On a rock not far from Muye Village Camp, a ripple suddenly appeared. Yu Zhibo and Tu still appeared on the rock with the vortex mask. After Yu Zhibo appeared with earth, Jue's figure arched out from the ground like a bug.

Two huge pitcher fields were opened, revealing Bai Jue's Yin and Yang faces.

"It is said that yunkong ran to the sea yesterday to attack the fleet of Wuyin village, which led to heavy losses to the fleet of Wuyin village?" Yu Zhibo said softly, looking at the camp of Muye village in the distance with earth.

"Yes, I don't know if yunkong is mentally disabled. It's said that he took three elite teams to rob the fleet of the whole fog hidden village. Unfortunately, after adding yunkong, the three ninjas may come back." Bai Jue said frivolously.

"I have to say that yunkong is indeed a terrible existence. It is said that the fleet of Wuyin village suffered heavy losses, and at least 300 ninjas died on the way. Moreover, the fleet that Wuyin village was scheduled to land this morning has not arrived yet." heijue's voice is much more stable than baijue, Although yunkong's behavior caused the destruction of three elite teams, but also because of yunkong's decision, it destroyed more than 300 ninjas in Wuyin village at the expense of three teams, which is obviously a very successful battle result.

"I'm afraid it's not just that simple," Yu Zhibo said with the earth. "I heard that among those people, the real elites don't have upper tolerance, but some special upper tolerance and middle tolerance with flying psychics."

"Do you have any plans?" no one answered Yu Zhibo's question. Bai Jue resolutely chose to change the topic and asked Yu Zhibo to take the soil in a low voice.

"Which side are we on? Are we on the Ninja side of Wuyin village to attack Muye village, or on the side of Muye village to attack Wuyin village?"

Yu Zhibo sat down on the rock with Tu on his knees. "None of them," Yu Zhibo replied with Tu, "Don't you think this situation is very good? Yunkong takes the Ninjas of Muye village to fight with the Ninjas of Wuyin village. In the end, no matter which side wins, it won't do us any harm. We just need to solve the winning side."

If yunkong knew that yuzhibo's belt of soil was not far from him, yunkong would rush to seize it at all costs. Unfortunately, yunkong didn't know.

And now yunkong has something else to worry about, that is, there are demon moths in Muye village again. The agreed reinforcements yunkong needs didn't start. The reason for not starting is ridiculous. Yunkong and others can kill 500 enemies in the case of three thousand to three thousand. Then Muye village believes that yunkong can lead three thousand ninjas to resist the attack of Wuyin village.

At the same time, Muye village gives a high sounding reason. Those who can do more work.

Muye village also has its own difficulties. After the Jiuwei incident, some small tolerance villages in the tolerance community continued to test the attitude of Muye village. Even the small tolerance village looked like this, not to mention the other five tolerance villages.

Now Wuyin village has declared war on Muye village. Muye village has to guard against attacks from other tolerant villages. Now Muye village is in a very harsh environment. I hope yunkong can focus on the overall situation.

Yunkong sets aside the correspondents of the three generations of Mu Huoying and indicates that the surrounding mountain Haiyi and others can have a look. Yunkong doesn't know the overall situation of the three generations of Mu Huoying. If the Ninjas in Wuyin village have landed now, under the confrontation between the two sides, even if yunkong wants to retreat, there must be no way to retreat.

Fortunately, because of the ups and downs of yunkong last night, yunkong and others have enough time to deal with all emergencies.

"In my opinion, the village also has its own helplessness. The consideration of three generations of Mu Huoying and others is not unreasonable. Moreover, we still have more than 4000 ninjas. There should be no problem if we only defend but not attack." Nara Deer, after reading the letter of three generations of Mu Huoying for a long time, may be angry at their abandonment, but he still stands on the side of three generations of Mu Huoying.

Yunkong nodded. "Last night when I went to attack the fleet of Wuyin village, I met an interesting ninja." yunkong's answer was not what he asked, which immediately attracted the attention of all ninjas involved.

"It's the fourth generation water shadow Sagittarius Cang of Wuyin village." yunkong said softly, "Oh, by the way, the fourth generation water shadow Sagittarius Cang is still in the three tail human column force. And it's also a human column force that has completely controlled the tail beast force."

