Nangong manor, indoor.

Su brocade sat bored on the swing on the balcony, looking at the distant scenery with both eyes and a sad face.

Fu Sihui said that he really went back to the imperial capital. He didn't even have a chance to send him to himself.

And she was forced by the old man to stay in the manor to raise her baby and was not allowed to go anywhere.

In addition, her pregnancy reaction is becoming more and more obvious, so she can only stay at home.

"Miss, why haven't you had your soup yet?" According to the old man's instructions, Su Jin's body is too weak. The old man clearly stipulates that she should eat food for two every day in order to keep healthy before she gives birth.

Knowing that girls love beauty, she specially invited a nutritionist hired from Germany to take care of her body.

After eating Sujin for several days, I thought it was OK at the beginning, but with the strong reaction of pregnancy and vomiting, it has reached the point where I can vomit as long as I smell the food.

"I don't want to drink. It's too fishy." Su Jin tilted his head and refused. He could hardly smell the soup. He was disgusted at the slightest bit.

The maid looked embarrassed. She couldn't eat anything. How can she take good care of herself.

If the old man asks, she will be scolded again.

"Young lady, just drink some, will you?" The maid brought the soup to Sujin and looked at her pitifully.

Su Jin didn't want to embarrass the maid, but she couldn't stand the smell. She waved her hand and covered her nose: "take it away, I, vomit..."

The maid was startled and hurriedly took the soup away. It took Su Jin a while to stop vomiting.

Looking at Su brocade from a distance, she dared to come forward only when she was better, and asked, "Miss, are you all right?"

Although Su Jin is a doctor, she didn't expect to get pregnant so hard. She's been tossing about for only two months. She still doesn't know what to do in the future.

At the thought of eight months to suffer, she looked loveless.

"I'm fine. It's just a normal reaction. It'll be fine after this stage."

"Well, this soup?" The maid is very conscientious.

Su Jin shook her head and clearly refused: "I really can't drink. Pour it out."

She didn't mean to pinch people, but the things made by the German dietitian didn't meet her taste, and there was an unspeakable fishy smell in the soup.

Su brocade was really hard to swallow, but because it was specially invited by the old man, she had to take it.

"All right." The maid couldn't drink Su brocade. She didn't force her anymore. She took the soup down and prepared to report to the old man.

As soon as the maid went outside the door, she saw Jiang Furong standing aside. She knew she couldn't hide, so she had to walk over.

"Hello, madam." The maid wanted to leave after the ceremony, but Jiang Furong shouted to her, "wait a minute."

The maid had to stop. Jiang Furong came up to her with a gentle smile on her face but a poisonous light on her eyes.

"What are you holding in your hand?"

"If you go back to your wife, it's soup for the eldest lady."

Jiang Furong glanced faintly at the soup and deliberately said nothing: "the eldest lady still can't eat now. Has the situation improved?"

The maid looked embarrassed and did not know how to answer.

She serves Su brocade. Naturally, she knows what loyalty is. If she divulges the news of Su brocade to Jiang Furong, she won't want to work here in the future.

The maid hesitated about how to send Jiang Furong, but Jiang Furong suddenly pulled her hand and stuffed a pile of money into her hand.

"Don't be nervous. I just ask casually. The eldest lady is in poor health. I can't help as a mother. I'm really worried. I'll ask you casually."

The money is very thick and secure in her hand. After thinking about it, the maid clenched the money tightly and said to Jiang Furong, "what does the eldest lady eat and vomit these days? She can't eat what the nutritionist makes. People have lost a circle."

With that, the maid left quickly.

Jiang Furong stood where he was and couldn't help smiling at the news.

As soon as the old man gave Su Jin the successor's seat, she became pregnant, and the man was still the boy of the Fu family.

It is said that the old lady angrily punished Su Jin for kneeling, and even Nangong Yi scolded together.

But she added fire to this matter. Maybe the old man gave Su Jin the power as soon as he was angry.

Won't she have a chance then?

Jiang Furong became more and more excited. He couldn't restrain his inner excitement.

She hurried out of the garden, called her confidant into the house, and carefully told each other: "go, it's a matter of great importance. Don't be known by others."

The confidant nodded heavily, with a sinister smile on his face and gnashing his teeth: "madam, don't worry, I will invite the Lin family over."

"Well, it's done. I must be rewarded." Jiang Furong said happily.

"Don't worry, madam. I'll go now."

The confidant walked away with joy. Jiang Furong's heart was slowly put down, with a vicious smile on his face.

Su brocade is so weak that it can't stand tossing.

Others dare not toss, but the Lin family dare.

Over the years, the Lin family has been very unhappy with the loss of Su brocade and the Nangong family. They have been provoked many times and have been advised to go back by good words.

Lin Cheng, Su Jin's grandfather, fell ill because he couldn't stand the loss of his daughter and granddaughter. Lin Yue, Su Jin's uncle, took care of him.

The old man took medicine for many years and had already emptied the Lin family. As long as Lin Yue had no money, he would come to Nangong's house to make a scene.

Seeing that he is Lin Xu's brother, Nangong Yi tolerates and doesn't care about him many times. As long as he comes to make trouble, he will send him away with money.

Over the years, he has raised his appetite and fattened up.

When Su Jin comes back, Lin Yue will hold on to this cash cow. With his rogue nature, he will haunt Su Jin.

Nangong family has been quiet for so many days. It's time to be lively.

The next day, Su Jin was resting. Suddenly, he heard the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling outside.

As soon as she woke up, her face, which was already lack of sleep, was very pale.

"What's going on?" Su Jin asked.

The maid trotted in from the outside. Her face was very ugly: "Miss, it's the Lin family again."

"What do you mean?" Su Jin asked puzzled.

No one told Su Jin about these things. Naturally, she didn't know.

The maid had been working in Nangong's house for a long time. Naturally, she knew the inside story, so she simply told Su Jin about Lin Yue's coming to Nangong's house to ask for money.

Su Jin is both happy and worried. She is happy that she has relatives. She is worried that her uncle is so unlucky that he even uses his mother's business to ask for money from Nangong family. What's the difference between this and blackmail?

"I'll go out and have a look." With a curious and complex mood, Su Jin raised her feet and walked out.

The maid followed her and stopped talking: "Miss, you'd better not go."

Su Jin looked at her suspiciously: "they are my relatives. Why can't I go?"