Muyue entertained the guests and came to the banquet of his subordinates.

"Eat well and drink well!" Moyue said to them with a smile.

"It's necessary," said Morrie with a smile! I've been busy for so many days. I have to have a good meal! "

"Well, it's a good meal!" Moyue nodded and said with a smile, "what's the situation of the company?"

"All in accordance with the plan, now, in the video website has announced a fee notice, but also informed the establishment of the shopping website, ready to start business activities!" Morrie nodded and said.

Since we have decided to charge, we have already announced the charging on the video website on New Year's day yesterday, and we will start to charge on New Year's day next year.

Because shopping websites are not only selling their own products, but also many other things, especially daily necessities.

Moyue has let them start to purchase, and their company directly purchase to discuss the lowest price.

So, even if moyue himself does not say, those companies also received such news, certainly can not hide.

Since the shopping website can't be hidden for a long time, it will be published directly. Moreover, muyue plans to put his company's products on the shopping website with those patients who come to seek their own treatment.

I believe that the news will soon reach those patients, and they will want to cooperate.

"When it comes to attracting investment, we should first recruit daily necessities. Except those produced by our own company, we should not eat anything else for the time being!" Mu Yue to Mo lie night they enjoin of say.

Morrie nodded, "OK!"

He understands what Mu Yue means. Their website has just started to open. There is a time limit for eating, and the time limit is relatively small. It's OK to purchase after the development.

Mu Yue said with a smile, "these things to you, I don't worry, recently I'm afraid I don't have much time to go to the company, you just look to do, if it's really can't decide, contact me again!"

"All right!" Molly nodded at night, "now I'm busy discussing with the companies that you treat patients. How do you plan to cooperate best?"

"Well, you can do it as you see fit. You can't take too much advantage of it, or I'll probably have some trouble in the future!" Mu Yue reminds Mo lie night in a low voice.

Mo lie night grinned and said, "I understand this. After all, it's hard to return human feelings! I'll get to know the sales situation of their company, and then discuss the price with them! "

He also knows that those people just want to get involved in some relations with muyue, to cooperate with him and give him more benefits. In the future, when they come to muyue for treatment, muyue can't refuse.

Therefore, it is the most difficult to return the favor. If you don't take advantage now, you will not take advantage. You'd rather make less money than owe the favor.

"Well, I'm at ease with you all!" Mu Yue patted Mo lie night's shoulder, entrusted with heavy responsibility said.

Mo lie night smiles and comforts Mu Yue, "don't worry, Mu Dong, we all know these things, and we will try our best to finish them within the prescribed time. Go on!"

"Well, take your time!" Mu Yue nodded and said to the crowd with a smile.

Recently too busy, moyue also did not have time to go to the company, can only take this opportunity to talk about the network company with Mo lie night.


Thanks for Katze's reward! kiss you!