"I see. You must come often when you are free. Grandma Shen can't bear you."

Old lady Shen is reluctant to give up. Shen Wenwen grabs Qin Tianyue's hand and quickly tells Qin Tianyue that she is very reluctant to give up on her.

"OK, grandma Shen!"

Qin Tianyue smiled and walked out of the Shen house with master Xiao.

Old man Shen winked at Wei Xiao. Wei Xiao came forward and took out a check and handed it to Qin Tianyue.

"Mrs. Shen?!"

Qin Tianyue's hand was gripped by Wei Xiao. Wei Xiao stuffed the check into Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue didn't want to take it. The Shen family came forward and advised, "this is our little intention. Tianyue, if you regard me as grandma Shen, don't refuse."

"Yes, Tianyue, don't refuse."

Shen Yichuan, the son of old man Shen, opened his mouth and Shen Wenwen nodded. Qin Tianyue saved her grandmother and her sister's children. Now he tells her fortune. Even if he gives more, it's just small money in Shen Wenwen's heart.

"Tianyue, take it!"

Master Xiao nodded with a smile. Everyone was like this. Qin Tianyue couldn't refuse and accepted the check.

"Tianyue, you must come often."

Shen Wenwen reluctantly stood beside Qin Tianyue and held Qin Tianyue. "I don't know why. I like you at the first sight. I think we must be good friends in our last life."

Shen Wenwen loosened Qin Tianyue and said playfully. Qin Tianyue was in a trance at the bottom of her eyes. She wanted to tell Shen Wenwen that she and her last life were day by day. She couldn't be Shen Wenwen's friend at all. After Shen Wenwen helped her out, she kept it in mind, but she didn't have a chance to repay her in the future.

This life acquaintance, two people become friends, also do not know whether to want her to return the kindness of the previous life.

Often, Qin Tianyue thinks that there are many causes and effects in this rebirth, and there are causes and consequences.

"Well, I'll go back first!"

Qin Tianyue nodded to Mrs. Shen with a smile and turned to leave.

"Tianyue, I'll ask the driver to see you off."

Old lady Shen quickly said to Qin Tianyue. Master Xiao smiled and said, "I'll send Tianyue back."

His business is not particularly busy. Send Qin Tianyue back first. You can also see where her shop is. You can go and have a look in the future.

"That's trouble."

Qin Tianyue thanked master Xiao. Master Xiao smiled happily, "what's the matter? Let's get on the bus."

Master Xiao quickly took the back seat. Qin Tianyue said goodbye to the Shen family and got into master Xiao's car.

When the car left Shen's house, Mrs. Shen waved to master Xiao's car. After the car left, Mrs. Shen sighed, "it's a blessing for our Shen family to meet Qin Tianyue."

Old man Shen nodded. He met Qin Tianyue the day before yesterday. If he had known she was so powerful, he didn't need to know her today. Fortunately, he didn't know her late and many things didn't happen. He was very glad.


Shen Yichuan nodded. Wei Xiao walked up to Shen Wenwen and surrounded Shen Wenwen's shoulder. "Wenwen, promise mom not to go out this time, okay?"

She was afraid that Shen Wenwen would really have an accident. Although master Xiao said that there would be no major event, she was also afraid that Shen Wenwen would be hurt.

"Mom, I'll go to Tianyue's store with you tomorrow. Just one day tomorrow, I promise I'll be obedient during this time. With you around, I'm sure there will be no accident. I promise I'll be good."

Shen Wenwen is charming. Qin Tianyue will open tomorrow. She really doesn't want to stay at home alone and daze at the wall.

Wei Xiao is embarrassed. Shen Wenwen knows that there is a play, so he acts like a spoiled girl again.

Wei Xiaojian never agrees, and Shen wennuan runs away with his mouth curled.