Seeing her going out, Mrs. Wang wanted to stop her in a hurry, but Lin Che, who was never angry, suddenly looked at her with scarlet eyes: "get out of the way!"

"It's not miss..."

"I told you to get out of the way!"

"Little Miss..."

Lin Che suddenly tick out sneer: "in this home, who is the master?"

Wang's sister-in-law was stopped and watched her walk outside the door. When she realized that she was far away, she called Lin Yuezhi.

"Even if it's closed, keep people at home!"

Lin Yuezhi hung up and rushed out of the door, regardless of the fact that he was holding an important overseas meeting!

But when he got home, he was still a little late. Mrs. Wang didn't catch up with Lin Che and watched her get on the bus. When she caught up with her, she was already not on the bus!

Lin Che's face was as grey as death, aimless.

Half a year ago, she should have been annihilated. If Kobayashi Che is still there, maybe they are still in the original relationship. It's just that she fell in love with Lin Yuezhi and her brother!

It's very late in the evening. It's raining cats and dogs.

Several times I fell to the ground, and the big raindrops whipped me like a whip. Several times I barely got up and went on before I lost consciousness.

By the time she stopped, she was standing in front of a tombstone.

Seeing Xue Xue's picture, I couldn't hold it any longer. I suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't stand up any more.

She wanted to ask Xue Xue, but standing here, she couldn't say a word, only a sob spilled from her throat, crying in despair.

Torrential rain seems to be crying, the sound of rain swallowed her cry, silent.

At this time, the sound of rapid footsteps came from behind her. She really had no strength to escape, but she didn't know how to face Lin Yuezhi. She gritted her teeth and used her only strength to hide behind the tombstone.

Lin Yuezhi took a chance, but when he saw the empty cemetery, he was disappointed.

He looked for all the places she could go, but got nothing. Here was the only hope left, but she was still not there.

All of a sudden, he didn't know where to find his little wife.

"Aunt Xue, if you have a spirit in heaven, will you give che'er back to me? Would you please give her back to me? I haven't asked you anything since I was a child. You should ask me this time. Is that ok Lin Yue Zhi's voice trembled with fear. "I don't care what relationship you have with my father, whether she is my sister or not, and whether she is related to me by blood or not. I don't care about all these. I just want her, I just want her! Aunt Xue, can you help me to find che'er? "

The words of begging get into Lin Che's ears, and she covers her mouth with her hand so that the sob doesn't leak out.

It turned out that he really knew!

How could he be so low and angry that he only dealt with her. He was as small as dust!

For her, he retreated again and again, and even had no way to retreat for a long time!

He doesn't care, even if it's broken. As long as she's around him, that's all!

Why should such a small hope be stifled?


Lin Yuezhi's eyes turned red as he looked at Xue Xue's photo.

He took out his handkerchief and began to wipe the tombstone. The cemetery was cleaned by a specially assigned person. There was no dust on Xue Xue's tombstone, but Lin Yuezhi wiped it carefully, slowly and patiently, from the name to the date, from the corners and from the cracks.

"Aunt Xue, you brought her to me. Why do you take her away now?" Suddenly, Lin Yue's action stopped.

"Why?! You tell me why? Since I fell in love with her, why deprive me of the right to love her? "

The boundless sense of frustration engulfed Lin Yuezhi. His fist suddenly hit the edge of the tombstone, and the hard marble cut a hole in his hand, but he could not feel anything. He let the blood dye the tombstone red, and then was washed clean by the heavy rain, as if it had never appeared.

"I'm willing to be held responsible. Isn't that enough?"

Lin Yue seized the edge of the tombstone like a wild animal in fury. When it broke out, he knelt down and knocked his knees on the ground. Even Lin Che, who was hiding beside him, could hear it clearly!

"Aunt Xue, we can't go back. We can't go back to the origin in our life. No matter who it is or for any reason, we can't stop it. She's my woman. No matter where she goes, she will be in my life! Aunt Xue, even if you want me to go up the sword mountain and down the sea of fire, I will find her! "

Lin Yue finished, knocked his head heavily for three times, then got up and strode away from the cemetery.

Soon his figure was submerged by the heavy rain. Lin Che raised his hand and touched her face. The rain blurred her vision. She just wanted to brand his back in the bottom of her eyes.


Wei Jing is walking towards home with an umbrella. Suddenly, a mass of shadow beside the garbage can catches his attention.

Ol ^, Shoufa}. 0

"Lin Che?" When he saw clearly who was coming, he threw away his umbrella and picked up the fainting girl.

"Miss Wei..."

"You, how did you make yourself like this?" Wei Jing hurried to take her home and explored her forehead: "it's so hot! You have a fever! I'll take you to the hospital now! "

"No... I can't go to the hospital..." Lin Che grabs Wei Jing's clothes. At the moment, she looks for a little dry place all over her body. Her shoes and trousers are all mud. She is lost and has no popularity.

"What's the matter with you?" Wei Jing can't help worrying.

Lin Che smiles. How can she say this?

"In a word... Can you not tell my brother? I don't want him to know I'm here. "

Wei Jing frowned slightly and nodded hesitantly. Without saying anything, he went to the room to get clean towels and clothes.

"Wei Li has gone back to her hometown. Her room is empty. You don't have to think about anything. You should stay here tonight. If you have anything to do, you can wait until tomorrow."

Wei Jing goes to the bathroom to put the bath water, and finds that she is still standing in front of the French window.

This house was chosen by Wei Li because this window can see Lin Yuezhi.

Lin Che's back and Wei Li's back suddenly overlap. The difference is that his sister always curls up and hugs herself, and she stands upright on her back, just like a stubborn child who has been wronged but refuses to speak.

It hurts.

With a slight sigh, Wei Jing touched her head and said, "I've put away the bath water. Please wash it first, or you'll catch a cold.

Lin Che turned his head and looked at Wei Jing. His dry and astringent eyes didn't blink. After a long time, he spilled a few words from his lips: "teacher Wei, can I return Lin Yuezhi to sister Wei Li?"