Qin Fanfan's eyes were red and tears almost fell down.

"Have you ever thought about what I would do if you really died? "Ah?"

Ye Shao's eyes darkened: "go to get married happily and live happily."

"It's easy for you to say!" Qin Fanfan pulled his hand back: "you are so dead, can I be happy, can I be happy? What do you think of me? Do you really think I can be happy when you die? "


"Don't call me. You make me so sad and sad. Do you have the face to call me? You can remind me, why not? "

"I'm afraid you're sad... And your parents... I don't want to make them sad..."

He also wants to appear in front of her, regardless of the consequences to take her away, but after that? Can she be happy? Can her parents be happy?

Qin Fanfan biting his lips, for a time, his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Without saying a word, she grabbed his hand and thrust it into his: "here you are."

Leaf tip spread out palm, is that arrow do ring.

His fingers froze.

Qin Fanfan looked at him and held out his left hand slowly.

Lost, stunned, ecstatic, just two seconds, his heart almost overload, eyes suddenly wet.

"No sincerity, you send it again." Qin Fanfan's drooping face was slightly red and said in a rough voice.

Ye Shao's eyes suddenly brightened. He took up her left hand and slowly put the ring on her ring finger.

When the ring passes through the first finger, the tip of the leaf stops suddenly.

Qin Fanfan's hands are very good-looking. Her skin is white and her bones are slender. The color and style of the ring are not in tune with her fingers.

"I'll... I'll buy you a better ring."

Ye Shao regrets that Yang gave her a ten carat wedding ring, the size of a pigeon egg, but this ring has nothing.

"How can I get back what I gave you? I just want this ring. You bring it to me

"I can give you a better one..."

"I'll take this."

Witness their life and death test, what can be more valuable and meaningful than it?

It's not beautiful, it's not worth money, it's not fancy, it has no style, and the material is not good, but it's unique. It's the witness to save him from death, and it's a bloody romance. It's polished with his hands. Her name is engraved on his heart, and finally it's put on the nearest position to her heart.

This heart is more valuable than any jewel or diamond.

An arrow saved him, and she was saved.

The eyes of the tip of the leaf are wet and overflow water. As soon as the eyes open and close, the warm liquid flows out.

He kisses her hand with a gesture of almost worship, and his heart is so excited that it almost jumps out of his chest.

"I'm sorry, Fanfan. I've made you sad for four years. Even the rings I gave you were made of brass. I'm not good enough. I'll work harder in the future. It doesn't matter if you don't love me. I'll love you more and spoil you. Thank you for coming back to me again. Thank you for not forgetting me. Thank you for continuing to love me. Thank your parents for bringing you to this world, Let me meet the best of you, Fanfan. I love you and your parents

Qin Fanfan's heart is shaking, she is sure that this person is really in love with her, and will continue to love her, no matter how many four years, his love for her will not fade.

After complaining for four years, all of a sudden, there is no grievance and injustice. She loves this person, and this person also loves him. In their eyes and hearts, they only love each other, love themselves and love each other more.

The people I love also love me.

Qin Fanfan cried and laughed, throwing out a very realistic question: "if my parents have not agreed with us together?"

Ye tip clenched her hand: "I am willing to wait until they are willing to accept me."

He will never hurt the people she loves. He loves her all, her family and her parents as his own.

"Well, with you, I'll wait with you."

She looked at the brass ring and laughed.

She wanted to go with him.

Then the doctor came to check Ye Shao. She left the ward to wash her face. Unexpectedly, she saw Qin's father and mother outside the door.

Three people all Leng for a while, immediately Qin fan fan deeply lowered a head.

"Find a place to talk."

Qin's father came to the restaurant of the hospital. There were not many people in the restaurant because it was not dinner time.

"Ma..." Qin Fanfan saw that her eyes were red and she felt guilty.

"Don't talk about it. Have something to eat."

Qin Ma put the porridge in the thermos into the bowl and pushed it to Qin Fanfan.

Qin Fanfan's eyes turned red and his voice choked: "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I'm going to let you down again..."

Qin's mother's tears had been swirling in her eyes. She quickly turned her head and wiped them off. Qin's father obviously didn't sleep all night, and his face was not good. Now she had deep dark circles under her eyes.

"Fanfan, do you really think about it?" Father Qin asked in a dumb voice.

Qin Fanfan sniffed and nodded: "Dad, I think well, I still like him, I want to be with him."

When Qin Ma heard this, she burst into tears.

Qin Fanfan was also miserable. He shed tears and said: "Mom, don't blame him. I can't let go of pestering him all the time. I went back to China to find him without telling you. I rented the house next to him on purpose to attract his attention and let him find my existence on purpose. He went to snow mountain to find snow wolf for me and was almost killed by the wolf, In fact, I didn't travel at all. I was looking for him. When I found him, he was being attacked by wolves. We fought side by side and fought in blood. This ring was made with the arrow to save him at that time. "

She raised her left hand, rough brass ring but let her as a baby.

"Dad, your heart broke when you were in a car accident. He operated on you. He knew you didn't like him. He was afraid that you would be affected by emotional excitement after you knew it, so he deliberately concealed it from you. After learning that I was selected as one of the top ten young people, he stayed by my window all night and never left. He was the one who helped me catch the gangster that night, and yesterday he..."

Speaking of this, Qin Fanfan's voice choked almost hoarse: "if it wasn't for him, I would be lying in bed today..."

"Don't say that," thought of the bloody picture, Qin's mother was afraid. She wiped away her tears, but Qin's eyes were covered with water vapor: "we all know that..."

Qin Ma took out a small box and pushed it to Qin Fanfan. Qin Fanfan didn't understand. She opened it and saw that it was the necklace of the shell pendant!