"Don't be nervous, I'm the root ninja." this situation is obviously not what the root Ninja wants. In the confrontation, it is found that the momentum of yunkong has not weakened, but has increased faintly. The root Ninja resolutely revealed his identity.

"I know, so you are still alive." yunkong said coldly.

For yunkong's rudeness, the root Ninja wisely chose to ignore it. What the hell is politeness in this jungle. And speaking of rudeness, it was also the root ninja who wanted to sneak into the cloud empty room before he was targeted. And if yunkong has been this dead, you don't need to target him at all, and the root environment will quietly erase yunkong.

"Under the order of Lord Tuan Zang, Zhongren yunkong rushed to the root immediately." the root Ninja said. After giving the order, the root Ninja gave a bang, leaving only a cloud of smoke disappearing in front of the cloud.

Now that he has received the order, yunkong has not delayed. Yunkong's note about the task has been left in the room, so yunkong's parents won't worry.

All the way, the cloud passed through Muye village in the morning and came to the building at the root. Coming to this slightly gloomy and dilapidated building again, yunkong felt kind for a moment.

Entering the root building, at the moment when yunkong appeared, the ninja who led yunkong to get familiar with the situation yesterday appeared in front of yunkong again.

Yunkong obediently followed the mask Ninja to a secret small room. "This is the code of the root ninja, this is some information collected by the root, and this is the content of your mission." before yunkong asked, the mask Ninja has handed over two books and a scroll to yunkong's hand, "turn left in the room and go to the next content." Give a few things to yunkong's hand, and the mask Ninja decisively gives the order to leave.

Yunkong said thank you, put away the information, scrolls and other items, and left the room.

Turning left in the room is just the beginning. It took yunkong almost a morning to complete various root tests, various confidentiality agreements and the seals of root personnel.

"OK, this is your mask. From today on, your code at the root is silver thirty. The 30th person in the silver department." in the last room, a female Ninja wearing a mask handed the mask to yunkong and recycled the temporary mask yunkong used when she was on a mission.

"Thank you." yunkong doesn't know how many times he repeated this word.

"Your task is to serve Lord big snake pill, one of the three forbearances for the time being. This is also what Lord big snake pill personally asked. I hope you can cherish this opportunity. As for the specific task, Lord big snake pill will assign it to you."

At the end of the conversation, yunkong appeared out of the room stretching. Bumped the mask in his hand and yunkong grinned.

Since the root sent yunkong to Tuan Zang's side, yunkong doesn't have to stay at the root anymore. Yunkong didn't even report to the so-called silver department. From the experience of the weasel God, the Ninja at the root, except for a few, are just crazy people loyal to the group. In that case, there is no need to make friends at all.

Wearing a mask, yunkong walks out of the building and sees the sunshine in front of the building again. Yunkong has a feeling that things are right and people are wrong. It's only one afternoon.

"Let's go!" yunkong said to himself, as if to cheer himself up.

For the residence of big snake pill, yunkong can be said to be a light familiar road. He rushed to the depth of the big snake pill's house, and yunkong rang the bell in front of the big snake pill yard.

Miso, two ninjas appear next to yunkong and clip yunkong in the middle one after another. Of course, the residence of one of the three forbearances is not defenseless.

"The root Ninja silver thirty came to report to the big snake pill at the root's command." yunkong said, passing the certificate given by the root to the deep and shallow ninja.

These things have been prepared by the root for a long time. It's a shame to say. Tuan Zang hasn't appeared since he decided to review yunkong's ability to join the root yesterday. Speaking of it, yunkong knows that all these are orders issued by the root. Therefore, yunkong is not easy to pull the flag. He can only honestly say that the root Ninja reports to Lord big snake pill.

"Please follow me." the ninja in front received yunkong's certificate, but did not open it. "Please follow me." he gestured to yunkong. Take the initiative to lead yunkong into the residence of big snake pill.

The Ninja behind yunkong disappeared again.

Yunkong looked thoughtfully at the direction where the Ninja had just disappeared. The side of big snake pill is indeed crouching tiger, hidden dragon. The strength of the Ninja just hidden is at least particularly tolerant.

Although the ninja in front of yunkong is only wearing Zhongren's vest, who can guarantee his real strength. No wonder yunkong entered the residence of big snake pill so easily. This is a tiger's den at all. I'm afraid some people are most afraid of.

Through the long corridor, Zhongren took yunkong to a typical Japanese room. "What's the matter?" yunkong just walked to the door of the room, and a cold voice came out of the room.

"Lord Qianren, the root sent a new ninja." Zhongren replied respectfully.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and a middle-aged ninja in his thirties came out of the room. Impressive, a huge knife wound almost cut the head of the Ninja named Qianren. The huge scar is Qianren's originally beautiful face full of ferocity.

"Shangren!" the pupil of yunkong shrinks, and with the appearance of Qianren, the thick evil Qi drowns yunkong.

"You step back." Qianren took the scroll in Zhongren's hand and said by the way. He turned his face and stared at Xiang yunkong. "Ninja at the root?" asked qianblan.

Yunkong nodded, "yes." he answered concisely.

"Yes, it doesn't have the disgusting feeling of the root ninja in the past." Qianren nodded, "come with me." Qianren put yunkong's certificate aside and led yunkong into the room.

Behind the room is a long stone path, the depth of which has extended to the underground.

In this regard, yunkong didn't show a surprised expression, and even his eyes didn't fluctuate. It's not news that big snake pill built its own laboratory underground.

However, yunkong's calmness falls in the eyes of Qianren, but it adds a lot of points to yunkong. After all, anyone would be surprised to see that one of the three people's big snake pill didn't live in a comfortable house, but connected to the underground laboratory behind the main room.

After walking along the long stone road and countless small houses beside the stone road, yunkong finally saw the figure of big snake pill.