There was a lot of daddada outside. Xu Huiling wanted to poke a hole in the marble floor every step she took. It was not until the sound went away that Tang was very sweet that she dared to slip out.

It's the last lounge.

It's almost nine o'clock. If we can't find it, we'll have no chance today.

Tang is very sweet. He is so anxious that he wants to make a villain and read a pithy formula to change the person directly.

She lurks under the window, peeps through the glass window, and finally lets her find someone.

She took a deep breath and tapped twice on the door.

Soon the languid male voice rang out, slightly with a little hoarse: "come in."

Tang very sweet push open the door, two people's line of sight in mid air meet unexpectedly.

Sitting on the sofa, "Xiao Yujian" some inexplicable looking at people: "who are you?"

Tang very sweet think he is intentional, close the door to go over: "Mr. Xiao, I am Tang very sweet, I, I have something to say to you."

"Don is sweet?" A trace of fun flashed through the black eyes of men.

"Mr. Xiao, I solemnly apologize to you for what happened in the bar. I will do whatever you want me to do as long as it can calm you down. Mr. Xiao, I beg you for one thing. Please don't destroy the hospital, OK?"


What does the man think of? He laughs.

It's said that Xiao Yujian met a female doctor in a bar. The female doctor decided that there was something wrong with him. From ten minutes to one minute, then to seconds. Now everyone in the circle knows that the president of Xiao's group is a fast shooter. Ha ha!

When the man thought of it, he almost laughed. He coughed quickly.

Tang very sweet didn't notice, see "Xiao Yujian" didn't directly throw her out, quickly take out all the banners in the bag.

Her backpack was not big. She rolled up the banner and stuffed it in.

The banners were stacked on the table one by one, and then Tang very sweet began to recall the stories behind these banners.

"This patient named Huang Ling was eight months pregnant at that time. That was her third child. The first two were girls, so their family had to fight for a boy even if they were fined. They took the pregnant woman as a fertility tool and refused to send her to the hospital for delivery. As a result, the pregnant woman gave birth prematurely and the fetus was not in the right position, which led to massive bleeding, It's Tang you, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in our hospital, who is taking out his own blood and delivering the baby to the pregnant woman, who has saved the mother and son. "

"This patient, Jiang Jianguo, accidentally fell from a building 20 years ago and suffered from high paraplegia. His children and wife abandoned him. It was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who gave him medicine, food, bath and face every day. For 20 years, he didn't receive any money from the patient."

The story behind each banner, Tang very sweet, is clearly remembered. Tang Youzhong is her idol, her teacher and the Lighthouse of her life. She grew up watching his busy back for so many years.


When it comes to the last banner, her eyes suddenly become moist and the mist quickly gathers.

"Xiao Yujian" did not make a sound when she told.

See Tang very sweet, tears gather more and more, curious ask: "this patient is how to return a responsibility?"

Tang felt his eyes: "this patient named Tao Yang has congenital liver fibrosis. When he went to the doctor, he had liver failure. The only way is organ transplantation. In China, there are 300000 patients waiting for transplantation every year, and only 20000 can operate. In addition, his family can't afford expensive medical expenses, So he didn't plan to treat the child, but Dr. Tang... He secretly did the organ matching test between him and the patient, and found that he actually matched the patient, so... So he transplanted a liver to the patient... "

At the end, Don was sweet and his voice was shaking.

She was about to cry, but she couldn't help her tears, which made her eyes red.

"He is such a person, that hospital... Maybe nothing in Mr. Xiao's eyes, but it is all Dr. Tang's life. He can do anything for the hospital and the patient!

"Not all the old people can support themselves. If the hospital is gone, what should patients like Jiang Jianguo do? Can I beg you, Mr. Xiao? Don't move the hospital. I can go. I'll leave here. I promise I'll never show up in front of you again. "

Don't put all his eggs in one basket.

"Xiao Yujian" thought for two seconds: "what you said is very touching. I almost cried, but my brother is not the kind of person who was moved by several stories. Ah, if you want to talk him, you need more practical things, such as how much benefit you can make him get from it."

Tang is very sweet. For a moment, he was a little confused. He didn't understand why "Xiao Yujian" said that.

Suddenly, she saw the poster on the wall.

"Xiao Yujian" and Sasa, the popular pure idol actress, are bathed in the sun. They are hand in hand, surrounded by a blue sea. The words "see the scenery with you" are impressively printed on the blue sky and white clouds.

Isn't "the scenery with you" the movie to premiere today?

Why is this dead man on the poster?

Did he do it?

Tang very sweet look at the poster and look at the front of the "Xiao Yujian", suddenly thought of something!

The hero of this movie is Xiao Yujian's younger brother Xiao Yuqing!


Tang very sweet suddenly understand what, staring at "Xiao Yujian".


"Yes, I'm not the one you're looking for. My name is Xiao Yuqing."

"I... shit!"

Don is so sweet and silly. How can they grow up to be like each other!

Xiao Yuqing and Xiao Yujian are brothers of the same father and mother. They look like each other. Their appearance, facial features and body are at least eight points similar, but there are still great differences. Especially in their facial expressions, Xiao Yuqing has a sweeter smile and some childishness. They are especially suitable for acting in youth idol dramas. Xiao Yujian is just the opposite of Xiao Yuqing, mature, sexy, manly, lazy and casual, Vaguely with a ruffian gas, hook people's very.

This is also the favorite place for girls.

It's tailor-made for the words "evil spirit, cool drag"!

But Tang is very sweet and doesn't pursue stars. He doesn't know that Xiao Yuqing and Xiao Yujian look like each other. Xiao Yujian has only seen them twice. Once they were in a dark environment, and today they are both wearing navy shirts and dark blue suits. No wonder Tang is very sweet and admits his mistake.

Tang is very sweet. He looks at Xiao Yuqing from head to toe carefully, and finally finds out the difference.

Today, Xiao Yujian's hair is all in the back of his head, while Xiao Yuqing is in the middle. The former is wearing a tie, while the latter is a tie!

"Miss Tang? I'm glad to meet you. Congratulations. Because of your remarks, you are a celebrity now. Ha ha! "

"I'm... sorry... I've got the wrong person!"

Tang is very sweet, in a hurry to put the banner into the backpack.

"Good bye, Mr. Xiao. Nice to meet you! I'm your fan! Please forget everything I said just now. I forgot to bring paper and pen with me today. I will sign for you next time! "

Tang is very sweet, just waiting to slip, who knows just turned around and was pulled by Xiao Yuqing wrist: "aren't you looking for my brother? I'll take you to him