"Such a smile is hypocritical enough, predecessors." yunkong's smile fully shows what is called skin smile and meat don't smile. Yunkong knows that old employees who have just integrated into a group will certainly suppress new employees. Naturally, yunkong is not a submissive Lord. Of course, he won't be beaten in the right face and handed his left face to the National People's Congress.

The existence of big snake pill can at least ensure that the six subordinates of big snake pill will not endanger his life. In that case, of course, yunkong should show a little hardness and show it among his future companions.

"Isn't this boy good?" said the ninja who initially led yunkong into the big snake pill room, which is the only elite among the six.

"Good boy, at least I like it very much," said the female Ninja among the six.

"Thirty silver, come here." the blade called faintly. The detection of yunkong has ended. At least yunkong is doing well now.

"Lao Tzu's nickname is silver thirty, not silver thirty." Yun Feifei said with an empty stomach, but honestly came to the blade.

"Let me introduce you. This is a new brother. His name is thirty," said blade.

"Well, after a while, I changed from the Ninja silver thirty at the root to the thirty silver at the edge of the blade, and now I'm ready to directly become thirty." but yunkong's unwillingness obviously can't affect the blade.

"Next, I'll introduce them to you," said blade, "Li Ji." the only female Ninja among the six.

"Thin pole." the blade's finger moved to the tall and thin ninja who really matched his name.

"Broken ghost, shadow" the broken ghost with a big knife on his back and the thin shadow nodded to yunkong.

"This is the only food," said the blade, pointing to the last elite ninja.

It's really the life of a group of ninjas with their own characteristics. Yunkong sighed, but you changed Lao Tzu's code to 30. Is it also very personalized.

"The second sister will cover you later, kid. If anyone dares to bully you, remember to say yo to the second sister." Liji went to yunkong and touched yunkong's cheek.

It has to be said that Li Ji's figure is still very material. From Li Ji's every move, Yun Kong can even see a bright red in front of Li Ji through his collar.

"Second sister, it's OK not to seduce a minor like this." yunkong lowered his head and tried to restrain himself from eating tofu through Liji's collar. He said with a rare face of a gentleman.

"Ha ha ha, you're serious, sister. I saw a little boy's eyes glancing at her unconsciously? Thirty, do you like your sister." Li Ji breathed out in yunkong's ear.

The other five people around yunkong, except that the blade is still looking coldly, the other four quickly avoided their eyes and turned their eyes elsewhere one by one. It seems that something beautiful and interesting suddenly appeared around them, which completely attracted their attention.

"This boy is going to be unlucky." such a sentence came out of the hearts of the four people in an instant. Because the four of them didn't lose Li Ji once or twice.

Li Ji bent deeply in front of Yun Kong again, making the position of her collar almost coincide with Yun Kong's line of sight. As long as Yun Kong gazed a little, she would be able to clearly see some beautiful scenery that could make men impulsive.

But when Li Ji bent down, no one saw a smile on her face like a prank.

A thousand ago silently stabbed into yunkong's chest, passed through yunkong's fourth rib, and almost all disappeared into yunkong's abdomen.

"Little thirty, don't be greedy. My sister's thousand books accidentally stabbed your kidney. If you get too excited and pierce it, you'll be in big trouble." Li Ji said in a whiny voice. Although she really warned Yun Kong, her actions became more and more bold and charming.

Just when Li Ji couldn't bear to see yunkong and was about to take the next step, the yunkong in front of her turned into a cloud again.

"Shadow separation," a burst of surprise in Li Ji's eyes, "when." confusion flashed by. "This bastard!" Li Ji scolded angrily. Obviously, the second time yunkong appeared, it was still a shadow.

"Come out, the test is over. Now you have an afternoon to arrange chores. It won't be so easy from tomorrow." the blade said in a low voice. Another guy who is infatuated with big snake pill. Just looking at the abnormal low voice, there is no magnetism like big snake pill.

After the blade finished, I didn't know if I felt that I was learning snake pill, so I immediately turned and left the yard. The days of cloud sky are not too easy, at least not from now on. After fooling Li Ji twice, she was grabbed by Li Ji and had a good experience of a sandbag.

A week passed in an instant. Under the training of the big snake pill six person team, a week's life is not like death, as if it was so long. However, yunkong's growth is also huge. The skill of the six person group is indispensable from the beginning to the present.

After a week of getting along, yunkong is basically good at the six person group. The blade is basically omnipotent, similar to Kakashi in later generations, and the elite has the strength of tolerance. Li Ji, the second elder sister, has developed a powerful body art. Besides, her magic art is also first-class, and her strength is slightly weaker than that of the blade. Thin rod is good at mechanism and array. The ghost cutting Sabre is gorgeous and deadly. Shadow detection and assassination are first-class experts. It seems that the weakest independent food is the most indispensable medical ninja in the group of six. However, compared with saving people, it is better at killing, especially poisoning. The original poison man has become a slightly ambiguous independent food in a long time.

Big snake pill is worthy of big snake pill. It's not a simple role to find a thug. I just don't know what choice these people took when big snake pill defected. After all, the main line of future generations is not here.

"After a week's special training, yunkong, you have basically been able to keep up with them. We will officially perform the task tomorrow. I hope you will be ready." after today, big snake pill unexpectedly appeared in the practice field of yunkong and others, leaving such a sentence full of uncertainty.

The leisurely day is over, and the next task time is really not easy. Even in the special training, yunkong is tired every day, but this tired life ensures the life safety of yunkong.

And the next task, there is no boundary between life and death.