"Now I'll give you one last chance to surrender and kneel down in front of Mons and let you live."

People were nervous.

At this time, a young man sighed softly, as if he was regretting something.

In Mengsi's surprised eyes, Lin Nan slowly stood up and said: "people can be arrogant, but they should have the strength in line with it."

Monsignor disdained to curl his mouth, "how, to see the end of iron head, you still have the courage to say this?"

Lin Nan shook his head with sympathy: "then I will give you a chance. Now everyone will kneel down and kowtow to me, sincerely apologize and reform. I can let you live."

When he said this, Lin Nan's expression was too natural, and with a calm demeanor, suddenly let the people did not come back.

But after hearing what he was saying, Mons opened his mouth and burst into laughter.

Even the archers in the tree were laughing.

Mons wiped his tears and said, "yes, it almost made me laugh! I've read countless people in my life. I've seen brain damage, and I've never seen such brain damage! I'd like to ask, "what if we don't kneel down and surrender?"

Lin Nan, with both hands on his back, said with a smile, "then I will kill you one by one."

They looked at Lin Nan just like a strange animal.

Doesn't the boy understand his situation? Aimed by more than a dozen archers, as long as he dares to move a little, he will be shot into a sieve immediately!

Madden was also biting his teeth in indignation. He didn't know where Lin Nan was confident. He roared: "you come back quickly. We'll stick around in a circle. With your archery, we can at least replace some of them. We're afraid of death, and we'll make the mengyahe tribe suffer!"

He waved his big hand and said: "give me a rush, cover Lin Nan and pull him back to the formation."

Mengsi's face changed slightly. Indeed, if the archer was protected, he might kill several people with Lin Nan's archery. Mengsi immediately said, "stop them!"

"What about the archer?"

"Don't worry! All his advantages lie in the bow and arrow. Without the bow and arrow, he is not a fart! " Mengsi was angry. He didn't expect that his men were so brain damaged. The white-edged battle on the flat ground was useless to the archer, so it was OK to clean up at last.

Whoosh, whoosh!

More than a dozen arrows poured out, and one of them was shot down on the spot. But Madden finally rushed to Lin Nan. He grabbed Lin Nan's shoulder and wanted to pull him back to the camp.

Madden's face changed slightly. I can't pull it!

Lin Nan stood on the ground as if his feet were rooted. He tugged with Madden's strength, but he didn't move.

This surprised him. Lin Nan was not big, and his muscles were not strong. But maden had the illusion that he was holding a towering peak!

Mons was overjoyed: "it seems that you are a man of current affairs. Give up the tribe of turdo and join us. I can guarantee that you will become the right arm of the sun god with your archery."

Madden's heart thumped. He saw Lin Nan's expressionless face, neither denying nor nodding.

"Are you going to betray us, the saints?" Madden's face was bloodless. For a moment, endless regret filled his heart.

You shouldn't believe this outsider from the beginning! The fight between life and death is about the survival of the tribe, but the sage insisted on letting him play. At the beginning, Madden should have risked the crime of violating the dignity of the sage and brush him down!

Just as Madden was in despair, an impatient voice rang in his ear.

"Who said I was going to betray?"

Lin Nan frowned, "I just think what you've done is meaningless. There's no need to stay together. I haven't paid attention to these people of mengyahe tribe. "

It made Madden almost cry. "I beg you, now what time is it! Life and death

At this moment, even if the sage comes, he may not be able to escape. Even the warriors in the tribe like tietou are all killed by Mengsi. What can Lin Nan do? If it wasn't for monsieur, it would be interesting to see what he did. Lin Nan would have been killed as a clown.

Madden had to admire, many times, ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

For others in this situation, early scared six soul no master, but Lin Nan calmly stand there, as if everything is under his control.

Only Lin Nan said slowly: "Mons, do you think clearly, kneel down or fight."

Mengsi spit: "Oh, wocao, are you Shabi? We have more people than you, and our strength is stronger than you. You can't tell who should kneel down?"

Lin Nan frowned: "then I ask you, can you beat mammoth together with more than ten people?"

This question made Monsieur puzzled.

"Of course not! Mammoth, that's the jungle overlord. Even the brown bear has to give way by three points. "

Lin Nan said with a smile: "but there is only one mammoth, but you have more than ten people."No matter how stupid Monsignor was, he suddenly realized.

He said with a laugh: "well, I have never seen such a shameless person in my life. You are not ashamed to compare yourself to a mammoth."

Madden and they are also full of ridiculous colors. They have never seen such shameless animals as mammoths. Even if they try their best to fight, they may not be able to fight. Where does Lin Nan have the confidence to be a mammoth?

What's more, Lin Nan sighed modestly: "I'm sorry, I'm more powerful than mammoth. Even if I lose all my accomplishments, it just means that I am weak. But that doesn't mean you're stronger. "

All of them were staring at each other.

It's a genius to be so arrogant!

Mons grinned grimly and rubbed the big fist of the casserole, "OK, let the grandfathers understand you mammoth."

"Tuolu, give it to me and teach this boy a lesson!"

Mengsi drank a, from the crowd out of a more than two meters of strong man, his face ferocious, holding a stone hammer to Lin Nan.

Madden's face changed. "Protect him. Don't let the archer die first!"

"Well, no way." Mengsi leaped a few meters away and stopped in front of the crowd like a black bear.

On the other side, a strong man named Tuolu has brutally swung a stone hammer and smashed Lin Nan's head.

But Lin Nan stood still, as if he was scared.

At this time, Madden's heart was full of bitterness. Originally, they had the opportunity to stick to the archers, and they could certainly replace several of them to fight for opportunities for the turdo tribe.

But now it's too late. I'm afraid that arrogant Lin Nan didn't know how to regret it until he died.

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