Because of the timely discovery, the lieutenant escaped from the lethal range of the starburst, but he still paid the price of the skin behind him.

"Damn it, it's an enemy attack, everybody shoot me!"

With an angry wave of the Lieutenant's hand, the sound of rifles, machine guns and howitzers became one after another.

In the distance, Xu Hong and others are in charge of standing by.

They haven't understood what's going on. The US military camp has started fighting.

Three armored cars and firecrackers flew into the sky, which made people dumbfounded and open their eyes in disbelief.

"A time bomb? When did Lin Nan install it? "

Deng Qi frowned. The speed of Xianfa starburst was too fast. They didn't see it at all after nearly 500 meters.

Xu Hongshen took a breath and shouldered the rocket launcher on his shoulder. "The surprise attack may really have hope. Let's fire together to cooperate with Lin Nan."

They all nodded. The trigger of the three rockets was pulled at the same time. With a dull sound, the shell came out of the chamber and landed in the U.S. military camp.


Three fires in full bloom!

At that moment, there seemed to be a small dust storm around. Except for the fire and the sand all over the sky, I couldn't see anything else.

The U.S. Army is in the infantry company.

Colonel actotle was calm.

He sat at the table with his hands crossed, which was a huge and detailed military map, in the middle of the Sahara, near the 75th regiment, and drew a big circle with a red graffiti pen.

From the map, this circle has about a palm, which can be converted into the actual range, which is very frightening.

A week later, the United States and Japan sent nearly 1500 troops to explore the surrounding areas, but they still couldn't find what they wanted.

Colonel akdodd hammered the table angrily: "son of a bitch, it's the District of the 75th regiment. We can't let the wind out of it!"

"I'm tired enough just to deal with the damn camel people in the desert. If I get involved in another Chinese country, the FBI will shoot me!"

His deputy, a handsome white man with blond hair and blue eyes, smiles: "you are the former captain of the seal team. You can't be defeated by such a small matter."

"In addition, the attack between us and the 17th company in this operation will completely engulf the Chinese assault platoon, which is hard to bear with the current strength of the other side."

Akdodd's face looked a little better. In terms of combat power and military talent alone, he was more confident than the 75th regiment.

Putting the map away, akdodd frowned and took out a picture.

"What's this?" The Deputy leaned up curiously.

A blurry picture taken in the middle of the night with a helicopter searchlight.

It's a human. It can be seen from his facial features that he is an Asian. In the photo, he is bent down at 70 degrees, close to the ground, just like a leopard chasing its prey.

"This is what Miss Fujiwara calls a dangerous person."

Akdodd's voice sank: "a Powerful Mercenary from China, the Japanese army gave him the code of annihilation, called cheetah."

"Major general Fujiwara died in his hands. The Japanese army offered 800 million yen, and they were willing to give up the oasis of 100 square meters in their jurisdiction and wanted him in the whole Sahara."

The Deputy shrugged: "well, it's amazing that Mr. cheetah can survive under the rocket launcher and surface to air missile, but what does it have to do with us?"

"Or, if you meet Mr. cheetah, would you like him to taste the latest alchemy technology of the American Empire?"

"Of course I'll blow his head out!" Colonel actotle sneered, but then he shook his head: "but not now. The most important thing is to find the entrance to the underground cave. The mercenary cheetahs will have to wait until later."

Just finished, there was a sudden explosion outside.

The ground shook violently, the water cup in front of him was swayed, and the flowing water soaked the map.

"Damn, what's going on!" Akdodd stood up in a rage. He could not imagine that the battle was about to begin, and that group of soldiers outside were still engaged in oolong.

There was not much tension on the deputy's face. Many soldiers were bored and would play with grenades in the desert. He was used to it, but he didn't expect that people were so bold before the battle.

All of a sudden, a black Lieutenant came in with a flustered face.

"Colonel, it's an attack! We are under attack

Akdodd's face changed. "How is that possible? Who are they, how many enemies they have, and how much firepower they are equipped with? "

The black lieutenant was very nervous and stammered in the face of his immediate superior's urgent inquiry.

"Colonel actotle, there is only one enemy."

The lieutenant hardened his head. He exposed his bloody back after being injured, as if to tell his boss that he was not lazy, but the enemy was too strong.

Akdodd was stunned, and then he slapped the black lieutenant in the face angrily: "fuckyou, are you kidding me? The well-trained infantry company, nearly 100 people, was attacked by one person. Are you playing with your own eggs? "The black Lieutenant looked aggrieved. He gritted his teeth and said, "Colonel akdodd, the truth is that I'm here to get you out as soon as possible. You know, the head of an American colonel is worth a lot of war. I don't think that Chinese will give up on you. "

"Ha ha." Akdodd took a cold look at the lieutenant, pulled the curtain of the tent and walked out.

Akdodd vowed that if the black Lieutenant had any lies, he would shoot the nigger in the head.

The Deputy looked at the Lieutenant with disdain and went out with a proud hum. As a graduate of a famous school, he came here to gild, and looked down upon those soldiers who were in a panic on the battlefield.

Fighting is their only use, but the black Lieutenant has obviously given up and become useless.

When the Deputy walked out of the tent, the first thing he saw was the tall body of Colonel akdodd, frozen in the desert like a weathered old elm.

"What's the matter?" The Deputy pushed his glasses and looked around.

He and akdodd, at the same time, snored dully.

"My God, what's going on?"

Two people look at each other, in the Mou son is to hide not live of startle.

The camp is riddled with bodies and broken limbs!

Blood dyed the desert red, smoke mixed with the smell of blood, rushed into the nose.

Akdodd, who was used to death, could not help his face slightly changed.

It's not that he can't accept the death of soldiers, but looking at the past, the ground is full of bodies of US troops, and nearly 100 people stationed outside are dead!

Only in a few seconds!

"My God, this is not a war, this is a massacre without humanity." Akdodd's face was full of anger.

And the deputy, who graduated from a famous school, had already knelt on the ground and vomited.

He saw a lot of U.S. troops being cut open and their intestines dripping all over the ground. What kind of devil could make such a terrible killing?

At this time, the only young man standing in the camp came slowly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!