Everyone in the meeting room understood the meaning of Wu Xing's long words. The parents all smiled secretly, but the headmaster and the teaching director frowned.

Anyway, Su Jin also represents Yunda. Isn't president Wu scolding Yunda.

The headmaster glanced at Su Jin and found that she looked calm and calm.

She was not angry because of president Wu's words. On the contrary, she gently swept at each other and said politely and alienated: "please think twice when President Wu speaks. My personal honor and disgrace is small, but don't scold the school together. Don't forget that Wu Qian is also a student of Yunda. She lives in the same school with me. If my reputation is damaged, she won't benefit."

"You..." president Wu heard Su Jin's words clearly and didn't expect to see her young but sharp mouthed little girl film.

He took a deep breath and said angrily, "you are you and Wu Qian is Wu Qian. Your business can't affect my daughter, hum."

"We are in the same school, sharing weal and woe, not to mention that we are still classmates. I have a bad reputation. Do you think she can stay out?"

After that, Su Jin smiled at Wu Qian meaningfully: "before I was discredited, didn't you often ask me to discuss my homework? Why, have you forgotten all those things? Even if you forget, others haven't forgotten. "

It is generally acknowledged that Wu Qian doesn't study well. Most of her homework is written by others. Previously, she saw that Su Jin was very popular. She wanted to have a relationship with Su Jin so that she could show off in front of her classmates.

She bought a valuable bracelet and wanted to please Sujin, but Sujin refused.

The students secretly laughed at her as a flatterer. That's when she hated Su brocade.

Otherwise the brocade would be black, she wouldn't work so hard.

Su Jin's words stabbed Wu Qian's pain, which was also her most humiliating thing. She hated her eyes and looked at Su Jin angrily, but she couldn't say anything.

Because she knew that if she refuted Su Jin, Su Jin would say her embarrassment impolitely.

Wu Xing looked at Wu Qian with an unhappy face and asked, "why, you used to have a good relationship with Sujin?"

"No, just so." Wu Qian replied casually.

Her expression was obviously lying, and President Wu's face was going green.

If Wu Qian has a good relationship with Su Jin, what is she doing now?

Isn't this a falling stone?

What should others think of her when it comes out? She's on both sides?

President Wu felt angry and said in his heart that Wu Qian had really killed him. If he had known these things and said nothing, he would not come to the muddy water.

"Su Jin, you won't misunderstand. I may have expressed something unclear, but it's not what you think. Everyone goes to school in the same school. I believe the school will teach the students well. As for the rumors on the Internet, I'd better leave them to the school." Wu Xingchang set aside a thousand gold in four or two and cleaned himself first.

His attitude turned 180 degrees, and everyone in the conference room was stunned.

Everyone was confused and didn't understand how he relaxed so easily.

Section chief Jin stabbed him secretly and asked in a low voice, "don't be cheated by this little girl film. Don't forget that she is morally corrupt. Even your daughter dares to fight."

"If you encourage me, you'd better take care of yourself." President Wu was disgusted by the way chief Jin secretly provoked.

After biting his teeth and teaching the other party, he no longer looked at the people, but stared at his own mu in a daze.

As if today's meeting had nothing to do with him, he just came to make up the count.

Section chief Jin was scolded for no reason. She felt very wronged, but she didn't dare to offend president Wu, so she spilled her anger on Su Jin.

"Stop messing around and distorting the facts. Our parents' meeting came today to ask the school to give an explanation. Yunda is a famous school in the imperial capital and even the whole country. If you are allowed to stay in school, can our children be unaffected? I firmly oppose it. " Kim spoke quickly and excitedly. After saying these words, he winked at the members of the parents' meeting and asked them to express their position one after another.

"Yes, we are firmly opposed to Su Jin staying in Yunda."

"I don't trust my child to study with such a student and let her leave Yunda."

"If Sujin doesn't go, we will never stop."

Once transferred by the chief of the gold section, everyone also expressed their attitude one after another.

The whole conference room was covered by the loud voice of parents.

The headmaster and the teaching director were sweating and had no idea for the moment.

On the contrary, Su Jin didn't panic at all, and opened the post of the school forum in everyone's hated eyes.

Found out those black photos of her and presented them to everyone one by one.

There was silence in the meeting room. People couldn't guess what she wanted to do. They all focused on her next move.

"What do you mean? Want us to see your disgusting face? " Some parents asked excitedly.

Su Jin knocked on the table in the conference room, pointed to the photos on the projector and said, "the Internet says that my private life is chaotic and I associate with several men at the same time. I want you to take a serious look at these photos."

Su Jin enlarged the photos and circled a few photos emphatically: "those who said that I stepped on several boats should be able to see if they were not blind. These photos are the same man. Although the other party has taken different effects with clever techniques, if careful people will find that the man is wearing the same watch on his wrist."

She magnified the Patek Philippe on Fu Siming's wrist, and then processed it by computer, and the picture was clearly presented.

When they all took a breath of air conditioning, how could they not recognize the value of the watch and the owner of the watch.

This is a global limited edition, only this one.

There is only one person who owns this watch, that is Fu Sihui, Fu's successor.

Everyone's eyes at Su Jin changed at this moment. If she was Fu Siming's woman, didn't they offend Fu Siming?

There were fine beads of sweat on their foreheads, but others were aggressive with luck: "even if these pictures are the same man, how do you explain the other pictures? It's true that you go in and out of the hotel with a man. Does it mean that someone deliberately planted and framed you? "

"Yes, please make it clear. Don't tell me that you go to the hotel to play cards with men."

These people obviously want Su Jin to be embarrassed. It's not a glorious thing for a girl to enter the hotel, but they want Su Jin to explain clearly in front of everyone. Don't they obviously want her to be embarrassed?

The headmaster's face is also ugly. Although he wants to protect Su Jin, he can't help it in the face of parents' pressure.

Just then, a ruffian voice came: "I want to prove it. I'll prove it to you."