However, to everyone's surprise, yunkong and chilabi didn't rush at each other, but they shot the ninja who suddenly appeared in Yanren village at the same time.

"Thousand birds,"

"Thunder plow hot knife,"

The figures of yunkong and chirabi crossed the ninja in Yanren village. Yunkong and chirabi exchanged positions and turned their backs to each other

At the moment when yunkong and chilabi stopped, the head of Yanren village Ninja flew into the air. At the same time, a big hole appeared in the left chest of Yanren village ninja, which almost lost his left chest.

With the landing of the head of Yanren village ninja, the body of Yanren village Ninja also fell to the ground.

"Bastard!" the old ninja in Yanren village looked at yunkong and chilabi who killed their Ninja first at the same time, and immediately shouted angrily.

"Idiot, even that kind of goods dare to jump out, better than, well done!" the fourth generation peered out and shouted for chilabi.

Meanwhile, on this side of Muye village, Kakashi also shouted: "yunkong, Wansheng". With Kakashi's cry, the Ninjas in Muye village were also infected by Kakashi, and the sound of "yunkong, Wansheng" resounded throughout the battlefield.

Neither yunkong nor chilabi cared about the ninja in Yanren village who was killed by them, nor did they pay attention to the reaction of Muye village and yunninja on both sides.

Yun idled over and stared at chilabi, but Yun Kong didn't pull out the black blade in his hand again.

Chilabi also turned around, took out a pencil in both hands and wrote down yunkong's name in a book. "Yunkong Wansheng, Wansheng yunkong" chirabi strangely repeated the cries of the Ninjas in Muye village and suddenly began to drink: "fool, fool, I'll solve you right away."

"Bibi, don't be careless. The other guy gave me a very evil feeling." when chilabi drank, the eight bull ghosts in chilabi warned chilabi.

"No matter what evil it is, I will solve it immediately! Ouye!" chilabi replied to the eight tailed cow ghost in his heart.

While talking, chilabi waved and threw the pencil into the cloud. Lei Dun wrapped the pencil, making it no less penetrating than the wind blade.

In the face of chilabi's attack, yunkong also waved and shot a sword in his hand. Lei Dun with the same high-frequency vibration wrapped the sword in his hand. The collision between the sword and the pencil was like two shells colliding in mid air. With a bang, an invisible wave scattered between yunkong and chilabi.

At the same time, yunkong jumped up and jumped into the air, "Huodun · Impatiens claw." in front of yunkong, more than ten swords in his hand were rotating. At the same time, yunkong spewed out more than ten fireballs to wrap the swords in his hand, and the fireball wrapped the swords in his hand and shot them at chilabi.

When yunkong showed this number, Yu Zhibo weasel at Muye village suddenly widened his eyes, "it's so powerful. He used such a difficult Ninja so smoothly."

Different from yuzhibo weasel's admiration, yuzhibo Fuyue's face sank, "take the earth, what else hasn't been handed over to yunkong!" but these yuzhibo Fuyue just said it from the bottom of their heart. After all, yunkong is now yuzhibo weasel's master, and yunkong is strong enough to sit side by side with him. He doesn't have to offend yunkong for such a small matter.

However, in the face of yunkong's combined ninja, chirabi just raised his palm. The palm raised by chirabi quickly turned into an eight tailed palm. The sword mixed with fire was nailed to chirabi's palm, but it did no harm to chirabi.

But chilabi kept muttering hot in his mouth. At the moment when chilabi blocked yunkong's Ninja attack, chilabi pulled out his sword and shot at yunkong. At the same time, chilabi jumped around yunkong, jumped to the side of yunkong, and also rushed to yunkong.

Chilabi calculated the time when yunkong landed, and waited for the moment when yunkong landed. With the sword of high-frequency vibration and lightning and himself, he would attack yunkong at the same time. If yunkong couldn't cope well, he would be killed on the spot.

"Latent snake hand." but yunkong didn't fall towards the landing place expected by chilabi. In yunkong's hand, four poisonous snakes shot out in an instant, wrapped around a erected stone and pulled yunkong past.

Chilabi grabbed the sword that had just been thrown out by himself and turned to look at the cloud sky that completely surprised him.

"I heard that you are called a killer bee because you can use eight knives at the same time. At the same time, I also have a certain understanding of fencing." yunkong whispered, miso ~ the black blade he just put back was gently pulled out by yunkong.

At the moment when yunkong pulled out the black blade, yunkong's momentum was like a knife shooting at chilabi. "What a sharp sword." chilabi held the blade with both hands, his eyes slightly enlarged under the sunglasses and stared at the cloud.

