The hall seemed to ring out the sound of countless broken glass hearts. Sure enough, in Xiaohe's unwilling eyes, Lin Nan pulled the blushing girl next to her to Zhang Yalin, and said with a smile, "Mom, this is your daughter-in-law, thirteen."

Zhang Yalin nodded with a smile.

In the past five years, she has seen Lin more than 13 times. When the Chaolin group was in danger, Lin also secretly helped. Zhang Yalin has long recognized her as her daughter-in-law in her heart.

Only Lin Nan has been in a coma, Zhang Yalin does not know what her son thinks. Now looking at Lin Nan also nodded to confirm, Zhang Yalin can't help laughing.

"Good, good."

The ladies and ladies were so disappointed that they knew they had no chance, so they scattered one after another.

On the birthday of Lin's mother, guests from all sides present gifts. Lin Nan also symbolically gives out a pill to prolong life.

In the twinkling of an eye, in the afternoon, when the banquet was over, Lin Nan and many old friends said hello one by one. Even Zhang Sanli and Si, who used to collect protection fees under Hongtian building, nodded and took care of everyone as much as possible.

This pose of Lin Nan is in Zhang Yalin's mind.

It is estimated that she guessed some of them, but she never broke them. In this way, at night, the family ate in the living room.

Originally, there was a cook in the residence, but today when Lin Nan came back, Zhang Yalin cooked in person, and with a smile, she grabbed Lin shisan and taught her how to cook.

Lin Nan is lying in the Soft Brown Plush sofa, bored to turn on the TV to watch, it seems very relaxed.

But his heart, has been concerned about the other side.

It's his last day off.

Just now, Lin Nan called general Wu Yansong and told him that the way of heaven is on another plane.

In order to ensure that there is no mistake, Lin Nan hopes that Wu Yansong will concentrate the power of the world's top fighters and come out to win Tianli at one stroke.

It is true that there is a great risk. On the other hand, as long as Tianli does not die, the end of the world will come sooner or later. It is better to gamble as soon as possible.

At first, Wu Yansong was dubious. How could the man in white robe be the way of heaven?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there can be no Hinayana except the way of heaven. You can't stay here and use your power wantonly without being expelled by the rules.

Like frogs and others, even if they barely stay, they can't hold a stick of incense and are sucked into the space.

So Wu Yansong said: "I know, no matter whether the person is heaven or not, in a word, if he does not die, we will be finished. Lin Nan, is that what you mean? "

"Yes. The time of departure is early tomorrow morning. The military will issue a notice as soon as possible to concentrate the world's top fighters with the power of China as the leading country. "

"Well, I see. By the way, Lin Nan, your wound... "

"No problem, I'm in good shape."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Nan saw his mother and Lin shisan, carrying plates of delicious dishes on the table.

They seemed to get along very well. Lin shisan, who was silent, would talk to Lin Mu from time to time. Their laughter spread from the kitchen to the living room, and they were very happy.

Lin Nan thought for a moment, but he didn't want to take the weight of the war home.

Soon, the small square table was full of dishes, such as braised bear paws, sweet and sour ribs, fried chicken in dry pan, steamed fish

The whole family is immersed in a happy atmosphere, and Lin Nan pretends that he has nothing in mind, as if he is really an ordinary person, enjoying an ordinary meal.

After dinner, we eat almost, Lin Nan put a stuffy in the heart for a long time, said.

"Mom, why didn't I see Qin Xiaoxi? Even tiemeng and Lusheng are here. Where is Qin Xiaoxi? "

Lin Nan is very puzzled, for this silent support behind him, and to bear the Zhenglin group strong woman, he is very grateful.

In other words, Lin Nan is a little afraid to see her. It seems that a few years ago, Lin Nan had made a promise. As for the specific content of the agreement, he forgot it. In a word, just thinking about it made his head grow bigger.

Mentioning Qin Xiaoxi, Zhang Yalin could not help sighing.

She has been with Qin Xiaoxi for more than five years, and her mind is in the eye of Lin's mother. But now when she sees Lin Nan and Lin shisan, Lin's mother is convinced that their feelings are genuine, and she can only aggrieve Qin Xiaoxi.

Zhang Yalin said: "it seems that she has business. She is going to Jiangsu province all of a sudden. She has no chance to come back to see you."

"So." Lin Nan's heart is not taste, always feel to Qin Xiaoxi owe.

But next to Lin shisan, when he heard Qin Xiaoxi's name, he immediately became alert. He even put down his chopsticks and stared at Lin Nan with red eyes.

Lin Nan heart a Lin, this just realized that he lost his manners, he coughed a way: "I and Qin Xiaoxi are ordinary friends, don't think too much."

When the topic was over, a few people chatted in the living room for a while. Suddenly, it was ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yalin told them to go to bed early and went back to the room to have a rest. Lin Nan looked awkwardly at the bedroom. His mother only prepared one room, obviously to let him and Lin shisan sleep in the same bed.Since mother Lin left, the atmosphere in the living room has been embarrassed.

Lin Nan and Lin shisan were sitting at both ends of the sofa, and neither of them mentioned sleeping first.

Lin Nan glanced at Lin shisan with his spare light. He saw Lin shisan curled up on the sofa, his face red and low, pulling his white feet and counting his fingers one by one.

If it goes on like this, Lin Nan thinks, someone must break the silence.

What's more, they even have children, how can they lack the reality of husband and wife? When he thought of what Jiu had said when he left from the demon refining prison, Lin Nan's heart suddenly became restless.

"Go back to your room and have a rest." Lin Nan looked at Lin shisan and said.

Suddenly, his heart beat. I don't know when he started. Lin shisan's white dress, the belt fell off, his small white shoulders were all exposed, and his chest was very low. He was very sexy.

Lin Nan dares to swear to the sky that the shoulder strap of the dress won't fall off for no reason. It's Lin shisan who deliberately took it off and showed it to him.

Alone men and few women coexist in a room, Lin Nan has not yet started to move, actually is seduced, he has the feeling of being looked down upon.

Now that he has decided to "shoot", once the idea is implemented, there will be no embarrassment behind him. When Lin shisan pretends to bow his head and observe him, Lin Nan strides forward with no expression and holds the petite Lin shisan in his arms.

The girl let out a low exclamation, only felt her small face hot, her white skin was dyed with a layer of red halo, tightly pursed her mouth, not to make a sound.

This makes Lin Nan have an illusion, holding a large hot water bag, but very soft, delicate, let Lin Nan can't help but think of, the girl is made of water.

Lin Nan holds Lin shisan into the bedroom, slams her on the bed, turns around and closes the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!