At night, the hour hand on the table was exactly nine o'clock. The sky outside was dark and the stars twinkled on the black velvet sky.

In the living room, the TV is turned on with a small voice. The female holder inside is wearing exposed clothes, introducing something in a whiny way, and making exaggerated laughter from time to time.

Dazzled by the light and shadow, Ji Wei lies on the sofa with her eyes closed, her expression is painful, and she is falling into an inescapable nightmare.

Time went back to the night of the accident. She drove out of the hotel with light music.

The driver seemed to be herself, but not herself. Ji Wei had an illusion that there was another person's soul in the familiar body.

At this time, Ji Wei's soul is like floating in the air, looking at everything around as a stranger.

She saw that shortly after her car drove out, a black car followed Ji Yun's car silently, following quietly like a ghost all the way. There was darkness in the car without lights, and a man's tall and straight figure could be vaguely seen.

Floating in the dark night, the woman driving in front knew nothing about everything. Gu sang to the music in the car and enjoyed the scenery sliding outside the car from time to time.

After a turn, the car will turn into another section of uphill road.

A large truck didn't turn on its lights. Under the light of Ji Yun's lights, it drove down the slope like a ghost. Ji Wei saw that the middle-aged driver's face was ferocious and desperate under the miserable light.

The violent collision made Ji Wei subconsciously close her eyes.

After a while, Ji Wei opened her eyes on the sofa in a cold sweat. A wheel sat up from above, and the blanket covered her slipped down and fell on the floor.

Ji Wei pressed the part of her heart with her trembling fingertips. There, it was beating violently, as if it would jump from her body to her hand in the next second.

Who was driving the car behind her before the accident? Why follow her? What is the purpose?

There are countless questions and puzzles in Ji Wei's mind. They are tangled like wool. She can't see the reason and the ending.

Therefore, Ji Wei got up and picked up a glass of cold water by the water dispenser. She looked up and gulped down to calm her inner irritability.

The mobile phone on the table vibrated silently and began to ring the familiar mobile phone ring.

Ji Wei's thoughts returned from her nightmares day after day. She walked over, picked up her mobile phone and looked at it. She found that the phone number above had no notes on the original Ji Wei's mobile phone. It was an unknown phone.

After thinking for a while, she decided to press it.

"Hello! Ji Wei, why did you take so long to answer the phone? We can't control whether we grow up, have hard wings and fly out. I asked you for more money last month. Why are you angry?! Although we didn't give birth to you, we at least raised you! You went to college anyway, didn't you! You've been to school. From small to large, we provide you with food, drink, shelter and clothing. How much does it cost us every year? Now that you have grown up and can make money, what's wrong with us asking you for money? "

It was a middle-aged woman with a sharp voice and mean words. Ji Wei just got on the phone. Before she could say a word, she said a lot, leaving Ji Wei no place to interrupt.

It's easy to wait for Ji Wei to come back to her senses. When the middle-aged woman said she was having fun, smash it. Her mouth stopped. She frowned and asked, "who are you?"

The middle-aged woman was stunned by Ji Wei's question. It took a long time to get back to her senses. She was very angry. In the twinkling of an eye, she burst out again.

"Do you have a conscience? Ji Wei, we provide you with food, drink and school. Unexpectedly, we have a white eyed wolf. If you ask for more money, you'll break off relations with us. Now I can't even pretend to hear my voice. Oh, my life is so hard. You ask me who I am? At least I am your aunt who has raised you for more than 20 years. I can't afford to be your own aunt, and you can't deny your own aunt! "

Ji Wei didn't expect that her words were like stabbing a hornet's nest. The middle-aged woman held the phone and simply cried on the spot. Her voice was like killing a pig. She heard Ji Wei's black line on her face.

It was my aunt. I didn't expect Ji Wei to have such a wonderful family!

After entering the body for the first time, Ji Wei thought she had no family, because there was never a note of family in her mobile phone.

There are several Diaries of Ji Wei, and there is a thick stack of them together.

After arriving at this body, Ji Wei roughly turns over her diary and knows that Ji Wei was raised by her uncle and aunt. It's just that Ji Wei didn't note the phone numbers of her uncle and aunt in her cell phone. She's still very strange!

The woman on the other side of the phone kept talking about her leg pain and heartache, calling her man to scold the white eyed wolf in her mouth.

Ji Wei rolled her eyes silently, frowned and listened to the movement over there.

"Hello! Xiao Wei, I'm my uncle. "

A dull middle-aged male voice answered the phone. His voice was gentle and honest. He was an honest man.

Hearing this voice, Ji Wei's agitated heart suddenly calmed down. She knew that this was the most real reaction of Ji Wei when she faced her relatives.

"Uncle, how are you recently?"

Hearing Ji Wei's voice, the dull middle-aged man giggled and said, "it's good, it's good at home!"

"Good what good! Your uncle's old problem has been made again. It hurts all over the body. If you really hurt your uncle, you'll get more money at home. What's the use of talking nonsense! There is no money for anything! "

The middle-aged woman who couldn't listen at the same time couldn't see them show their family affection. She grabbed her mobile phone and said sharply.

Ji Wei listened to the middle-aged man cowardly talking to the middle-aged woman over there. Her voice was very low, but Ji Wei still listened.

"Why do you always ask Wei for money? It's not easy for children to be outside! "

"What do you know! You don't need money to take medicine, two children don't need money to go to school, don't ask her for money, ask who wants it!? She's in Beijing. It's a big city. There are many places where she can make money. As long as she works hard and quickly, the money doesn't go in a crash! "

"But you can't keep your mouth shut about money. Can't we care more about children? Xiao Wei is not our cash cow. We can't rely on her all our life! "

"Oh, you can make money, go! Her mother died early. She lived in our house when she was very young. She ate and drank our food. We also provided for her to study! Now, I want something in return. What's the matter? Isn't it? You die without conscience. Who am I doing this for? "

The middle-aged woman began to pour again, and the sound of crying and Howling shocked Ji Wei's eardrums.

For a moment, the middle-aged man made her speechless and kept lamenting.

When Ji Wei heard this, she quickly opened her mouth and said what the middle-aged woman wanted to hear most.

"Aunt, stop crying and don't embarrass my uncle. How much do you want? I'll call you tomorrow. "

As soon as the middle-aged woman heard this, she stopped howling. It seems that her goal has been achieved tonight. The spirit of the moment, the heart does not hurt, the moment can go up to the fifth floor without breathing, the words also say with a smile.

"Hey, hey, that's right. Wei, I'm not boasting. No one has your filial piety! Our family, your brother and your sister study, your uncle takes medicine, and you still need at least 20000 yuan! Of course, I don't object to you doing more. After all, you're not filial! "

Amid the opposition of the middle-aged man, Ji Wei agreed to her request.