Liu Nan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley when she heard her words.

It seems that Ji Wei really likes Lu Yiming. Do he still have a chance to separate the two people and bring Ji Wei to himself?

The nightclub was full of demons and miasma.

Jiang Yuan, with his bodyguard, ran rampant on the dance floor. When he found the target, regardless of these people's ghost crying and howling, he directly carried them away.

More than half an hour later, all the big and small gangsters who ranked in the capital gathered in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel.

The gangster leaders who had been playing high were interrupted and brought here regardless of their faces. They were both threatened and intimidated. They were very happy. They elongated their faces one by one along the way and took a black breath.

When I entered the suite and saw the men sitting on the sofa, I lost my breath one by one. I walked in carefully on tiptoe like a grandson. The footsteps were as light as a cat.

"Lu Shao!"

"Lu Shao!"


After asking ANN, the bastards wanted to stand against the wall and minimize their sense of existence.

Lu Yiming is the diamond in your childe's circle. It's a real hard bone. Whoever touches it will be unlucky.

When all of them had arrived, Lu Yiming stood up and said in a low voice, "I lost a treasure in your territory. Now I want to bother you to find it for me."

Ten minutes later, the gangsters in the presidential suite filed out and acted quickly.

Holding the photos of the mobile phone, the bastards suddenly realized that Lu shaoshuo's baby is not a vase or antique, but a living man and a beautiful woman.

After the bastards left, Jiang Yuan sat on the sofa and brushed the microblog. Song Ruoyun's video ranked first in the microblog hot search list. As a young master concerned about gossip, Jiang Yuan quickly went in.

After watching the first video, he didn't think there was anything. After watching the second video, Jiang Yuan always felt that the woman held out by song Ruoyun from the car looked familiar, a bit like Jiwei, the treasure that jingzuan was looking for all over the capital.

Glancing at Lu Yiming sitting on the sofa, Jiang Yuan's mood to show Lu Yiming the video was suddenly dashed.

Well, the irritable diamond can't be easily provoked. Instead of bothering him with these inaccurate things, he might as well play by himself for a while!

Seeing the bad comments on song Ruoyun on the microblog rise, Jiang Yuan's hands were cheap for a while, and he also joined the army of brushing the sense of existence under the master of the circle.

Rowing without oars against the waves: the woman holding small and medium-sized fresh meat looks familiar!

After this comment was sent out, it miraculously didn't drown in a crowd of sailors. Someone recognized the new online celebrity with millions of fans that rowing without paddles and waves.

As fans of rowing without paddles know, the wave master is famous for showing off his wealth and basking in beautiful women on his microblog. He is actually a rich second generation.

There are experts among the people. Some people have guessed the real identity of rowing without oars and relying on the waves in reality. It is the son of the king of department stores. Jiang Yuan, young master Jiang, who is famous for his pit father!

However, of course, Jiang Yuan will not admit these titles.

I have chicken, you don't have eggs, that's the number one fan who doesn't need to paddle against the waves. He quickly replied under his comment: net red for a group photo! I found an amazing fact. Is it xiaoxianrou's girlfriend, one of the beauties langye slept with, so langye can recognize it at a glance without looking at his face?!

There are many people and great power. One person recognized wanghonglang, and millions of people stood up and recognized wanghonglang. Someone immediately followed suit and quickly followed the comments below me with chicken and you without eggs.

Wave you wave: Lord Lang has slept with more women than the stars in the sky! So it is likely that song Ruoyun accidentally slept with the same woman!

Bitch is charming: I love my family yunyun for a second. It's easy to burst out my girlfriend. Unexpectedly, I picked up the broken shoes worn by Lord Lang! God, you are really unfair to my family yunyun. Kneel down and beg Lord Lang to pick up Pan Jinlian's name, family address and face photo!

The sunflower Scripture is in hand. I have: Emma, this is big news. I want to summon Mr. circle.

With the sunflower treasure book in hand, I quickly met uncle Quan. Uncle Quan was excited. Without asking the party's opinion, he privately cut off the screen of these people's conjectures and added them to his microblog. With a scary title, the cooled topic about song Ruoyun reached a new climax again.

The female pot friend who surprised the little fresh meat had a chaotic private life and had promiscuity! Wives, love your husband for a second.

Today, Mr. circle is completely against song Ruoyun. He broke three news stories in a day.

When Jiang Yuan realized what had happened, it was too late. Even if he sent a clarified microblog on the boat without paddle, public opinion was not controlled by him. Whether song Ruoyun's fans, passers-by fans or black fans, they were all immersed in the spitting of the video heroine.

Rowing without paddles: NIMA, I'm just talking. In fact, I don't know the heroine in the video. Whoever she is, it has nothing to do with me.

Jiang Yuan's microblog is the same as it was not. In the eyes of his fans, it has the meaning of trying to cover up, which is completely misinterpreted as another opposite meaning.

Don't cry and stand up straight: Lord Lang doesn't have to explain. We all understand!

Wave out of a river: don't explain, we all know!


Don't read it below. The onlookers seemed to know better than Jiang Yuan, and the queue brushed the screen under his microblog neatly.

Mr. Lang, don't explain. We all understand!

Jiang Yuan bit his teeth and scolded fiercely: "I know you hammer! I don't understand, okay? "

Lu Yiming is upset and angry. When he hears Jiang Yuan's scolding, he sweeps him coldly. Jiang Yuan immediately calms down and closes his microblog. He doesn't care who he loves.

Fortunately, Lu Yiming's mobile phone rang and saved Jiang Yuan in the air conditioning center.

When Lu Yiming saw the notes displayed on his mobile phone, the expression on his face suddenly loosened.

That's his remark for Ji Wei's mobile phone number: beloved!

"Lu Yiming, I just lost my cell phone, so I can't call you. Cheng Jing went to find you at home. I've gone back, but there was an accident on the way. "

The other end of Ji Wei's mobile phone is still hung with a wire, which is connected to the circuit and charged. In front of Liu Nan and song Ruoyun, it's hard for her to say too close.

Hearing Ji Wei's voice, Lu Yiming's heart suddenly relaxed. He said fiercely, "Ji Wei, you woman! When the mobile phone is running out of power, you should charge it early! Sometimes, I really want you to become smaller, so that you can become a pendant on me. I will take you wherever I go, so as not to worry me! "