The bullet spun out, bringing out a visible white airflow, and those KGB agents cooperated very well to lock the way back.

She could not avoid it. She wriggled to avoid the key.


A blood hole appeared in her thigh, and the bullet went straight through her left leg. The severe pain made him pale, and he didn't have time to breathe. The agent's attack came again, and there were bright knives in all directions.

"Damn it With a spit of saliva, he could no longer hide himself. His whole body disappeared, melted into the darkness, and became a fuzzy shadow, running close to the ground.

This makes ebony's face show a strong color of interest. It seems that he can't wait to put ZhongLuo on the experimental platform to study. He kneaded his chin and whispered: "it seems that there are few people with the ability of shadow system. It's better to catch them alive."

After that, ebony's body flashed.

Unexpectedly, he crossed nearly 20 meters and came to the top of the shadow! Old palm, such as Taishan like hit!

Boom! There was a big pit on the ground, and the stone and soil splashed.

And the shadow that wrapped the tomb also scattered, her face fell pale, the corner of her mouth bleeding, the strange white mask also fell.

Looking at Suzuka Luo's cold and gorgeous face, heimu Chi is stunned. Is the leader of the Datian Group Chinese? There are more secrets in it than he imagined!

Black wood late firm capture Zhong Luo's idea, but didn't expect that the corner of the woman's mouth shows a touch of provocation, deep breath, as if about to enlarge move.

Ebony took a step back vigilantly, and the older he was, the more he cherished his life.

Unexpectedly, the woman yelled at the top of her voice.

"Lin, do you want to run away? Come back and help me!"

Sound, echoing in the open underground

Kuroki's expression is very strange. He can't help but think that the leader of Datian group and Lin Nan know each other? But he never heard Sato mention that.

Lin Nan, who was running wildly in front of him, suddenly stopped and turned to look at him in disbelief. This sound is Rocha! But why is she here?

Lin Nan uses the pure yang to look at the rear. In the dark, a woman with blood on her mouth, her back against the wall, is surrounded by several KGB agents.

She has a weak breath, but that's not the point! The woman is holding a white mask in her hand, which originally belongs to everyone. The woman's face, no doubt, is the woman he knew in the desert, Luocha!

It's a bit of a mess.

For a time, Lin Nan dull looking at there, was no reaction.

Is it Aino or Rocha who betrays? Did they both join the enemy?

Lin Nan clenched her teeth and wanted to go, but he saw that Luocha, surrounded by the crowd, looked at herself with pitiful eyes. She obviously knew that Lin Nan could see the situation there with her inner Qi, and said aloud: "at that time in the desert, if I didn't help you stop Daoben, you would still be alive now? What's more, you don't want to know the secret of Ota group? "

Lin Nan frowned.

Moral kidnapping? Was it not because of the mission that Luocha saved him? I think so, but his body still moved. What attracted Lin Nan was the second half of the sentence. Although I don't know how she got to this position, Luo Cha, as the leader of Datian group, must have come into contact with a lot of secrets, which is exactly what Lin Nan needs.

Blackwood was late and surprised.

He was worried that Lin Nan would go into the jungle and find it hard, but he didn't expect that because of the woman's words, Lin Nan came back. Isn't this a dead end?

Or Is he crazy to use the weapon given to him by the Chinese military? Ebony's heart leaped and he stepped back slightly.

But his face was still light, and he said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, have you figured it out? If you join us, it's a small matter to let this woman go. "

Lin Nan knows that he is afraid of the ancient blood five immortals sword! But in fact, he could not use it unless he had to. It was the hardest card to kill the ancient gods.

He gave a sign to the Rocha with his crazy eyes. Lin Nan would try to buy as much time as possible to see how far the Rocha could escape.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Nan's eyes flashed a brown golden light and said in a soft voice: "desert sand area."

In the blink of an eye, the light spread to a radius of 300 meters. The ground under the people's feet changed from smooth metal to sand dunes one after another. The boundless sand and the scorching sun above their heads made them feel as if they had really come to a big desert.

This extremely real scene surprised eboki Chi, and the agents were also surprised, but they were professional after all, and soon recovered to calm.

"Is that what you get from Seth? It's very good. If you let it grow up, it's estimated that you have no rivals in the whole world. " Heimuchi applauded, hoping Lin Nan to become an ally, or to study him.

With the support of desert sand area, Lin Nan consumes more than half of his elixir field to quickly replenish his inner Qi. He holds three spirit stones in his hand and turns into transparent color at the speed visible to the naked eye. He should seize the time to absorb inner Qi as much as possible to ensure the smooth operation of the next move!Ebony looked at him with regretful eyes, gently shook his head and said: "it seems that you choose to refuse. It's really stubborn. It's really strong in this field, but there are too many differences between you and me. I can kill you at any time if I want to. Don't you think about it any more? "

"That's my answer." Lin Nan drinks a low, pure Yang internal force transfers to acme.

At the same time, the calm desert surging up!

The sound of the wind was loud, and four huge tornadoes, 20 feet high, appeared underground out of thin air!

They quickly merge and become more rapid, rolling the wind and thunder in the center of the sandstorm, just like an ancient beast, rushing towards Blackwood!

Wow The metal walls of the steel were overburdened, and countless facilities were destroyed under the destructive force of the storm.

In the face of this move, ebony's face changed greatly!

He is the thunder department ability, and fire has the same place, good at attack and speed, especially weak in defense.

Lin Nan, as a congenital golden storm, has the power to really hurt ebony. If he is caught in the center of a sandstorm, his death is not impossible!

"Is that what you get from Seth?" Ebony looked at Lin Nan enviously. He stepped back and was very decisive. Ebony's voice went through Lin Nan's ears through the rumbling sandstorm: "this move is really strong, but how many times can you use it? I know the island like the back of my hand. Even if you can escape, it's a waste of time. "

"Now, one last chance! Come here, I can promise to save your life. Next time I meet you, don't blame me for being merciless! "

Listen to the threat of black wood late, Lin Nan sneer, he curled his lips, looking at the face of the paper like Luocha, "can you still run? We have to speed up. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!