With the falling of yunkong's voice, all the Ninjas in Muye village immediately fell into shock. The arrival of the shadow of a village in person is enough to put pressure on the Ninjas in Muye village. Then a tail beast that can be completely controlled is an exaggerated killing weapon in the war.

"With your strength?" Nara Deer looked at yunkong for a long time. Although he didn't know exactly what yunkong's strength was, it should be very strong. So Nara Deer used the word you for the first time when asking yunkong.

"I can't help the fourth generation of Mu Shuiying Yancang," yunkong certainly understood the question Nara Deer wanted to ask for a long time, but yunkong immediately added, "similarly, the fourth generation of Mu Shuiying Yancang can't help me."

Nara Deer nodded for a long time, which was in line with yunkong's ability, that is to say, the strength of yunkong and fourth generation mu Shuiying Yancang was fifty-five.

In fact, yunkong still has some reservations. Yunkong believes that under the condition that he does his best, yunkong has information and can completely kill the fourth generation Shuiying Yancang with his ability. In other words, he is fully capable of defeating the fourth generation of Mu Shuiying Yancang, but why did yunkong do so.

After yunkong thought for a while, he found that he had no reason to do so. Among the 4000 ninjas here, except for the Ninjas with less than 1000 people guarding the border, most ninjas are yunkong's loyal followers, especially the dark ninjas, all of which are yunkong's lineage.

If you really try your best to stop it, yunkong is confident that it can resist the attack of the Ninjas in xiawuyin village. Even yunkong is confident that the Ninjas in Wuyin village can't move forward, even if the fourth generation says it can't win the tail beast.

But then again, what good is it for yunkong to fight with the Ninjas in Wuyin village. The answer has no substance except a false name.

Of course, yunkong is willing to improve his prestige, but the premise of improving his prestige must not be to sacrifice his power and those ninjas who believe in him.

"I think as long as we..." Nara Deer thought for a long time. When he was about to say what he thought was appropriate, yunkong gave orders at the same time.

"Order, all ninjas pack their bags from now on, immediately retreat a hundred miles, and we retreat to the origin." yunkong stood up and whispered.

"What?" Qiu daoding looked at the sky in surprise. Why did he retreat? But why did this sentence retreat? Under the reminder of Haiyi in the mountain, he swallowed it back to his own house. Yunkong is not their student now. Even the three generations of Mu Huoying and others must treat each other with courtesy.

Even if yunkong doesn't mind, they can't be ignorant.

"Nothing. I gave the order as the captain of this team," yunkong said.

Yunkong's words just fell. Among the Shangren present, almost 70% of Shangren quickly stood up and shouted "yes", and then dissipated into the room.

Has yunkong's power reached such a point? Nara Lujiu several people watched the Shangren who quickly walked out of the room around them. It was terrible that a commander could make ordinary people among these Shangren execute its orders without hesitation.

However, they never thought that yunkong had reached 70% of the horror here.

"Lord yunkong, I'm sorry. I don't know I shouldn't question you, but if you retreat now, won't our previous efforts be in vain?" Shang Ren, who belongs to the border force of Muye village, stood up and retorted.

"Yes, I think so too, but you should ask the three generations of Huoying. I can't answer your question." yunkong stood up and slowly walked out of the room.

"But with your strength, especially your leaders, we may be able to resist the attack of Wuyin village," the leader of Muye village advised.

"Then?" although yunkong didn't twist his head, he stopped.

"Then?" the man in Muye village looked at yunkong with hesitation. He didn't know what yunkong meant.

However, he doesn't have to guess any more, because yunkong has spoken for him, "then you will find that in the end, less than 100 of our 4000 ninjas survived the war, but we firmly guarded such a so-called land of fire."

"As you can see, we don't have reinforcements. For the so-called unknown enemies, let's fight against these known enemies again. I don't know what you think, but I won't let my subordinates waste their lives on this meaningless thing. They came here with me to get rid of the enemies and protect the country, not to be betrayed by the village Dead. "

After yunkong lost this sentence, however, yunkong paused again at the door. "By the way, I'll give you a word. Save people and lose land, win both people and land, save land and lose people, lose both people and land."

The man in Muye village was shocked to see yunkong disappear in front of him. It was clear that the truth was not the case, but he couldn't find a word to refute yunkong.

In particular, the last sentence sounds very reasonable, but shouldn't we refuse the enemy outside the country for Muye village?