Just then, there was a "Ding" sound from the projection screen. Director dyke looked at Fiore with puzzled eyes and explained: "Dear Miss Fiore, it's the t0 strong list of all countries. When the list arrives, we will conduct the first trial to decide which five big countries are eligible to participate in the next" free Island consensus. "

Fiore said, "director dyke, what are the criteria for judging?"

"The most powerful human expert, we call it level t0. According to the number of such fighters and the strength of that country, the two sides make a comprehensive judgment. Of course, the number of warriors should be the largest. If ten t0 level strong men emerge from a backward small village, then I will respectfully call that village "empire", and it will join the United Nations in the new era. "

"Now let's take a look at the list sent by various countries to verify whether the United States can be the leading country," dyke said with a smile

A list of open on the projection screen, the hall, people's eyes are gathered in the past.

It's something like a form.

There is a national emblem in the upper left corner, and below are pictures and some profiles of the warrior, as well as the rating according to the federal standards. The highest is t0, followed by T1 and T2. As for T3, it is not qualified to come to New York to participate in the public debate.

The entry form is a plaster flag with white border and red circle, which says "new Japan".

"New Japan is a political organization established after the sinking of Japan, but its scale is much smaller. But despite Japan, we can't underestimate that most of the casualties in Japan are civilians, and all the high-end military personnel are still there. "

KASA rolled her eyes: "isn't new Japan under NSA's management? What's the difference with your family? "

"No, that's a big difference. It is stipulated in the public opinion that what is examined is "national strength.". No country can ask for foreign aid. We must ensure that we are pure Chinese. Therefore, this new Japan is not included in the US Federation. "

Dyke enlarged the table, blinked and said, "look, there are two t0 level masters in New Japan."

On the top is a middle-aged martial arts master dressed up in Edogawa era. He is wearing a hat, a Navy sleeve, clogs and a huge samurai sword at his waist.

"Grade T0, Musashi I, male, 56 years old, is a descendant of old Japanese Musashi, and the peak of his accomplishments." Dyke nodded, "yes, Musashi Jun does have the strength of T0, another It seems that they are the great deities of the Eight Banners palace in Hegang. They are both qualified and are on the shortlist. "

The house of Representatives has set up five participating countries and 15 spectator countries.

According to Dyke's conjecture, with two t0 level fighters, new Japan is almost a spectator country.

Others, like Pakistan, Nigeria Dyke didn't even look at it and just threw it away. These countries can't take out a t0 level, and they don't even have the qualification to watch. In troubled times, the only destiny of small countries is to be annexed, or by big countries, or by the Zerg. They don't have the right to decide their own destiny.

"Before the outbreak of Zerg, the top three with the strongest military strength were the United States, Russia and China in turn," dyke said. However, due to the vigorous military and Taoist circles of China, its actual national strength is equal to that of the United States

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter, director dyke. After decades of exploration, our SAA combat system has grown up and is no worse than Chinese martial arts. Moreover, after the outbreak of the insect tide, China undertook the task of the front line. Before them, there was the Asian East front, and after that, there was the Russian Mongolian front. The number of casualties was huge. "

"Today's China can no longer be called a powerful country in the world of martial arts and Taoism." Wolf laughs.

Dyke has a heavy heart.

He didn't answer Wolff, because almost all the big powers on these lists, that is, the list of China, have been missing for a long time.

The number of t0 class fighters in various countries is similar to that of Dyke's imagination. At present, the number one is the United States Federation, with a total of 10 people including Fiore. Secondly, Russia, which is in the process of Zheng change, has taken out six people, followed by Britain, France and Germany

Now, these five countries are the most powerful in troubled times.

The United States, Russia, Britain, France and Germany.

And the Warring States, which was widely discussed, had just five seats.

Dyke frowned. After reading these materials, he could make a decision. The problem is that the list of China has not yet arrived. Although both dyke and Wolfe are demeaning China, they all know in their hearts that as long as China doesn't show its name list for a day, no one will be able to sit firmly in the seat of the house of Representatives.

Especially for Britain, France and Germany, who have passed the same standard. There is a saying that dyke is reluctant to say that it is estimated that one of the three countries will definitely be squeezed out.

If China's national strength is not equal to that of Britain, France and Germany, then Decker really has to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Over the years, China has regarded the U.S. Federation as its biggest imaginary enemy, and so have they. Westerners regard the Oriental as a "sleeping lion". That does not mean that China is powerful, but that it is a kind of vigilance. Once the lion opens his eyes, it shows ambition, the American Federation Bang was afraid that the lion would wake up and roar, shaking the whole of Asia.At this time, Fiore had a look of impatience on her face. She said, "do Chinese people have this kind of procrastination? It's more than 23 minutes and 51 seconds before the list is submitted. If this is in the Holy See, they should be severely punished. "

"Don't worry, Miss Fiore. In the house of Representatives, we will certainly blame those yellow people. It's just that I hope China won't even get the election seat. That's very interesting. " Dyke said with a smile.

About ten minutes later, Ding Dong finally came to mind on the projection screen, and a form popped up in the lower right corner. The sender's surrender was a bright red flag and Venus.

"Here we are at last."

For some reason, Dyke's heart thumped. He was still a little flustered about whether the United States could be the leading country. The t0 level of Russia and other countries was expected by dyke. The only variable was China.

As long as you open this list and see that the number of t0 level people in it is below 10, the hegemony of the United States will be determined.

Dyke, as well as everyone in the hall, can get unprecedented benefits.

"Director dyke, click this email." Wolf put down his goblet and stood up with a serious expression.

"Of course." Dyke tried his best to make himself elegant and calm. He click the mouse, and the table zooms in quickly. The bright red flag is still flying. Venus is shining. The shining dyke squints and feels dazzling.

They all looked at the past, a little nervous and excited.

China has been the leader of martial arts and Taoism for thousands of years

It's time to change.

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