Shua Shua, a human shadow kept walking through the woods, which was the cloud sky returning from the iron country. Yunkong is crossing the country of fire again and rushing to the battlefield of Muye village and Yanren village.

In the iron Kingdom, yunkong carefully discovered the name of the iron Kingdom at the moment of the death of Ling Wu, the housekeeper of the name of the iron kingdom. Instead of grieving, yunkong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This strange phenomenon makes yunkong suspect that the death of the princess of the iron country is also related to the name of the iron country.

Yunkong was just the body of magic to fix the name of the iron country, but he didn't expect to use it unintentionally, but now it is just used to torture the name of the iron country.

Under the torture of yunkong, the name of the iron country spit out the truth of this matter. He was the one who really killed the princess of the iron kingdom. The housekeeper Ling Wu just wanted him to deal with the follow-up.

And yunkong finally understood that the steward of the iron country watched the name of the iron country before he died. He didn't expect the name of the iron country to save him, but simply couldn't let go of the name of the iron country he had seen since childhood.

Although the name of the iron country is an animal, Ling Wu, the housekeeper of the iron country, is indeed a loyal servant.

Yunkong doesn't know how they will treat the name of the iron country with the knife and the three ships. Yunkong is not interested in knowing this. Yunkong is eager to return to the battlefield between Muye village and Yanren village.

Kakashi, that fool, is still left on the battlefield by yunkong.

When Dai Tu thought of Kakashi, in the cave, Kakashi, yeyuanlin and maitekai were surrounded by the campfire in the cave.

"Three handfuls of bitterness and one detonating charm, are we left with this weapon?" Kakashi said after glancing at the weapon beside him.

"The outside is completely surrounded by the elite troops of Yanren village," said yehara Lin, opposite Kakashi, looking at the fire shining on Kakashi's face.

"Ah, there is no doubt that they will attack at dawn," Kakashi said. The current scene reminds Kakashi of the scene that the three of them were chased by ninjas in Yanren village before he died. "I don't know if I will be so lucky this time," Kakashi thought.

"OK, there's nothing to worry about. I still have these fists. It doesn't matter if I don't have enough patience. See how I break through the enemy's encirclement!" maitekai said indifferently.

"Hum," Kakashi snorted coldly. "In the final analysis, it's all because of your overconfidence and rampage that we are in a helpless situation. Do you understand!" Kakashi snorted coldly, "so don't act without authorization. I don't want any more companions to die in front of me!"

"Don't make people unhappy," maitekai didn't hear the atmosphere in Kakashi's words and mixed with nostalgia and sadness for the land. "Well, our duel depends on who can break through the encirclement!"

Maitekai said to himself. Before maitekai finished his words, Kakashi grabbed him by the collar. "Ninjas who violate orders are rubbish. If you don't want to obey my captain's orders, you'd better not be ninjas!"

Looking at Kakashi's angry face and Kakashi's shaking eyebrows, it seemed that it was at this moment that maitekai realized that Kakashi was not joking, but really angry. Next to Hiroshi nohara also looked at the angry Kakashi in shock.

"As I said, I don't want to see my companion die in front of me," Kakashi stressed again seriously.

"Kakashi ~" looking at Kakashi's heavy face, yehara Lin couldn't help saying

After a period of rest, Kakashi put out the flame. "Go, it's dark now, let's break through." Kakashi said. The three men rushed out of the cave in the dark night.

"Calm down, now escape to the East. If you can't, you can escape to the country of Taki first," Kakashi said softly. The three men walked silently through the woods.

However, the situation tonight was not very good. A bright moon hung in the sky like a disk, which enhanced the exposure of Kakashi and others to a certain extent.

But tonight, Kakashi and others are really unlucky. There are sensory ninjas among the Ninjas in Yanren village chasing yunkong and others.

When Kakashi and others escaped, Shua, a bitter tree shot at Kakashi from the gap of the tree. Kakashi lifted his head and felt no pain across Kakashi's cheek.

"Be careful." Kakashi yelled. Behind this bitter, more swords and bitter shot at Kakashi's three people.

"The strong whirlwind of wood leaves." maitekai jumped up and swept out with one foot. The strong storm blew all the suffering swords away.

"Kakashi, Lin, you go first!" after drinking, maitekai suddenly jumped out, shouted loudly at the same time, turned over and rushed towards Yanren village to shoot the bitter sword.

