Thinking of Wang Xiaoruo, Lin Nan was upset. He sighed and told them about it.

After a while.

"What Iron fierce incredible stare big eyes, "how can break through the realm lead to amnesia?"? Head, I suggest two blows to the head, sure! "

"I think it's better to hit you twice on the head."

Lu Sheng glanced at tiemeng speechlessly. "Don't listen to him, Mr. Lin. my personal suggestion is to go to the hospital first."

Lin Nan, I think it's reasonable.

But tiemeng was not happy. He called, "martial arts teacher, go to the hospital? What a shame! I'm sure it will be better in a few days with my sister-in-law's resilience! "

Lin Nan said suspiciously: "sister-in-law?"

In fact, he is the only one who doesn't know the whole red sky building. Tiemeng and other local ruffians who have been in love for a long time know what Wang Xiaoruo is thinking at a glance, and Lin Nan is not aware of the world.

Tiemeng realized that he had let slip his words. Maybe it's a little early to call his sister-in-law, so he immediately changed his words: "boss, you think that the martial arts master has" three no's ". It's not good to go to the hospital."

This martial arts master's "three noes" is also a rule handed down from ancient times.

Don't go to the hospital, don't move civilians, don't betray the school.

One is more serious than the other. If a martial arts teacher goes to the hospital with a cold and fever, he will be laughed to death.

Lin Nan frowned: "no, we are not Taoists. We are not good at spirits. We have to let experts deal with this."

In this way, Lin Nan bid farewell to him and went back to his room to sleep.

The next morning, the hall of hongtianlou.

Wang Xiaoruo sits in the middle uneasily, surrounded by a group of fierce strong men, which makes Wang Xiaoruo feel like a harmless little white rabbit, and will be eaten at any time.

"Who do you think I am?" Wang Xiaoruo is afraid to annoy these local ruffians.

Tiemeng and others are getting more and more confused. Why is a martial arts master in his early days so afraid? Moreover, if Wang Xiaoruo wakes up the fire body after tomorrow, many people present may not be able to win her.

But Wang Xiaoruo is so scared that she can't stop shivering. It seems that any street thug can subdue her.

"You're the sister-in-law, the head of the horse!" Tiemeng said with great reason.

Wang Xiaoruo was frightened, "head Who is it? "

"Of course, Lin Nan, the owner of hongtianlou." Tiemeng is completely speechless. It seems that Wang Xiaoruo really forgot everything. When she asked, she didn't even know why she was here.

"Who is Lin Nan?"

Gradually, the fear in Wang Xiaoruo's heart began to disappear. She found that these strong men were scary, but in fact they were very regular, and no one touched them.

What's more, Wang Xiaoruo keenly finds that these strong men are inseparable from Lin Nan. Every time he mentions him, his face is full of longing, and he seems to have great respect for that man.

Wang Xiaoruo subconsciously understands tiemeng as a gangster, and Lin Nan in their mouth is a gangster leader.

Tiemeng scratched his head in distress. "Well, you forget something. Why did you forget all your head? Don't you like him?"

This made Wang Xiaoruo's heart beat.

She realized that she had really lost her memory, but Wang Xiaoruo couldn't understand why she used to like a thug leader? It can't be that bad.

In addition, last night, Wang Xiaoruo looked through the articles in his room to recall, but found a lot of bad things.

For example, there are a bunch of strange and blushing underwear, some nameless sticks and props, a stack of discs at the bottom of the drawer, and many women with exposed and dirty expression on the cover.

This makes Wang Xiaoruo realize that she used to be very dissolute. She often went to bars and nightclubs, and her private life was not clean. Maybe like in the movie, she was the plaything of the gangster leader Lin Nan, and sometimes she had to accompany his local ruffians.

At that time, Wang Xiaoruo's face turned white with fright, but after self-examination, he found that he could not help saying something strange.

"What kind of person is Lin Nan?" Wang Xiaoruo asked tentatively.

She didn't know if she liked Lin Nan before, but a group of people called her sister-in-law. Maybe Lin Nan was really her boyfriend.

Wang Xiaoruo wants to find out what kind of person he is.

If she is really a gangster, the head of a hooligan, she immediately turns around and leaves, escaping from the dragon's den named hongtianlou.

"Who is the head?"

Iron Meng a Leng, he racked his brains, then eyes a bright.

"Head Yushu Linfeng, handsome, fall in love with his woman as much as ox hair, and head kind, sunny, most hate fighting."

Iron fierce haughtily straightened out his chest, "let's say this red sky building, the whole industry is head, the current market value is more than 500 million."

"500 million."

Wang Xiaoruo takes a cool breath. Although she has lost her memory, she still has a lot of common sense.

"Ordinary people work for only three or four thousand yuan, even if the leader is about ten thousand, five hundred million is..." Wang Xiaoruo nervously pulls her fingers to calculate, but she feels dizzy.I only know that there are more than 500 million people. Lin Nan should be very rich.

Tiemeng showed a proud expression, he said with a smile: "with the head's present status, he almost covers the sky in Chen county. Even the county committee secretary has to be respectful when he sees the head."

"More than that, in Chongqing, he killed two Huajing masters in one fell swoop and became famous in the martial arts circle."

"Back in Linshui, I cut off the real man in grey clothes, which forced the hundred year old force qiyinmen to retreat. Even LV Tianhong of Tianji martial arts school had to bow down."

Tiemeng looked excited, as if he had made all kinds of feats.

But Wang Xiaoruo heard it in the clouds.

What is a great master? Real person in grey? In a TV play?

Is there anyone who calls such a stupid nickname in reality?

Finally, tiemeng laughs and pats Wang Xiaoruo on the shoulder. "In my opinion, it doesn't matter if I lose my memory. I'll follow my head to eat hot and spicy food. Even if I'm a woman, I'll marry a man like that!"

Lu Sheng heard a chill nearby. He turned into a woman in the shape of tiemeng. It's really unimaginable.

Wang Xiaoruo is more and more confused. She sums up that she used to like Lin Nan. Lin Nan is very rich and has status. She doesn't even pay attention to the county Party committee. She is also the elder brother of a group of local ruffians.

Finally, Wang Xiaoruo comes to a conclusion.

"I'm a gold digger!"

Besides, Wang Xiaoruo can't think of any other reason!

That Lin Nan she met, last night also stripped her clothes, want to do something, but Wang Xiaoruo no matter how to look, also don't think he will like that kind of plain looking, throw in the street disappeared man.

There is no explanation other than his greed for his money.

Just as Wang Xiaoruo was pondering, a group of tiemeng suddenly straightened up, bowed to the position of the stairs and said:

"good morning, boss!"

Wang Xiaoruo also looked at the past with doubts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!