"... nothing." Qin Fanfan covers his face painfully: "don't tell my mother about this."


No one mentioned the necklace again. It passed quietly.

Two days later, the city held a unified press conference to announce this year's top ten young people, followed by awards, interviews and photos.

This afternoon, Qin's parents accompanied Qin Fanfan to the venue. All the links have been arranged, as long as they go step by step.

Qin Fanfan went to the bathroom before she started. When she came out, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in the corner of her eyes. She was stunned for a moment, and then ran after her. But the corridor was empty, and there was no one.

"Fanfan, here you are. It's about to start. Let's go in."

Qin's mother's voice suddenly appeared on her back. Qin Fanfan quickly took a deep breath to sort out her emotions. When she turned around, she was already smiling. No one ever noticed her instant loss.

After the lengthy leader's speech, it finally came to the awarding session. Qin Fanfan, who was caught by two bank robbers, was arranged to be on the awarding platform at the end. When the host called her name, she had no response at all.

Seeing this, Qin's mother pushed her: "Fanfan, call you."

Qin Fanfan sleepwalking back to God, this moment of confusion did not have time to cover up, really fell in the eyes of Qin ma.

Like other winners, Qin Fanfan's thank-you speech has no special features. After a series of thanks, the host talks with her as usual.

"Miss Qin, I heard that you are going to get married. Here, on behalf of everyone, I wish you a happy wedding and happiness forever."

"Thank you."

"Did your other half come to the scene today?"


"This time you subdue two armed gangsters by yourself. Will your husband be under pressure?"

This question caused a lot of laughter.

Qin Fanfan himself laughed.

The host said: "after laughing, I'm joking. If everyone is like Miss Qin, thank you for your bravery!"

In the applause, Qin Fanfan returned to his seat.

The next step is to take photos and interview.

The media are all screened out and have been arranged in the interview room in advance. As soon as the award is over, Qin Fanfan and his party of ten will go to the interview room under the arrangement of the staff.

As soon as the door opened, reporters swarmed up. While the photographers pressed the shooting button quickly, the flash blinded people. At this moment, a middle-aged female reporter with a microphone pushed aside the people beside her and rushed towards Qin Fanfan!

Qin Fanfan is full of people around. When she finds out something is wrong with this person, the person has already arrived in front of her with a fruit knife more than ten centimeters long in her hand!

At the moment when the cold light flashed, her pupils suddenly contracted. The next second, she had an arm on her waist, and the whole person suddenly fell into a embrace. At the same time, the familiar breath came to her face.

Leaf tip

Two eyes on the moment, Qin Fanfan brain a blank, almost at the same second, she felt his body a stiff.

The leaf tip stuffy hums a, the side body once grasps the wrist of the abbot knife, abruptly broke that woman's wrist!

At the same time, the knife fell to the ground with a bang, the noisy scene suddenly quieted down, everyone's eyes were all focused on one point, the air seemed to be stagnant, at this moment, everyone's mind was a blank, only Qin Fanfan was sober.

She knows what happened.

Just at the moment when the knife stabbed her, ye Shao pulled her behind. The knife that had stabbed her immediately fell into Ye Shao's side waist, and then it was pulled out and stabbed. In the blink of an eye, the woman stabbed Ye Shao three times in the back waist side of Ye Shao!


Someone came back and screamed, and the security forces pressed the woman to the ground.

"You hurt my son and husband, you have to die!" The woman screamed to Qin Fanfan, "it's you, it's you! I won't admit it if you turn into ashes! "

The woman's son and husband are the bank robbers captured by Qin Fanfan. In order to get revenge, they buy fake documents and sneak into the meeting hall!

"How are you..." When Qin Fanfan opened his mouth, his voice was shaking.

Ye Shao smiles and shakes his head: "I'm ok, Fanfan, I miss you so much, let me hug you?"

He greedily buried his face between her neck and took a deep breath.

For four years, he stood carefully in the same place and did not dare to take a step forward for fear that he would hurt his beloved by taking the wrong step. Now he can finally hold her, smell her and feel her temperature

I miss her so much

"Leaf tip..."

As soon as her hand touched his waist, it immediately retracted like an electric shock.

The purpose is dazzling red, not only her hands, his clothes, trousers, even his feet have formed a small blood depression!

"No... no..." Qin Fanfan kept shaking his head. In the snowy Gobi desert, they gave each other their backs, but now, he used his back to block the knife for her

"Come on! Come on! ambulance! Call an ambulance

At this moment, the reason that was built up by Gao Gao collapsed in an instant. She lost control and yelled. She was as flustered as a child

Before he was carried to the ambulance, he held her so hard that he wanted to convey all his love to her.

"Fanfan... I love you... I love you... I love you..."

"I know... I know... I know..."

"You don't know... You never know how much I love you... I love you more than you think... I love you more than I think... I must be crazy to love you so... Fanfan... My Fanfan... I really love you..."

Qin Fanfan's tears fell silently, his lips trembled so that he could not speak.

"Fanfan... Fanfan..."

"I... i... I know... I know... I really know..."

"Fanfan... Fanfan..."

Qin Fanfan didn't know what to say. Her name was all around her ears. It became lighter, and finally it became difficult to spit out a word.

When the ambulance arrived, the doctor and nurse quickly put the man on the stretcher. Qin Fanfan's feet softened as if he were stepping on a mass of cotton.


The nurse called in her ear, "hurry up!"

It turns out that their hands are still tightly wrapped together. Even though ye tip has gradually lost consciousness, he still refuses to let go.

Qin Ma, who was attracted by the news, came into the interview room. Seeing this scene, she screamed and rushed to her with soft hands and feet.

"Fanfan? Fanfan? What's the matter with you, Fanfan? "


Qin Fanfan's stiff eyes turned slightly to make a sound, but his throat seemed to be held by an invisible hand