Aino smiles and stabs a finger into his left heart.

Drop the last wisp of pure blood essence in the center of the ice and snow array.

It's like a chemical reaction. The "ice" immediately boils up and spreads to the body of Baqi snake at a faster speed!

In the blink of an eye, in Sato's frightened eyes, Baqi snake was frozen into an iceberg!

"Son of a bitch!" Sato roared, he decided to lift the fairy monthly reading, priority to kill this damned woman!

The next moment, a gust of ice wind blows. Under the precise control of Ainuo, everyone is pushed out hundreds of meters away. Around here, only she and Baqi snake are left.

It's like cleaning up the battlefield before the war, and I don't want to affect the innocent.

"Yuedu -- release --"

Sato screamed angrily, but suddenly, he noticed something wrong: the thick clouds were separated, like a rapid meteor passing through, there was a big hole in the center of the cloud, and the sky seemed to be through a hole!

He saw ino sneering, with a red transmitter button in his hand.

The light falling from the sky was so fast that it was beyond Sato's imagination. Even the strength of approaching Hinayana could only be barely found.

His body, however, was sealed by the iceberg, and it took at least a few seconds to break free.

These seconds, for the speed of light, blink!

Enoch looked up at the white beam and fell from near earth orbit.

The space-based weapon code named "damolix" put a lot of manpower and material resources into it when the Roman family decided to revive the ancient god. It was actually a super alchemy laser launcher, using a camouflaged near earth satellite of the Russian Federation as a cover.

Based in Novosibirsk, rolman's family is mainly engaged in heavy military industry. There is a large amount of ore storage under the ice and snow. It is one of the top three gold mines in the world.

In order to prevent the day when the plan failed, the rolmans spent a hundred years developing this laser space-based weapon. Originally, Aino didn't want to use it, but now she can't do anything about it. She looked at the white column of light, and her thoughts were flying, and her memories were flooding in.

Aino saw a warm winter night ahead, with the flickering bonfire and the hairy elk. A beautiful girl in a white dress was dancing and singing. She stopped to smile and stretched out her right hand to Aino.

The most sorry person in her life is Elena, her only friend and best half sister. Aino thought that this kind of traitor would go to hell, betrayed Elena, and also betrayed those comrades who believe in themselves. From the beginning, the stupid plan of reviving the ancient god should not be put forward. Looking back on this short life, Aino laughed at herself from the bottom of her heart. She looked at herself from the perspective of God, receiving hard training and licking like a dog at night Lick the wound and say it's all worth it.

Her life of more than 20 years failed, leaving nothing valuable. This empty and sad life made Enoch sigh.

At least, in the end, she did a big thing, killing the ancient gods and saving all mankind.

Although this is quite different from her original intention, it also adds a lot of merits and virtues. In fact, Aino is an orthodox. She thinks that she can go to heaven to see Elena.

As for Sato - he thought, of course, not as much as Aino, just unwilling, ferocious roar.

The light column is like the palm of a giant God.

In the face of this terrible force, Sato can't have the confidence to compete with it.

"How can I die?"

The body of Baqi snake vibrates wildly and breaks the iceberg.

But it's too late. The beam of light comes down from the sky. It's too fast to avoid.

With a buzzing -

the world is white.

In the heat of trillions of energy, both the Baqi snake and the surrounding soil, sand and stone are all gone.

It seems that a piece of Tokyo has been dug out of thin air, and a large vertical pit with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of nearly 1000 meters has appeared. Later generations have called it "the well of death.".

"Damn it, damn it! Who can tell me what happened in Japan?! Why did our surveillance satellite fail in an instant? "

In the White House conference room, trump bangs angrily on the table.

Like an angry rhinoceros, he stares at the generals. The satellite surveillance picture shows a whole day. No one can see it clearly, and no one can understand what's going on in Tokyo.

There is only one thing they know. Before this change, there was a huge energy that made all people tremble, and it appeared in the sky of Tokyo.

"Is that the power of that monster? One blow, destroy all the Chinese people? "

"No! The monitoring satellite is back to normal. The life of the monster fluctuates and disappears! "

"What? Disappeared? Are you kidding me? Is that power used by some human? " Trump held a general by the collar in a daze and lost his manners.

Looking at the high-level conference rooms of the five major UN organizations, every president, general and minister is full of consternation.The satellite images gradually returned to normal. The eerie electromagnetic interference disappeared. The heavy and oppressive clouds in Tokyo also dispersed. A ray of the rising sun pierced the night. It was like the arrival of the first drop of spring rain.

Just a few minutes later, the storm in Tokyo stopped and the earthquake disappeared.

The citizens looked up at the sky in confusion, and the fear on their faces disappeared into joy and ecstasy.

This result is hard for everyone to understand: what happened in Tokyo?

Because of the energy fluctuation that destroyed the sky and the earth, all the communication equipment was destroyed. People couldn't get in touch with Japan for a moment, so they had to scratch their ears to get the latest news. They sent the liaison officers to send a communication every half minute. They were eager to know whether the ancient god had been killed or not!

At Tokyo's temporary combat headquarters, the "sleepy" prime minister, Saito imazo, and the military minister, Osaka, suddenly woke up with a cold sweat.

They don't know how long they have been in a coma, but in this short period of time, they seem to have finished the nightmare of their whole life.

Some people dream that their dearest daughter will leave. Others dream that they will lose their prime minister's post and be scolded by thousands of people. When they leave office, they will be killed by angry citizens

"Who can tell me what happened just now and what is the situation now?" Saito screamed in horror.

After all, they were all elites and soon put the headquarters into operation.

With another surveillance helicopter flying cautiously to area a, the picture on the big screen shocked everyone and seemed to be silly.

"What's the matter with this big pit?" Saito was stunned for a long time.

From the sky, the pit seems to be bottomless, leading to the other end of the world.

Only a few hundred meters around, even the scorched earth no longer exists, it is difficult to imagine that there are some weapons or forces that can completely annihilate the material.

You know, from that deep hole, there are at least hundreds of tons of sand! How powerful is it to make these things disappear out of thin air? , the fastest update of the webnovel!