"Mr. Lu, I think I have some sincere views on love?" Zhenyi still kept smiling, "so you can stand on the commanding height of morality and tell me what to do?"

"It's really a year. Forget it. Don't say you like it again. Your practice really desecrates the word like." Lu Mingzhe said coldly, "let go. I'll let you go home."

"Pooh, ha, ha." One year, it seemed that I heard a big joke, and suddenly laughed, "President Lu, did you just say to let me go home?" Do you want to put words? So he really has no ability for a year, so he needs to be merciful to the enemy and let him go home.

Tut Tut, that's terrible.

In the past year, Lu Mingzhe said directly, "Lu Mingzhe, now I tell you from a man's standpoint that I won't let Ruan Zaizai go. You never want me to let go. She is mine. She has belonged to me since she was born. "

"It's really a year. No matter how righteous you say, it's a pity that it's all in vain." Lu Mingzhe said directly, "I have proposed to you again."

"What, what?" It's amazing to look up every year.

"You have promised to marry me." Lu Mingzhe said, "it's really a year. You don't have a chance. You don't have a chance in your life."

"Yes, isn't it?" One year's eyes were still full of incredible. It was obvious that Lu Mingzhe would suddenly propose, and Ruan Zai actually agreed? What happened to that woman! Did you turn a deaf ear to what he said?

How could she marry someone else!

"Yes, you don't have a chance." Lu Mingzhe spoke again in a ruthless voice. He didn't mind breaking the last fantasy of the real year.

"My wedding to her will be held soon." He continued, "it's really a year. Be sensible. I don't want to see blood on auspicious days, so give you a chance to go back to your Vatican! "

As long as he really leaves for a year, no one will break his happy life with Ruan again!

Therefore, at this moment, Lu Mingzhe sincerely hopes to leave in a year.

Even if he was a rival in love, for the sake of Ruan Zaizai's face, he was willing to let him go.


Really one year suddenly smiled, and the delicate face was filled with a touch of treachery, "impossible! Lu Mingzhe! I will never promise to marry you again! "

"What a year." Lu Mingzhe's patience was completely exhausted. His hand had unconsciously touched his waist. The cold gun had a bewitching killing intention. He said, "do you want to die?"

Then he suddenly took out his gun.


A sharp bullet rubbed the auricle of a real year. Lu Mingzhe's hand was fast and sensitive. People couldn't react at all!

Really did not follow the road for a moment in a year. Although he avoided the fatal injury in time, a trace of blood was wiped out of his auricle.

At this moment, the man's white skin, lined with the bright red crimson, is like a witch blooming on the other bank, with a bit of danger and more unspeakable loneliness.

After all these years, I've been searching all the way.

The world is so big that he is afraid to miss meeting her.

However, why did he look for so long, but when he found it, the girl wanted to marry another man?

It's really unacceptable to sit in place for a year.

"Little Lord!"

At this time, hearing the gunfire from the room, AI thought had pushed the door open and rushed in with his bodyguards, quickly surrounding Lu Mingzhe.

She rushed to Zhenyi's face with an arrow, "young Lord, you're hurt!"

Really a year tight lips, no response at all.

"Little Lord! Little Lord! " AI thought anxiously and hurriedly took the first aid kit from her subordinates and began to carefully bandage Zhenyi. Only when her warm fingertips touched Zhenyi's skin, Zhenyi frowned, slightly deviated from her head and whispered, "don't touch me."

"Little Lord! You're bleeding. " AI thought anxiously, "I have to bandage you!"

"Don't touch me." Really one year persistent tunnel: "take these people out!"

"Little Lord!" AI thought his face changed, "don't do this!" What's the matter, young Lord? Who is he thinking about? Is that the man? People who never forget from urination, so they should always wear the peace jade pendant as a token of meeting?

But it's not worth it!!

"Ai thought, you don't understand what I said?" One year, he said coldly, "now! right off! Get out! " He doesn't want to touch these women again. Even though he can find many reasons to deceive himself into sleeping with them in the past, Lu Mingzhe is right. If he really likes Ruan Zaizai, why can he tolerate these women around him?

Even... When you look at the women under you, do you imagine them as Ruan Zaizai?

At this moment, Zhenyi frowned tightly for a year, and the veins on his arms burst, showing a kind of edge of explosion.

Seeing that AI's thinking is bad, he can't force the little Lord any more.

She immediately led the bodyguards out, but when she passed Lu Mingzhe before she left, she couldn't help but stare at her with a fierce warning. She said, "President Lu, if our little Lord has three advantages and two disadvantages, you can't get out of here."

Lu Mingzhe stood in place indifferently, listening to the words from the woman next to his ear, and ignored them at all.

He's just a small minion. He's not qualified to talk to him.

AI thought looked at Lu Mingzhe's ignored eyes and jumped with anger!

This man dares to hurt the little Lord!

Never let go!

"It's been a year. I said I'd marry me again. Did it stimulate you?" After they all left, Lu Mingzhe smiled.

He is very satisfied with the state of the real year.

Angry, sad, uncomfortable, your mood must be unacceptable.

Looking at the beloved woman to marry me! Get pregnant and have children for me in the future!

It means that the more sad the rival is, the more it can meet the abnormal psychology of the president!

"Lu Mingzhe! Ruan will never marry you again! " It's really a year to speak immediately.

"Really? Where did you get your confidence? " Lu Mingzhe played with the gun in his hand and opened his mouth carelessly, "for a year, I never let things get out of my control."

"Oh, really?" Really a year smiled, "what a coincidence, so am I." Nothing can get out of his control.

Lu Mingzhe narrowed his eyes and took the real year's words to heart. He said, "so, do you want to destroy my wedding with Zaiye?"

Zhenyi shook his head one year, and his smile became more and more gentle. "Lu Mingzhe, I have been looking for her for a long time. Her life is given by me, so she must give me back the happiness of this life."

That's... Weird.