"As long as the Dan master is taken hostage, his bodyguards will surely surrender!"

"Although this method is used to bully the weak and despise others, I don't care so much about the number of people in Senluo mountain!"

Tang Qilin looks at Lin Nan with a sinister face.

"Why, master Tanglin doesn't even care about Xu Hongli, and he's afraid that I'm just an ordinary warrior?"

Lin Nan frowned slightly.

This reminds me that the martial arts competition is a form of relay race. He thought that after the defeat of Xu Hongli, the rest of the people would retreat. But he didn't expect that Tang Qilin was brave and wanted to challenge.

"All right! Help people to the end, just take these rookies to Wang Xiaoruo to practice Lin Nan muttered, reluctantly back to the field.

Tang Qilin gritted his teeth angrily, "it's interesting that I dare to say I'm a rookie. Then let you taste the power of the assassin master!"

With the referee's order, Wu Chong showed a smile.

This makes Jin Shao suddenly realize that it's not good.

"Lin, be careful! The real goal of Tang Qilin is you! "

It's like thunder to say that!

Let the original victory in the hands of the South five people, all crazy shock.

No wonder Tang Qilin dares to take the stage. His goal is Lin Nan!

It's true that Dan's martial arts cultivation is notoriously weak. If Tang Qilin, an experienced veteran, gets close to him, he will die in one move.

The truth is exactly what people think.

Wang Xiaoruo hasn't reacted yet, Tang Qilin has already rubbed and disappeared.

A golden light flashed over him, and the knowledgeable people were surprised and yelled: "it's the graft of eight men dunjia!"

See Tang Qi Lin face to take sneer, direct flash to Lin Nan body front!

"It's over, Dan's master is dead at close quarters!"

"Hateful, it's hard to get the quota of Senluo mountain. Do you want to send it back?"

"Well, what do you think he can do as a Dan master? It's just a burden to master Wang Xiaoruo! "

All the people in Nanwu family were in despair and complained.

If Lin Nan had been honest from the beginning and let Master Wang Xiaoruo play, the quota of Sen Luoshan would have been fixed.

Tang Qilin bullies Lin Nan and smiles cruelly in his eyes. Didn't you say I was a rookie? Next, the rookie in your eyes will beat you hard.

"Shame on yourself."

Lin Nan carries both hands, face calm, disdain of shook his head.

It seems that the one who rushes in front of him is not the martial arts master Tang Qilin, but a micro molecule floating in the air. This degree of threat can't even make him blink.

He lightly carried his hands on his back and stood in the same place. He didn't plan to defend at all.

Qin Xiaoxi looked straight, gritted her teeth and stamped her feet, and lamented: "asshole, you are so powerful at ordinary times, how can you make your feet soft at the critical time! Lin Nan, you are not a man

Lin Nan Zheng was in the same place, like a piece of wood. He couldn't react at all.

Tang Qilin sneered, "it's no wonder that in front of me, you only feel death!"

"All living beings are equal under death. Even if you are the master of wupindan, no matter how powerful you are, you can only shiver in front of me!"

Lin Nan sighed slightly. He looked at Tang Qilin with a pair of plain black eyes.

His eyes were deep, and it seemed that there was a pool of ancient lake water hidden in it. However, Tang Qilin's fierce attack could not cause any ripples.


Tang Qilin drank angrily, and the eagle clawed at Lin Nan's neck!

He has already made a plan in his heart. Later, he will make a move to knock Lin Nan unconscious and hold him hostage. As a result, Wang Xiaoruo has to surrender and successfully win the martial arts contest.

At that time, Tang Qilin will undoubtedly become a hero of the North five, and his status will rise with the tide. He may be promoted to Wufeng of Jichuan company.

However, just when Tang Qilin's palm was about to touch Lin Nan, a terrible chill ran all over his body like an electric current.

At the same time, an inaudible booze rang out in his mind.

That voice is very dignified, as if from ancient times, across the river of time, directly sounded in the soul of Tang Qilin.

Just ordinary people, dare to offend the supreme devil!

Tang Qilin shivered suddenly. He looked around with a look of absurdity.


As a master of concealed weapons and an elite assassin, Tang Qilin has a different sixth sense from ordinary people. It is this mysterious feeling that has saved him countless times in the battle of life and death.

Then, a picture appeared in front of Tang Qilin's eyes.

His eyes bulge and his face is full of disbelief. In that picture, it shows what is about to happen in the future.

See Tang Qi Lin brazenly use Eagle hook claw to Lin Nan, but the next second, Lin Nan has already disappeared from the original place, has been white as jade palm gently pat on his head.With a puff, Tang Qilin's skull burst!


Tang Qilin suddenly stopped and rubbed a trace on the ground.

He looks at Lin Nan in disbelief. If the sixth sense doesn't make a mistake, once he dares to shoot Lin Nan, he will die immediately.

"But how is that possible? He is clearly a warrior in the realm of bone refining. As a master of martial arts, what's my fear? "

Tang Qilin was very frightened. He didn't know whether the picture just appeared in front of him was an illusion. However, although he denied it, the sixth sense never made a mistake and saved him many times!

Lin Nan said with a smile: "master Tang, why don't you do it? Are you afraid? "

All the people present were puzzled.

What happened to Tang Qilin all of a sudden? It's like hysteria! This situation is no different from Xu Hongli before.

Tang Qilin struggled for a long time. He noticed that Wu Chong behind him looked at him with cold eyes. Tang Qilin had to harden his head. "I don't believe this evil! Boy, let's die! "

Tang Qilin used his eagle claws again.

Suddenly, his eyes were as big as a brass bell. His fingers, arms and feet were shaking like a strange disease.

There was a huge sense of foreboding all over Tang Qilin's body. He was scared and trembling. Every cell in his body was convulsed with fear, just like a tiny human standing in front of an endless giant God.

"What's wrong with me? Shaking in fear? "

Tang Qilin couldn't believe looking at his hands, shivering and sieve chaff.

He didn't know where his fear came from, but out of the assassin's instinct, Tang Qilin had a strong desire for survival. It seemed that as long as he dared to get close to the young man, he would die without burial.

North five side, Cao Shuang saw a strange. He frowned and said, "Wu Shao, do you think Tang Qilin is shaking?"

"Damn, how can it be? Every master of Tangmen has been trained professionally. When he kills his target, he has no distractions. His body and spirit are integrated with the sword in his hand. He can completely ignore the pain and even abandon his own life. How can he tremble?"

Wu Chong cried impatiently, "you must have read it wrong."

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