At the same time, in front of chilabi, seven knives flew up and landed on chilabi, "meet your wish." chilabi drank.

As soon as the voice fell, chilabi rushed to yunkong and cut a blade to yunkong in his hand.

Yunkong turned his head and flashed a knife stabbed by chilabi. At the same time, yunkong retreated and pulled back from chilabi. However, how could chilabi make chilabi distance so easily? Chilabi followed up and spun his body rapidly.

Ping Ping, the seven knives on chilabi's body kept cutting on the blade in front of yunkong. There were bursts of sparks in front of yunkong. This was the first time that yunkong was suppressed in a physical duel with others.

However, yunkong certainly won't always be at a disadvantage. In the process of retreating again, yunkong jumps, and is no longer just blocking, but the black blade in his hand stabs at chilabi continuously when yunkong crosses over chilabi's head.

Yunkong just can't just block chilabi's attack. Chilabi's horizontal attack is relatively strong, but relatively, seven knives are mixed in all joints of his body. His body is like a moving hedgehog. He uses his body to attack people, but relatively speaking, it not only enhances his attack power, but also hinders his defense ability.

However, yunkong suddenly found that he was wrong. At the moment yunkong jumped up, chilabi suddenly reasoned that his feet were as flexible as his hands holding the blade to block yunkong's attack, which not only blocked all yunkong's attacks, but also fought back against yunkong.

The black blade in yunkong's hand quickly drew a circle in mid air and pushed the attacks away like washing clothes. At the same time, with the help of the reaction force of the attacks of these knives, yunkong suddenly turned back, and while turning back, two bitters mixed with detonating symbols shot at chilabi.

Boom ~ two explosions sounded, and chilabi quickly retreated to avoid the explosion of the detonator.

Yunkong fell to the ground, walked to the ninja in Yanren village who had just been solved by him and chilabi, and picked up the Taidao of the ninja in Yanren village.

One knife still suffers some losses against eight knives. Although the knife of Yanren village Ninja is general, it is generally better than none.

Yunkong shook the knife in his hand and changed the black blade to his left hand.

"Well," yunkong looked at chilabi not far away, "now, let's start over." yunkong said.

"What do you think?" Yu Zhibo Fuyue said when yunkong fought with chilabi.

"The Ninja named chilabi has a strong sword technique. Yunkong is not his opponent yet. Yunkong shouldn't compete with him." said bofengshuimen after thinking about it.

"However, although yunkong was at a disadvantage in the battle just now, it didn't suffer any loss. We still need to see the final result." Bofeng shuimen added again.

Yuzhibo Fuyue said again, "yunkong dares to challenge this Ninja named chilabi. He should have his own confidence."

Bofeng shuimen nodded and agreed with yuzhibo Fuyue. At least for now, yunkong has never suffered a loss in the battle.

Although an agreement has been reached between bofengshuimen and yuzhibo Fuyue, the relationship between yuzhibo Fuyue and bofengshuimen has no reason to improve rapidly, and there is even a sense of sympathy.

"Hum," hearing yunkong's invitation to fight again, chilabi snorted coldly. Chilabi jumped up and stabbed yunkong like a top in mid air.

But this time yunkong didn't wait for resistance. Yunkong also jumped up and rushed to chilabi. When chilabi stabbed at the top, yunkong held a black blade in his left hand, just like pulling a top, but he did smash at chilabi in the direction of blocking.

Bang ~ in mid air, the sword in chilabi's hand collided with the black blade in yunkong's hand. Chilabi's rotating body stopped for a moment because of yunkong's obstruction.

Similarly, under the reaction of this huge force, yunkong's left hand can not be restrained from leaning back, resulting in the wide opening of yunkong's empty door. Then yunkong not only has his left hand, but the blade in yunkong's hand stabs at chilabi continuously.

Because the speed of cloud space stabbing is too fast, it even leaves a residual shadow in mid air.

Chilabi's just rotating body rotates rapidly again. While the low-grade cloud space pricks, it also cuts horizontally to the cloud space.

However, yunkong also took turns to fight with both hands, and kept chopping at chilabi like chopping melons and vegetables.

Between yunkong and chilabi, countless sparks scattered, and the sound of banging spread in the sky. What's more surprising is that yunkong blocked the attack of chilabi's seven knives with two knives.

Although among the ten knives, yunkong has seven knives for defense and three knives for attack, it has always blocked chilabi's attack.

Bang bang, collide again. Yunkong and chilabi separate and fall from the air.