At the top of Senluo mountain on a cold night, Lin Nan suddenly turns around, faces Lin shisan and grabs her shoulder with both hands.

Lin Nan's action is unexpected. He stares at him. Lin shisan's eyes are in a panic. He instinctively wants to avoid his sight.

But a big hand held Lin shisan's cheek and forced her to look at the man in front of her.

"What is this for?" Lin shisan felt his heart thumping wildly. His face was hot. Even when he was trapped by Tianli's array, he was not so nervous.

Lin shisan's heart is like a wild horse that has taken off the reins and is about to jump out of his throat.

Over the years, she has seen some soap operas in her spare time. She knows what is going on in this situation.

Thinking of this, Lin shisan could not help but summon up courage and looked up at Lin Nan with joy and excitement.

Those black eyes are so beautiful. Lin shisan was puzzled in his heart. He felt that his body was soft and he seemed to have no strength.

"Thirteen, come home with me."

Lin Nan eyes sincere, "I want to take you to see my mother."

Lin shisan is no longer worldly, but he understands the meaning of meeting his parents. Hearing this, two burning clouds appeared on her face, with a weak voice.

Lin Nan smiles happily, throws out the black scabbard, and is ready to take Lin shisan to the city of Linshui.

At this time, he felt a warm palm, looked back, Lin shisan blushed with a small head, white soft hand caught him, but it seems a little afraid, only caught Lin Nan a little finger.

The feeling of being wrapped by the girl's soft little hand made Lin Nan's heart shake.

If you think about it carefully, he is also a bronze arhat who has been practicing hard for 500 years. Lin Nan doesn't hesitate any more. Since he decides to face up to this feeling, he and Lin shisan don't need to be reserved, so they hold the girl's little hand and pull Lin shisan on the flying sword.

A man and a woman, at the top of Senluo mountain in the dark, fly away.

Zhaolin, which is more than 8 p.m., is bound to have a busy street, a stream of people and couples.

But now it's not the same. In the fifth year of the war, Zhaolin city is left with the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Even a famous clothing store on the main road is rarely visited.

The boss, a middle-aged man in his forties, was sitting in a reclining chair with a cigarette in his mouth watching the news.

Above is the good news of Irkutsk's victory on the Russian Mongolian front.

The reporter who presided over ggtv1 was beaming, which made the audience couldn't help but be infected by his emotions and be happy together.

The boss took a deep breath of cigarette, drank a mouthful of beer and grinned: "there is hope, there is hope! We don't have to move from Zhaolin. "

Just when the boss was excited, there was a young man's voice outside.

"How much are these clothes, boss? Please do the math

The boss picked eyebrows in surprise.

He hasn't seen a young man come to the store for months.

All the fashionable clothes that have made progress can't be sold. In today's soaring prices, the young people are able to spend, but they all leave Zhaolin. The rest of the old people just pick up cheap ones to buy. As a result, this clothing store is not as prosperous as day by day, and it will be closed in a short time.

Finally, a "big customer" arrived. The boss immediately picked up his spirits, jumped from the couch, put on a warm smile and walked over.

It was not a young man who entered the store.

It's two.

The man is still handsome, but the girl, let the boss involuntarily, staring at a few more eyes.

"Tut, is there such a beautiful girl in Zhaolin? It's estimated that men have no ability to earn money and can't buy a foreign account. "

The boss envied the young man and sympathized with the girl. Zhaolin city is very close to the East Asia front. People with money and ability have run away with their partners. Such a beautiful girl would rather follow that young man than leave. Now in this society, it's true love.

The boss thought it was not easy for them, so he decided not to kill them. But when the boss came near, the faces of the young men and women were clearly reflected in his eyes, and the boss was suddenly struck by thunder!

His eyes widened in amazement.

Fingers for a while pointed at the young man, and then shivered at the girl, the boss's mouth open very big, for a time, shocked words can not be said.

The boss's heart is beating wildly. If you remember correctly, the young man who inserted the newspaper on ggtv1 just now seems to be this in front of you!

What's the name

The boss carefully, respectfully said: "Lin, Lin Jianxian?"

Young man a Leng, some surprised, "do you know me?"

The boss nodded quickly, his face brightened, "sure enough, you are Lin Jianxian! I saw you on TV just now! "

After that, the boss rushed out a piece of white paper and a scribbler, and said with a smile, "my five-year-old grandson is a fan of you, and I'd like to ask Jianxian to sign his name."Young man, naturally, is Lin Nan.

He didn't expect to be so well-known that he could meet people who knew him in any small clothing store.

After brushing the two signatures, the boss happily accepted them. He asked by the way, "Lin Jianxian, I don't know why you are here?"

Lin Nan smiles, "go home."

When he said this, he felt that the girl next to him was leaning closer. Lin Nan's arms were all held tightly by the girl, deeply immersed in the two groups of softness.

This let Lin Nan body to Yang breath almost riot, quickly recite pure heart curse, just press down.

He shifted his attention to the store.

Lin Nan and Lin shisan wear long gowns, just like a costume drama. It's normal to put them in the martial arts world, but they don't fit in with urban people.

After a while, they changed their clothes and left the clothing store. The boss enthusiastically sent them all the way back.

According to the memory route, walking home, Lin Nan feels that his steps are more and more light. As he gets closer to home, his heart is also hot.

Finally back!

Zhaolin city!

Lin's villa.

This is a large-scale villa which covers an area of nearly 100 mu and is constructed after hollowing out the forest.

There are springs, rockeries, flowers and plants, pebbles bought from other places, and forest paths paved with them, which can be called pleasant scenery.

During the war years, there was a feeling of being far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and it was sought after by many rich people in Zhaolin city.

Lin's villa was built by Zhenglin group with an investment of more than 10 billion yuan. This villa is not sold to the public. Only those owners who have a cooperative relationship with Zhenglin group, or powerful warriors, will get the invitation.

In addition, Lin's villa is also a luxury dormitory for employees. Anyone who reaches the position of manager or above in Zhenglin group can get a house here. The company's good treatment makes many colleagues envious.

Today, there are so many luxury cars in Lin's villa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!