In Song Wen's opinion, this is chiguoguo's younger sister, or her sister who is related by blood.

She even suspects that it's not a coincidence that Lin Nan walks into the car sales square in the middle of the night. It's estimated that she has already inquired about Lin Jun's off-duty time

But Lin Jun's eyes were cold, and her voice said without fluctuation: "Lin Nan, what do you mean? Look down on me? "

Lin Nan Leng Leng, this just remembered since childhood, Lin Jun has a strong self-esteem, but that is only his one-sided impression. After all, Lin Nan's understanding of her is limited to a few meals in the family canteen.

Lin Jun's face was full of scorn: "for a popular model like Range Rover, our salesmen, as an intermediary, will take a commission of at most 1800 yuan. The weather forecast says that it will rain after 24 o'clock, and the taxi will be out of service at that time. What do you want to do?"

"In the past, I was rejected by you when I was hot faced and cold buttocks, but now I'm not doing well, so I'll put on airs?"

Lin Nan frowned slightly and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't know this kind of car's Commission was so low."

"I don't know?" Lin Jun sneered, "it's more than 20 years old. Don't you understand such common sense? Do you pretend you don't know when you are seen through? Lin Nan, I tell you, I don't know how many people I've met like you. "

Song Wen couldn't help interrupting: "how can you talk? We're not car sellers. How can we know that? Besides, Lin Nan said that you can just make a price. What does he mean? You don't understand?"

Lin Jun glanced at Song Wen and said, "are you the woman he's looking for? Warning you, don't be cheated by Lin Nan. He is not the master of the Lin family now. He was expelled from the family more than three months ago! "

After that, Lin Jun looks at Lin Nan.

"I really don't know how you want to come here to show off your power, because you, Aunt Zhang, were forced to resign from the position of general manager of Lin's group. Lin Nan, I know that you are an ordinary undergraduate graduate. Now you can't find any good job. The money you spend is Aunt Zhang's."

"Ha ha, with Aunt Zhang's money to sympathize with me? I don't need Lin Jun

With the rapid "dada" sound of high-heeled shoes, her back gradually disappeared at the entrance of the hall.

Song Wenqi's eyes were inflamed. He gritted his teeth and said, "what's the matter with this woman, Lin Nan? You won't have a grudge against her, will you?"

"No Lin Nan smiles bitterly.

In total, I met Lin Jun less than five times. At that time, I refused her and used a very euphemistic tone. I really don't know where to offend her.

"Ha ha, you two don't mind, Lin Jun is that temper." A chubby woman came out of the reception room.

It seems that their conversation was heard by this woman.

"Who are you?" Lin Nan asked suspiciously.

The woman pointed to the name plate on her uniform and said with a smile, "the staff here, Lin Jun's colleagues."

When she looked at Lin Jun's back, a trace of jealousy appeared in the woman's eyes.

She said: "in fact, Lin Jun only works part-time here. I heard that she has other jobs. Her income is several times higher than that. She often changes bags and watches. I don't know where she comes from."

The woman named maolili said with a smile: "in fact, it's not Lin Jun's fault. What she said just now is right. If you buy a range rover, the salesperson really doesn't have much commission. This million yuan hot car is not as much as a 100000 yuan cold bench."

Lin Nan felt his nose awkwardly, "Song Wen, do you know such a thing?"

"I'm not a car seller. I don't know." Song Wen turned his lips.

Originally, maolili was going to pretend that she didn't see them, so that she could get off work early. After all, there was a rainstorm in the weather forecast, so I'm afraid she won't be able to go home after a while.

But as soon as she heard it, Lin Nan said that he would pay for any offer, which made maolili realize that the money was easy to earn and didn't cost much saliva, so she jumped out quickly.

Maolili doesn't plan to cheat Lin Nan. The price of Range Rover is too transparent. If Lin Nan wants to check online, he will know whether maolili is hacking him or not.

one of them wants to earn commission happily, while Lin Nan is in a hurry. He doesn't care about more money and less money at all. The main thing is to test whether the bank card given by Mr. Jin has billions.

If not, Lin Nan won't sleep tonight and will go to Qinglong club for a stroll.

Three people walk while talking, Lin Nan said his requirements for the car.

Maolili said in surprise: "top configuration, equipped with bulletproof glass, and tungsten steel anti-collision plate, tires should also be explosion-proof? I have to tell you first that it takes time to customize these things, and the price is much higher. "

"Nothing." Lin Nan nodded faintly.

Maolili looked at him suspiciously: "such a car can't be quoted immediately. It needs to pay a large deposit. Are you sure it's ok?"


"Three million first. Please swipe the card." Maolili is still dubious. She leads Lin Nan to the finance department.

Until the POS issued a Ding Dong sound, maolili's heart just put down, she immediately smile.

Before, maolili didn't know that Lin Nan needed to add accessories. The Commission on these things was much higher than selling a few cars.In particular, what Lin Nan wants is very special. Maolili estimates in her heart that Lin Nan alone makes her at least 30000 yuan. 99% of the cigarettes come from accessories. If Lin Jun had known about this, it would not have been her turn.

Maolili can't help laughing more and more happy, see Lin Nan also pleasing to the eye a lot.

About half a small hand, after all the formalities, maolili warmly invited Lin Nan to stay for a drink, but Lin Nan politely refused.

After they left, maolili looked at the bill and giggled. She murmured to herself, "the rich second generation should not buy this kind of car. Is it the son of a senior official?"

Walking on the road at night, Song Wen asked: "what do you want this kind of car for? Although the Alchemist is much weaker than the martial arts, it's right to be on guard, but you're too much!"

"It's not nice to say that the second grade Alchemist is not worth being attacked." Song Wen has a serious face.

"You don't understand." Lin Nan has no choice but to shrug his shoulders. It's not liangujing or martial arts master that he should be on guard against. Lin Nan is a little suspicious. After adding so many anti fixings, he may still be smashed by the master.

"I seem to have heard before that big companies like Volkswagen Benz all have military funds for defense. I have to ask them when I have time."

After leaving from the car Plaza, they walked for another 10 minutes and finally arrived at the destination of qilianxing hotel.


Song Wen vigorously raised his head and looked at the 18 storey red hotel. He couldn't help sighing.

There are two big red lanterns hanging at the gate of qilianxing hotel. Even at ten o'clock in the evening, there are beautiful women wearing red flag robes and revealing their thighs to welcome the guests. They smile at the guests, which shows the great style of the hotel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!