Military minister Osaka frowned and asked, "prime minister, who is he?"

"In historical records, it is called" God. " Saito said.

They all looked at each other in astonishment.

In this era of Science in the 21st century, I heard the word "God" rashly It's always a little hard to accept.

Or, I think that's ridiculous.

Saito glared at the dull ministers: "immediately mobilize the self defense forces to area a! Send someone by helicopter to contact the US garrison. Japan needs their help! "

In area a of Tokyo, there is a Disneyland.

Today, as a matter of course, the door is closed. Within half an hour of the sudden change in the sky, it's empty. The conductor, the security guard and all kinds of staff fled home and drove away from Tokyo in fear. But the accident happened.

The wall formed by a layer of invisible light covers Tokyo like a big bowl. The people inside can't get out, and the people outside can't get in. Only when they are above the realm can they barely pass through.

Countless civilians stood in front of the barrier in despair.

This scene can be seen from the top of the roller coaster track, the tallest building in Disneyland.

More than 200 meters high, a man in a black suit stood there with a look of exclamation. He looked at the old-fashioned pocket watch from time to time.

The hour in the hotel is getting closer and closer.

At first, a patrol helicopter appeared nearby, and the man said hello to the pilot inside with a smile. In fact, if he wanted to, he could turn these iron shells into a fire, but the appointed time had not arrived, so he didn't want to start.

When Sato was born, even before the Warring States period, generals liked to fight in front of the battle, fight on horseback, fight alone, and defeat each other. Just like Sato does now.

He wants to fight Japan once and for all. Even if his strength has not recovered to its full strength, Sato can't wait to see those two again - about 80 years ago, a red eyed woman and a teenager sent it back to the seal. During this period, Sato was full of thoughts about how to revenge.

Now at last, he was too excited to breathe.

The attention of all the high-level officials in Japan and Tokyo is focused on this park.

Not far away, the ruling hall in area a was temporarily transformed into a command headquarters. Several army and air force generals looked at the radar solemnly, with earphones in their ears, and listened to the front-line reports.

Even the unimportant Navy generals were brought over. The military minister was responsible for coordinating the self defense forces and conducting the command. Prime Minister Saito todo was uneasy and moved in the same place, with more and more sweat on his face.

No matter whether the disaster subsides or not, he will step down from the prime minister's position. It is not an accident to cause such a big panic.

"The other side didn't lie. There was only one." A bearded army general said in shock.

He is a firm "military faction". He thinks that the strength of the army is far stronger than that of the military. Therefore, the general is more and more puzzled about Sato's behavior - challenging the whole of Tokyo alone. Does such a person really exist in the world?

Or does the prime minister make a mountain out of a molehill and pay too much attention to the enemy?

Saito calm face, did not answer. He asked, "are all the people here?"

Speaking of military minister Osaka, he nodded solemnly: "the U.S. Garrison has agreed to our request. A total of 15 latest models of hawk-3 armed fighters are in place, all equipped with Black Hawk alpha missiles. This is the upgraded version of black hawk-3 after adding alchemy materials. One is enough to wipe all the buildings of a square kilometer, including those born in the territory."

"Concentrated launch, even if the foundation can't stand it."

"In addition, there is a naval assistant who can be stationed in Tokyo. He has extraordinary natural strength. In the United States, he is known as the" divine warrior ", which is also commonly known as the building base. In addition, the two deputies of this great assistant are also divine soldiers. "

Saito said with a smile: "three Tsukiji in Tokyo? Americans are really careful, even I don't know. But it's good. This time they came in handy. "

"Yes, the Black Hawk fighter group of the US Army, plus three TSU Chi, and the two existing great deities and two Kendo immortal masters of Japan in Tokyo..."

"Here are the seven foundation builders!"

"Not to mention that we still have thousands of high-end missiles of all kinds. In the worst case, we will pay the price of abandoning Zone A and completely annihilate the enemy!"

Zhaiteng's eyes flashed a hesitation, but then he nodded: "action begins."

An hour ago, all public LED screens and loudspeakers in Tokyo's a District issued a warning.

"Anyone must leave within an hour, or he will bear the consequences, and the Japanese military will root out the source of the disaster."

There is no mention of the source, but the prime minister repeated it over and over again in a very serious voice. Anyone, be sure to evacuate within an hour.

People can not help but feel panic. Does the military want to fight in Tokyo? In the capital, start a war?Most of them ran away, but some of them stayed.

They came to Disney park in small groups with beer and cigarettes snatched from the supermarket.

"Wow, is this him? What is it?" A young man with yellow hair opened his eyes and woke up drunk.

In front of them is the endless tank group, which is composed of iron and copper walls!

Overhead, the planes are as dense as flies, and under each one, the suspended missile silos are open, ready to launch at any time.

As for the warrior innumerable.

There are all kinds of SDF uniforms, a small number of US Navy officers and a large number of generals on the scene. Many of them are often seen on TV.

The atmosphere here is so heavy that it seems to be filled with lead. Every second, I need to take a big breath to avoid suffocation.

A strong sense of tension pervaded every soldier's face. Before fighting, they were told that the purpose of this war was to "kill the gods.".

It's not their imaginary enemy, China or the United States. The boss's vague words and the word "Tu Shen" have made the soldiers daydream.

However, only the "God" is worthy of the prime minister to personally supervise the war and use the military strength of all Tokyo and the US garrison.

Unfortunately, electromagnetic interference, can not use communication, or Yokohama customs nuclear submarine will have to start.

And all this, for a few young people who have no knowledge and skills, has the feeling of grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

In a command armored vehicle in the rear of the army, a small, strong man is staring at a picture on the LCD screen.

This man, named Kimura, is a Japanese army general with numerous meritorious deeds. This time, he is in charge of on-site command, and sends the battle process between the army and "God" back to the headquarters of the political department. Then the staff committee headed by military minister Osaka decides whether to start the ultimate means of killing God.

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