"Kay, don't act rashly!" Kakashi shouted, but maitekay had disappeared from Kakashi's sight.

"Turn southeast, let's go." Kakashi said to yehara Lin, "we must rush out of the bag as soon as possible." Kakashi took yehara Lin to another direction.

Looking at the moon in the sky from the woods, the moon looks particularly bright. Maitekai jumped from the branches one by one, and from time to time, the sword in his hand passed by maitekai. Behind maitekai, ninjas from Yanren village followed maitekai and shot a sword at maitekai from time to time.

"I'll fight!" maitekai turned around with personality and kicked a ninja in Yanren village who had caught up with him. Maitekai turned around again and ran away. Several ninjas in Yanren village followed closely behind maitekai and pursued maitekai.

"Yes, that's it. Come with me." maitekai thought to himself, "I have an enemy. As long as the enemy takes the bait, they will be more likely to be rescued." maitekai kept walking and dodging on the branch. On the branch he stepped on, his sword was nailed to the branch.

"Maitekai, the noble blue beast of Muye, won't die in vain." maitekai thought. However, at the moment he landed, a ninja from Yanren village suddenly appeared under the ground and slipped a wound on maitekai's thigh.

Maitekai quickly rolled away from the ninja who attacked him in Yanren village. Behind him, the ninja in Yanren village followed.

"It's not over yet." maitekai thought, and quickly dodged around again. Maitekai just dodged away. The position where maitekai stood one second ago was again nailed by the sword in his hand.

Maitekai couldn't dodge. A pain ran across maitekai's arm and blood dripped. Maitekai covered the wound on his right arm, "not yet... At least until dawn." looking at the Ninjas in Yanren village approaching in front of him, maitekai thought.

However, more than ten ninjas in Yanren village have surrounded maitekai. Maitekai held a stone beside him and stared at the Ninjas in Yanren village with a dignified expression.

The Ninjas in Yanren village looked at the boy surrounded by him ferociously, showing a malicious smile.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi, you're right. It seems that I'm really not suitable to be a ninja." maitekai thought to himself. But just when maitekai wanted to give up, there was a riot among the Ninjas in Yanren village.

Kakashi appeared among the Ninjas in Yanren village and knocked down a ninja in Yanren village with a few fists.

"Kakashi? Why are you here?" asked maitekai in surprise.

"I'll talk about it later." Kakashi shouted. While talking, he flashed the pain of a ninja in Yanren village. At the same time, he grabbed the arm of the ninja in Yanren village and threw the ninja in Yanren village to the ground.

"I'll talk about it later. Break through here first!" Kakashi said. He kept turning over and kicked a ninja in Yanren village.

In the bright moonlight, the sound of bitterness collision came from time to time. Kakashi grabbed two bitterness shots and turned bitterness. At the same time, he cut off the throat of the two ninjas in Yanren village.

As time passed minute by minute, the bright moonlight in the sky disappeared because of dark clouds. Kakashi and maitekai leaned against the trunk of a big tree hugged by several people.

"There's not a drop left in chakra. There's no big move." at this time, kakassi tightly closed his left eye and gasped heavily.

In the shadow of the tree opposite them, more than ten ninjas in Yanren village stared at Kakashi and maitekai.

"Kakashi, why are you here?" maitekai asked the ninja of Yanren village who was guarding the shadow behind the tree.

"Because you broke the order, I'll take you back," Kakashi replied.

"Am I really not fit to be a ninja?" after hearing Kakashi's answer, maitekai opened his mouth.

"No, no," Kakashi said in a low voice, "in the ninja world, orders are absolute. But if it's good to violate orders to protect the lives of my companions. I can't even see such people, then I'm not qualified to be a captain."

"You ~" maitekai looked at Kakashi with emotion.

"And your tactics are not bad. You succeeded in attracting the enemy. Now Lin should join the big forces." Kakashi said. At least Lin is safe, so Kakashi has no worries at home.

"The rest," Kakashi looked at maitekai, "at least save the fool's life." Kakashi thought.

Suddenly, Kakashi looked up and looked around. More than ten ninjas in Yanren village in the shadow of the tree had lost their figure.

"How serious is Yanren village?" maitekai also found that the Ninjas in Yanren village had disappeared and asked.

Kakashi stood up and boom ~ a thunder in the sky caught Kakashi's attention.