At the beginning, in the Sahara desert, if not by chance, with the help of Lin shisan and Lin Xueyan's subconsciousness, Lin Nan might have died by the sword of seter.

Judging from the seriousness of the military's attitude this time, the ancient god of Japan's recovery is still above Saite's strength, and Lin Nan does not dare to pat his chest to guarantee, "I will certainly succeed."

Facing Lin Nan's angry eyes, general Shi sighed.

"This matter involves a lot. Of course, the state will not prepare only one plan. Lin Nan, I didn't intend to say it, but since you ask, I won't hide it. "

"You sneak into the East and kill the ancient gods. This is the most ideal result."

"As you said, what if you fail?"

General Shi's eyes twinkled with cold light. His words made Lin Nan smell a strong smell of blood.

"This action is the cooperation between the Chinese side and the disabled Party of the former Soviet Union. They will provide strong military firepower support when necessary. "

"How old is it?" Lin Nan picked his eyebrows.

"With the rapid development of science and technology, since the end of the war, it seems to be peaceful, and it has also signed an agreement that all countries should no longer develop and build atomic bombs without permission But those are all paper pacts. "

"In fact, on the second day after the decision of the State Council, China's underground launch bases in the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang have already set the coordinates in Japan."

"The remaining parties of the former Soviet Union have a lot of energy, and their power infiltrates into the Kremlin. If the Japanese operation fails, the ancient gods will recover, and if necessary More than 1200 nuclear bombs will be launched against Japan. "

"Moreover, Russia has developed a special space-based weapon in low earth orbit, carrying a large amount of alchemy and silver. We will take the sinking of the Japanese island as a graveyard to completely seal the ancient gods."

General Shi's face was heavy. "It can be expected that when the nuclear bomb of China and the Soviet Union is launched, Japan will launch a frenzied revenge. Maybe one side of China's coast will be devastated. We are not sure where the nuclear bomb will fall at that time. Scientific researchers have given a valuation - if the worst result really happens, the number of innocent casualties of China and Japan will reach more than 200 million, That's three times the number in World War II. "

"200 million?" Lin Nan took a cool breath. Even when he was in fairyland, he saw some exaggerated wars, but this figure is too sensational. It's not only him, but also the real person next to him, who is obviously the first time to hear about it, and his eyelids jump wildly.

It turns out that the country is so determined.

General Shi said in a deep voice: "this is the last resort."

"Is it too much to sink the Japanese island directly?" Seven Dao real person frowned and inserted a sentence.

General Shi shook his head. "In order to avoid the possibility of the revival of ancient gods and the subsequent international turmoil in Japan, it is the most direct thing to cut off the chaos."

"Lin Nan." General Shi looked at him intently: "if you have no problem, start now, the earlier the better. Qingshi in the eastern province is ready for the boat. QianXingJian has arrived ahead of time. I've also said hello to Emei. Just nod your head. "

"Well, I don't mind." Lin Nan's expression is serious. General Shi pushes the suitcase containing the ancient blood five immortals knife to him. He takes a deep breath, and Lin Nan solemnly takes it over with both hands.

The box is not heavy. When it is closed, it can't feel the fluctuation of any fairy ware. It's a perfect isolation device.

But Lin Nan felt that his hands were heavy. This huge responsibility was carried on him and a few people, such as QianXingJian. If he failed, it might lead to 200 million people's bloodshed.

"But General Shi, I have one last question. Have you made it clear where the ancient gods will be revived? "

Lin Nan also had some other methods in mind. As long as he got the position of the ancient god's recovery ahead of time, and waited for the rabbit with this ancient blood five immortals knife, the success rate was still very high.

Plus Maybe the ancient Japanese God also has a crystal core similar to the holy sand stone. This kind of magic thing can once again enhance his heaven level field, or get some other special abilities!

Once the mission is successful, the gain to Lin Nan is huge. In addition to the ancient god crystal nucleus, there are also immortal tools presented by the military, Kunlun soul fixing beads It can be said that as long as the task goes smoothly, Lin Nan will take the most solid step to win the top of martial arts and Taoism.

"This operation is carried out in stages with different people. My task is to inform you of the specific itinerary and plan. You will know when you get to Qingshi and meet with general Zhou." General Shi stood up with a dignified face and made a military salute.

"The task is very important. The Chinese military owner, Premier Liu, is also at the State Council, looking forward to your successful return. I won't take the way to Qingshi, Lin Qixuan, I wish you a prosperous Wuyun. "

Lin Nan nodded and put the suitcase into the ring. After returning the military salute, he arched his hand to the seven knife immortal and turned to leave the Kunlun temple.

Before leaving, general Shi told him that the direct flight to Qingshi was ready. Lin Nan took the off-road vehicle that the military had prepared for him and drove to the city nearest to Kunlun mountain. Someone would be responsible for the arrangement.

Out of the hall, Lin Nan saw in the door guarding he bochen.He bochen, nervous, came up in a hurry and asked, "did the seven swords ask you any questions? What did general Shi say? Do you agree? "

A series of questions show that the one armed Sword Fairy cares about him very much. Lin Nan's heart warms, and his resentment towards Emei's big match dissipates.

"I'm ready to go." Lin Nan looked at the East under the blue sky. Now the sun is rising, but the direction is uncertain for him No one is sure that this crazy trip will go well.

Thinking, Lin Nan can't help but emerge a girl's figure in her mind. Originally, he thought that the next meeting would be at least a few years later, but he didn't want to come so early.

"I hope that the ancient gods of Japan will be revived and that they will not have anything to do with little witches." At this time, Lin Nan was worried. Now he doesn't know whether Baqi snake belongs to the "ancient god". If the answer is yes, I'm afraid it has something to do with shendaijia.

In addition, Daoben Sanshi once said that there was an old fisherman in the countryside of Kanagawa County who had seen birdhouses in the Great Lakes. The "gate to the kingdom of gods" was regarded as a sacred place by the Japanese. Lin Nan's view, however, had an unknown meaning.

Just like the stone arches on the ground of Emei Mountain, they are different in form. In essence, they are all doors of a certain plane. If they are not our own, they will be different. Lin Nan doesn't think that the blood Butterfly sealed in the earth gate will make friends with human beings, and so will the kingdom of gods after birds.

"Forget it, don't think too much." Lin Nan shakes his head hard. He decides to adjust his mind to be optimistic. If he succeeds in killing the ancient god, he can go to see the little witch and bring some Chinese specialties. , the fastest update of the webnovel!