At this time, chairman Liu angrily beat his fist on the table.

"Asshole, what's America doing? Seth's wave is gone. Why launch? "

"According to President trump, there was something wrong with their satellite surveillance, and it was not until the launch button was pressed that the image was restored," he said

A bearded general in the North China war zone angrily scolded: "damn Americans, they must know that the immortal who killed Saite in the desert is from China, otherwise they will never take the risk to launch a nuclear bomb!"

The bottom of everyone's heart is heavy. It's an immortal who can kill ancient gods. It's not too bad to be called the most important weapon of the country.

It happened that he was submerged in the fire of the nuclear bomb.

The weapon used to kill gods was finally smashed on the head of the Chinese immortal.

Chairman Liu took a deep breath and said in a calm voice: "from today on, China will cut off all Lingshi trade with the United States. The death of the immortal should not be publicized too much. The existence of ancient gods and immortals will cause people to panic and hide information, but please investigate the identity of the immortal as soon as possible!"

"No matter which sect he comes from, he will be granted special credit to the military headquarters. Within one hundred years of the sect, all taxes will be exempted, and the statue will enter the Yanjing Museum of history!"

Ten minutes ago.

The yellow brown sandstorm that destroyed the sky and the earth swept through the central space, showing a broken black, and the bloody figure rushed past!

The mixed light of gold and red erupted in the desert and returned to silence in the next moment.

Every member looked as if he had witnessed a miracle.

Seth, the ancient god in the great pyramid, was killed?

Blood immortal - this is the code given to the shadow by the members. Only the foundation built by Chinese people will be called immortal.

After satellite image analysis, although no information about the man can be found from the portrait database, the facial features have confirmed that the blood immortal came from China in Asia.

He will get "that thing.".

This heavy fact makes the conference room extremely depressing.

Mr. morgis, director of NSA, stood up with an ugly face: "Mr. President, according to the scheduled plan, we can only cancel the nuclear launch. China's electronic system is monitoring the Arabian Sea, and our nuclear submarine is exposed."

There was a chill on President Trump's face. "Anyone can get it! Only China can't! Over the past 80 years, their development has shocked the world. In addition to the unique dragon vein and the five immortal gates inherited for thousands of years, China will never be allowed to get that thing. "

"Well What should we do? " Director morgis felt headache, "in the words of the Chinese, do we want to risk the world's great injustice and continue to project nuclear bombs?"

"Of course." President trump laughed. "It's all a mistake, and it's to make sure that Seth is wiped out. It's worth the sacrifice."

"Contact emperor Yokogawa immediately. I know they also have a nuclear submarine in the arabo sea! From now on, it will be taken over by Mei Lijian. At the same time, Japan will obtain the friendship that we have publicly proved to the world! "

Emperor Yokogawa happily agreed to this proposal, killing the powerful blood immortal is what Japan also wants to see.

Therefore, ten minutes later, thousands of meters deep in the Arabian Sea, a nuclear submarine temporarily taken over by the United States, the missile depot, was opened.

A terrifying behemoth rose into the sky, and a million ton equivalent nuclear bomb was launched into the desert.

Flames are still burning in the middle of the Sahara desert.

Oasis happened to be outside the scope of the nuclear bomb, not affected, only heard a low hum next to the small puddle.

The petite girl opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.

It's dark.

At night, the rainstorm disappeared and gradually turned into drizzle.

But the cold wind is as strong as ever, which makes the dead trees twist and twist, and their shadows are reflected on the girl's face. This scene is a bit ferocious in the moonlight.

God on behalf of Kui's fear of shrinking body, suddenly a burst of pain hit, her small face white look to his hands.

The wrist is pierced into the soil by the blood colored ice crystal edges, and the feet are the same. It contains a very strange blood color power. Whenever shendaikui's body wants to heal independently, it will be torn again, and the continuous pain makes shendaikui shiver slightly.

A girl in a red dress came to her mind.

God on behalf of Kui angry hum, once again into the scaly state, easy to destroy the four bloody spines.

Head dizzy, silent, God on behalf of Kui suddenly a little afraid, she kept shrinking, hit a tree.


The raindrops left on the branches of the dead tree fell on her white neck. The cold made shendaikui shiver. Then she found that she was naked.

God on behalf of Kui at a loss to seize the witch clothes, waste a long time to wear crooked, usually this kind of thing has been handed over to her assistant to do."Where is this?" Shendaikui was afraid to curl up like a cat. She hated the dark places where there was no one and voice. She always felt that a figure would come out behind her. She laughed and pressed her shoulder with a cold hand. The shadow of fear had not disappeared from her heart for more than ten years. Shendaikui held her head in pain and asked for help in a trembling voice: "is there anyone ? Xiaolong? "Daoben?"

Her mental state became more and more unstable, and her hands were anxiously rowing on the lotus arm.

Not sharp fingernails will scratch the skin out of bloodstains, scaly state of uncontrolled coverage of the whole body, black and blue scales creeping along the neck, like an invisible devil to seize her eyes.

Shendaikui felt that she was in the mire and could not escape. More and more dirty and filthy things entangled her. The black mud penetrated into the five internal organs and six lungs, and even the divine consciousness was dyed black.

Suddenly, a faint step appeared in front of the oasis.

More than ten meters apart, a few scattered dead trees, full moon all over the sky under the silver light, there is a long shadow appeared there.

Shendaikui, who is deeply in the mire, seems to get a life-saving straw. She purses her mouth and grabs it. No matter who it is, just show up here. She is afraid of being alone in a dark place.

The invisible shadow seems to hide maggots and cold hands. The fear of the unknown makes her almost collapse.

When God on behalf of Kui raised his head, looking forward to the shadow, Leng Leng.

He was as black as if he had just climbed out of a coal mine. This kind of man was more knowledgeable than Kui. In Japan's underground prison, the prisoners sentenced to death would do the dirtiest and most tiring work every day and come out like a coal ball. , the fastest update of the webnovel!