that qingbingnian, an old man, is confident to rely on this baowudan to sweep the market of all health care products in a month. He is not ashamed!"

My younger brother gritted his teeth: "I'd like to go to the Qingjia's press conference to see what baowudan is."

Liu guangtou was not moved. He laughed, narrowed his eyes and said, "do you know what three prerequisites are needed to do great things in one's life?"

Little brother a Leng, confused shook his head.

Liu guangtou's mouth swept a touch of sinister, he put up three fingers: "first, money."

"Second, money! Third, money! "

Liu guangtou licked his lips: "I gave master Huang a million dollars. Today, no matter how amazing the baowudan of the Qing family is, he has to tell me shit in front of reporters!"

"Boss, wonderful." I'm flattered.

Jinghong exhibition hall.

Today, there are so many luxury cars, and the big guys are gathered together. The black and white people all come to the Qingjia's press conference.

Some of them congratulated Qing bingnian, while others were ready to watch the Qing family make a fool of themselves.

A big red carpet is laid straight on the road. Behind the small exhibition stand, there are Qingxu Zhi, the young master of the Qing family, in a suit and leather shoes, Qinglin in a light white dress, and qingbingnian in a Zhongshan suit.

They are full of joy. Today is the day when the Qing family rushed out of the province. It's also the first battle of baowudan, which is jointly launched by hongtianlou and the Qing family.

Qinglin took a look at tiemeng standing like a rock beside him and couldn't help asking, "how's Mr. Lin recently?"

Iron fierce in the mind is shrewd, a see this woman wants to say to still rest of hesitant appearance, know she is interesting to Lin Nan.

Tie Meng coughed softly: "my young master works hard day and night in hongtianlou, but when he is tired, he always mentions a person's name inadvertently."

Qinglin is slightly stunned, feeling nervous in her heart. She subconsciously asks, "who is it?"

Tiemeng sighed: "that person's name is Miss Qing."

After that, tiemeng is in a solemn mood. Boss, I can only help you here. Don't be a free girl.

Qinglin was stunned, water mist appeared in her eyes, and she remembered that day in Shengtian restaurant, Lin Nan walked towards her figure like a God.

Seeing his sister's strange behavior, Qing Xu Zhi patted her on the shoulder comfortingly: "Mr. Lin will definitely come to Chongqing as a guest in the future. You should thank him well at that time."

"Well." Qinglin nodded in bewilderment.

At this time, reporters from the major morning news and TV stations were all carrying cameras.

On the small exhibition stand, there is a red cover covered with a small gold box.

And what's in it is today's leading character, er pinbao Wudan.

Qingbingnian happily stood up and arched his hand around: "today, thank you for your face. I came to the exhibition in person. Next, I will introduce this epoch-making product, second grade baowudan."

"First of all, I want to tell you that the alchemist who made this kind of pill is not someone else, but the young master of hongtianloulin who cooperated with my Qingjia family!"

There was an uproar.

Liu guangtou also frowned.

The news that Lin Nan killed two Huajing in one fell swoop a few days ago exploded directly in Chongqing. All the Wudao sects revered him.

"Damn it, how did Qing bingnian get lucky and get on the line with Mr. Lin?" Liu guangtou spat.

After the reporter asked countless questions, Qing bingnian waved, "next, let's welcome the famous food critic, host, Dan medicine appraiser, master Huang!"

A burst of applause, master Huang came to the stage.

Master Huang is thin and small, his eyes are as narrow as a mouse, and he has two tufts of goatee.

He sat arrogantly in his chair and lifted baowudan's red cap.All of a sudden, these emerald green pills appeared in people's eyes.

Qing bingnian said with a smile: "this pill is different from the common health care products on the market. It is made by young master Lin with all kinds of supernatural things in the world. Taking one pill every month can prolong life and prevent all kinds of diseases. Moreover, it can imperceptibly repair the stubborn diseases of the body. It is a rare pill."

At this time, a discordant voice sounded under the stage.

Liu guangtou tilted his legs and threw the cigarette butt on the ground. He said with a sneer, "whether the pills work or not depends on your mouth. Let master Huang taste it."

There was a chorus in the field. It can be seen that Liu guangtou is really powerful.

Qingbingnian's face remained unchanged. He said with a smile, "Liu guangtou, you can't say that. The master of Dan Yao is Mr. Lin. your consciousness is that Mr. Lin can't do it either?"

Liu guangtou's face changed greatly. He stood up and glared at Qing bingnian angrily: "Damn, don't spit it out. I mean, this pill may not be as good as you, but it never belittled Mr. Lin!"

Seeing Liu guangtou's flustered look, the big man could not help feeling sad in his heart.

They are a group of Chongqing's bigwigs, but they are scared by an outsider from the northern County, which makes Chongqing's martial arts circles blush.

Master Huang said with a smile, "it's useless to say more. As we all know, my old Huang is always fair and likes poisonous tongue. But if baowudan is as magical as the master of the Qing family, I will not spare praise."

Liu guangtou just sat down. He sneered in his heart. Master Huang pretended to be quite like that. He paid him a million yuan. Later, I'll see how Qing bingnian made a fool of himself.

Master Huang looked at baowudan with disdain. As a pharmacist of pills, he had tasted all kinds of health care products in his life. He had never seen such exaggeration as Qing bingnian.

Epoch making health care products?

Sweeping the market?

Master Lin's pills must be good?


Although master Huang's accomplishments are not high and the rank of Dan master is not high, his love for Dan medicine is genuine.

He likes Dan Shi who is down-to-earth and works hard to improve his skills. He despises people like Lin Nan who, relying on his reputation in the early martial arts and Taoism, want to get involved in the health care industry.

He had wanted to find out the truth about baowudan's inferior quality, but when Liu guangtou came to him, master Huang took a million.

"Epoch making products? I Pooh! Son of a bitch, don't underestimate the second grade pills! " Master Huang was very angry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!