Valin said with a smile that even if sang Qiu and ye Qin feel something wrong, they can't say anything. At this time, they can't fall out with Valin. She still has something to ask her.

Whenever she sang Qiu would be so humble and begged others. Since she became the head mother of the Su family, she has always been the object of everyone's favor. Only when she came here, she had to please others. It's really hateful.

"Mrs. Su, what's wrong?"

Valin took a look at sang Qiu and couldn't help laughing to herself. Sang Qiu's look now was very different from that at the beginning. After heavy makeup, he still couldn't resist the thick dark circles under his eyes. His face was haggard. At first glance, he didn't have a good rest.

"Doctor Hua, I haven't been able to sleep lately."

Sang Qiu couldn't help rubbing the bridge of her nose. She was too sleepy, but she couldn't rest. As soon as she fell asleep, there were the things she hated most in the picture. Many of them were the questions she had framed people, which made her unable to sleep for a long time.

"Mrs. Su, please stretch out your hand."

Valin's eyes flashed slightly, and the corners of his lips caught up without a trace, motioning sang Qiu to stretch out his hand.

If a person can't sleep for a short time, it is likely to be insomnia, but if a person has long-term insomnia and a faint black forehead, it is poisoning.

Sangqiu belongs to the second kind. She wants sangqiu to reach out and feel her pulse, just to determine whether sangqiu is poisoned.

Sangqiu did not doubt him and put his hand on the table.

Valin stretched out his hand to feel sangqiu's pulse and determined that sangqiu was indeed poisoned, and the poison was probably from the sect leader, because the sect leader's poison can't be diagnosed by ordinary doctors, and only the people in their Xuanyi shop have excellent medical skills.

"Dr. Hua, can you cure our wife's insomnia?"

Ye Qin asked eagerly. She watched Valin frown and meditate for a while. She was afraid that Valin could not be cured.

Valin withdrew his hand and looked embarrassed.

Sang Qiu covered her hand with a low expression. "Doctor Hua, just tell me what you want?"

"Mrs. Su, do you have nightmares every night when you have insomnia?"

Valin opened his mouth in a deep voice and locked sang Qiu's eyes.

Sang Qiu's face changed slightly. "Yes, I have nightmares every day when I fall asleep. I wonder if Dr. Hua can help me with my treatment."

Sangqiu also held expectations. She knew that the people in Xuanyi shop were skilled in medicine. It was because of this that she thought of coming here to ask them for treatment, even if there was her most hated daughter.

"Mrs. Su, are there people in your dreams who have hurt themselves?"

Valin's eyes seem to be able to see through the deepest things in people's heart.

"Dr. Hua, what are you talking about?"

Ye Qin speaks first. What does doctor Hua mean?

Valin's face was slightly heavy, and his eyes fell on Ye Qin, "I'm nonsense? Since you think I'm talking nonsense, ask someone else. "

"Ah Qin, apologize to Dr. Hua immediately."

Sang Qiu looked at Ye Qin coldly. If ye Qin hadn't been one of the few people loyal to her, she would have dismissed Ye Qin.

Ye Qin's face was pale and hurriedly apologized, "Dr. Hua, I'm the one who will say anything. You must forgive me."

Valin didn't speak. Ye Qin quickly apologized. If Valin didn't forgive her, sang Qiu would never forgive her. She was afraid that sang Qiu would really punish her and let her get out of the Su family.

"Well, the noise gives me a headache."

Valin covers his head. Sang Qiu looks at Ye Qin coldly. Ye Qin bites her teeth and turns away.